Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner - Yes or No?

Breakfast, lunch, dinner - yes or no?

Why does a person need the usual diet: breakfast, lunch and dinner? Maybe it's better to forget about regular meals, hot breakfasts and the traditional lunch menu? Today eat three times, tomorrow - one. Today for lunch there is borscht, cutlets and compote, and tomorrow - only a cup of coffee. In a hurry to live, we forget about the normal energy supply of our body. It’s no secret that sometimes you get so busy that you don’t even have time to have lunch.

If you intercept something on the run, you’ll move forward again. And you even believe that this will help you lose excess weight.

Probably, many will be surprised to learn that with such, to put it mildly, not entirely healthy nutrition, you will not lose weight. But it’s very easy to ruin your stomach. And if today you skipped both breakfast and lunch, but had a hearty dinner, most likely the only result of such a “diet” will be one more extra kilogram. Let's try to understand why.

If a person takes food regularly, at the same hours and approximately the same volume and calorie content, then his body constantly works in the same habitual mode. In this case, something is burned to obtain the necessary energy, and something is put aside in reserve.

Now imagine a person who eats according to a schedule for several days in a row, and then one day skips lunch. But it is on such a day that the body, which was expecting the usual portion of lunch calories, without receiving it, turns on emergency energy supply mechanisms. A pause in eating during lunch hours was regarded by him as a possible beginning of difficult days ahead. Therefore, a significant part of the calories of any food eaten at dinner is put aside “in reserve,” that is, converted into fat. We can say that emergency energy supply mechanisms are working for tomorrow.

On such days of disordered eating, the body assimilates whatever is offered to it. And if you are prone to being overweight, you will gain weight even from the apples, cucumbers or cabbage you eat for dinner.

That is, from those products that are traditionally considered dietary. Even a light dinner will contribute to weight gain. So don’t be surprised if, with such a nutrition arrangement, the extra pounds not only do not disappear, but, on the contrary, appear.

It’s a completely different matter if your meals are regular and even consistent in volume and calories. That is, the reflex is fixed: the body works in its usual mode. And then a carrot or a pear will become a truly dietary product for him.

The conclusion that arises from all that has been said is simple: do not expose your body to the prospect of hungry times. If you want to lose weight, eat regularly.