Fasting Complete

Complete fasting

What is complete fasting? How does it relate to fasting with minimal portions, how to carry it out correctly?

Full fasting (perhaps more correctly called intermittent fasting) is the process of not eating for a while and then returning to your normal diet. This type of fasting is very popular among many nutritionists due to its effectiveness in combating excess weight, getting rid of chronic diseases and improving the condition of skin, hair and nails. The purpose of complete fasting is to initiate the body's natural cleansing process by reducing intoxication. For many people, fasting is the only way to change their life and well-being. How is complete fasting done?

Fasting with minimal portions allows you to abstain from food either for several days or for several months. These cleansing options may be the most common and therefore less complex. The minimum portion fasting protocol requires eating small amounts of food in the morning or evening to stimulate a healthy appetite. The next day, the same eating pattern is followed at lunch. After the third meal, you need to fast until the evening. The duration of this fasting option can vary from one to several days.

Prolonged fasting should not last more than two weeks. It is this time period that is considered the most effective for stabilizing metabolism, eliminating eating habits and cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful components. The same is true when it comes to complete fasting. This method most often lasts five days, since it is considered optimal for a person - not everyone can live 25% without food, even with a fairly strong will. Prolonged fasting can be seen as a powerful tool for moving beyond stress.