
The gluteal muscles are large muscles located on the back of the thigh. Their main purpose is to maintain the correct shape of the buttocks, which is important for preventing injury and increasing the strength of the lower body muscles.

As you know, our gait depends on many factors: from our feet to our posture. However, one of the main tasks of walking is maintaining the correct shape of the buttocks and the top of the feet. Our hips should be vertical to the ground so that our feet and knees can support our weight. This requires proper functioning of the gluteal muscles.

The gluteal muscles act as support muscles necessary for proper gait. Unfortunately, some people may

Glutella or so-called “buttocks” is one of the most erogenous zones in men and women. In order for them to fully work within the framework of an individual person or couple, it is necessary to provide a high-quality massage, including a facial and body massage. You should carry out certain exercises aimed at strengthening the “strength” component of the intimate muscle complex or, as experts say, the “muscular pelvic floor”; with the correct technique, all types of muscles are worked out. Training the intimate apparatus is the key to the feeling of full sexual intercourse. With regular training with massage and exercises, the muscles contract and stretch, which improves their elasticity along the entire length, namely from the pubic symphysis and coccyx to the upper segment or small pelvis. This training has a number of positive aspects for both sexes, regardless of age. Regular sexual intercourse stimulates sex life, as the muscles begin to contract more actively and produce female and male sex hormones, which have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. In other words, various inflammations are eliminated, hormones are better absorbed, and metabolism improves. And regular oral intimate caresses stimulate not only excitability, but also the work of the heart, because during sex the entire body system works at its maximum level. With regular impact on the muscles, the level of erection and “attraction” to each other in a couple increases, which has a positive effect on intimate life. But remember that each person needs a different number of approaches and time for training the intimate muscles, so you need to start small so as not to overwork the intimate muscle complex in the future. Massage, exercises on external and internal muscle groups, awakening sexual energy - all this can be done on your own. When massaging the buttocks, the intensity and duration of impact on a specific area may vary. A massage should bring satisfaction and relaxation. For some people, buttock massage becomes a separate prelude to sex. A very important area of ​​manual intervention is the lower part of the buttock. The muscles in this area need to be given special attention when performing a stimulating massage. You need to start the massage from certain points running parallel to the spine at different distances from it. The entire massage on the back side is done on the buttock in a circle from the area between the thigh