What is Kettlebell lifting?

Modern athletes can no longer even imagine effective physical exercise without all kinds of simulators and innovative devices. “Grandfather’s training methods” are gradually becoming a thing of the past, and rightly so, because we need to take advantage of the innovative achievements of the sports industry. Naturally, not a single fitness center or gym is complete without these popular newfangled devices. Most training programs, both for beginner bodybuilders and experienced pros, are based on the use of modern equipment and accessories...

However, the good old barbell and dumbbells still do not leave the scene, and remain the most popular equipment in “iron sports”. And no newfangled devices with their innovative trends, alas, can replace them...

However, there is another unique sports equipment, which for some reason was unfairly forgotten in the age of high technology. But our ancestors trained with precisely this sports equipment and were distinguished by slanting fathoms in their shoulders and notable strength. This refers to the good old kettlebell and, accordingly, the sports discipline of kettlebell athleticism, which will be discussed in this article...

But the kettlebell is an amazing apparatus! When performing exercises with a kettlebell, the center of gravity shifts relative to the grip. This is not observed either with dumbbells or with a barbell. Kettlebell lifting strengthens not only a person’s muscular corset, but also his cardiovascular system. Kettlebell training promotes significant muscle growth and improves your hand grip strength.

You should know that, unlike dumbbells, a kettlebell is a very serious sports equipment. And if you have never trained, or have had a long break in training, you should not suddenly grab it. Kettlebells are available in weights of 16 kg, 24 kg and 32 kg. This is where you should start with the lightest weight. If even a pound weight is beyond your strength, then you should start your physical exercises with dumbbells, and only then switch to weights.

Sample training program.

Experience has shown that it is best to engage in kettlebell lifting three times a week. If you train during the day, you will be able to eat only two hours after finishing your workout...


Exercise for biceps, triceps and hand muscles. Starting position: straight, arms down, take a weight in each hand. The brushes should be turned outward. By bending your elbows, you bring the weights to your shoulders. Do 3x5-10.

Trapezium exercise. Stand near a stool or chair. Bend your legs slightly at the knees. Move your left leg forward a little and lean your hand on the seat. Take a weight in your other hand. Raise the weight to your shoulders and lower it down. Then change hands. Do 3-5x8-10.

Exercise for the muscle groups of the neck. Lie down on a bench so that your head is hanging. You hang a thick, wide ribbon around your neck. I took an old scarf. And tie a weight to the ribbon. Now you should raise and then lower your head with effort. Do 3x10-12.

We train the leg muscles. The weight should be placed on the shoulder. Squat on full feet. Repeat half-squats several times and stand up. Shift the weight to the other shoulder and repeat. You should perform the exercise 9-12 times on each side.


Abs and back. The weight stands, for example, on the left side of the body. You should bend your legs, grab the weight with your right hand, and vigorously straighten yourself up and lift it up. Without touching the shoulder, the weight should be lowered back to the left leg. Perform 6-8 times.

Exercise for leg muscles. Hold the weight with both hands and place it on your back. Place your heels together, toes, naturally, apart. Perform squats with your knees slightly apart. Perform 10-12 times.


An exercise that perfectly develops deltoids, trapezius and chest muscles. Lie down on a bench and lift the weights from behind your head. Hold the weight with both straight hands. Don't bend your arms. After lifting the weight, lower it to your stomach. Lift it up and move it back. Do 10 reps.

An exercise that allows you to fully pump up your biceps. Place the weight in front of you. And, bending your legs slightly, bend over. Take the kettlebell by the handle with an underhand grip and bring it to your shoulder. Straighten your arm down. Perform 8-10 times on each hand.

Exercises for the abdominal, oblique and back muscles. The weights are placed between the feet. Bend your back a little, bend your knees. Look straight ahead. After swinging back a little, “throw” the weight forward at chest level. Place the projectile between the legs and repeat the trajectory. Do the same for the second hand. 8-10 times.

As we can see from the complex we proposed above, kettlebell lifting exercises can affect almost all muscle groups, which makes the equipment in question truly unique. It also takes up minimal space, and therefore can be successfully used for home or industrial training. Speaking of the latter, I was recently at a reception with an official... I saw: this typical office worker had a weight in the corner of his office. To my question about the equipment I saw, the official proudly answered: they say, when I have a free half hour, I immediately take up this weight so as not to lose my athletic form. I think this is a great role model for all of us! On this cheerful note, I’ll end my story, but for those who are interested in the topic, read our section dedicated to all aspects and nuances of kettlebell lifting here, and may strength and muscle mass be with you!

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