Function of the Medical Position

The medical position is the main element of personnel tariffs and determines their remuneration. The number of medical positions in the clinic must comply with the standard, which is calculated for every hundred visits to patients served daily: the number of positions determined by the standard for each specialty for the year, divided by the number of visits per shift and multiplied by the total number of shifts multiplied by the actual number of visits daily for a certain period of activity (calendar year). Changes in standards are determined for 5 years. For each specialty, a ratio is established depending on the categories of doctors (I.O., Ph.D. or D.Med.) and one of the following standard indicators is applied: the highest paid doctor does not have his own medical category or per category lower in payment, i.e. for doctors of the highest category it corresponds to 30% of the standard for the corresponding specialty, for the rest – 10%.

The function of a medical position is a calculated standard that is used to assess the workload and efficiency of doctors and medical personnel in outpatient clinics. This function takes into account the number of working hours that a doctor must spend on seeing patients, examining patients, providing consultation or home care.

Developing the function of a medical position is necessary to determine the workload of healthcare and identify problems in the work of outpatient doctors. For example, if it is revealed that not all doctors work full time, this may indicate problems in the organization of the work of medical institutions, the presence of excessive workload or insufficient qualifications of medical workers. On the other hand, if doctors are working more than normal, there may be a shortage of health care workers or a need for more staff. Overall, the physician position function is an important tool for monitoring and optimizing the performance of medical personnel and the healthcare system as a whole.

The calculation of the function of a medical position is based on the standards of work of a doctor established by health authorities. This indicator is determined based on the time that a doctor must spend in the hospital seeing and caring for patients. Other factors are also taken into account, such as work overload, the number of hours worked during the week, and an increase in the number of working days.

Work standards are determined depending on the doctor’s specialization and his functional responsibilities. For certain professions, such as pediatrician, cardiologist, oncologist, different