Lumbar hernia

A lumbar hernia is a spinal pathology associated with the extrusion of an internal organ or part of the spine under the external part of the body in the lumbar region. This occurs due to weakening of the muscles and ligaments that support the spine and can lead to a variety of symptoms and complications.

Lumbar hernia can occur at any age, but usually occurs in people over 30 years of age. It can be caused by muscle strain, injury, improper lifting, weight gain, climbing steep stairs, and other factors. In women, the hernia most often occurs at the L5-S1 level, and in men - at the L4-L5 level.

A hernia can present with a variety of symptoms, including: lower back pain, sciatica, stiff or numb legs, urinary and fecal incontinence, weakness and difficulty walking. In severe cases, a hernia can cause spinal cord damage and paralysis.

Treatment for a hernia depends on its severity and stage. Medications, physical therapy, massage and muscle strengthening exercises are usually prescribed. In advanced cases, surgery may be required. For patients with mild forms of hernia, conventional treatment methods such as massage, warm baths and corsets can be used. If the patient is suffering from severe pain, then certain types of massage are used, such as pinching massage to relax the back muscles and regulate blood pressure.

Prevention of lumbar hernia involves a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the back muscles through exercise and gymnastics, and giving up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

_Small and large hernias extend onto the anterior and posterior surfaces of the spine. The contents of hernias are various roots, and sometimes spinal membranes, which causes pinching of the spinal cord roots and the development of neurological disorders._

A lumbar hernia is a serious condition that can lead to serious consequences if left untreated. However, if you find yourself with symptoms of this disease, do not panic. Below are some tips and tricks to help you deal with this problem.

1. Don’t neglect self-diagnosis. Pay attention to your pain. If they are too strong or constantly present, this may be a sign of a spinal hernia. If you feel pain only when bending or turning, then most likely your problem is habitual scoliosis.

2. See a doctor. In case of emergency medical care, you should immediately contact a medical facility, where an accurate diagnosis must be made. Only then, with a positive diagnosis, is it recommended to begin treatment under the supervision of doctors.

3. Planned treatment and observations. Even if you have a hernia, there is no need to despair and panic. Treatment is simple, and many procedures can be done at home. A good method is therapeutic exercises. But first you need to consult with a specialist. With the permission of a doctor, you can use medications (which are only available with a prescription!).

4. Nutrition correction is another important way to combat a hernia. It is necessary to consume as much fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish as possible, thereby saturating your body with proteins and polyunsaturated acids, which allow you to restore disrupted processes in the body. It is worth considering that you cannot eat milk, drink coffee, chocolate and white bread. 5. Visit your doctor regularly. You should visit your doctor at least once every six months for an examination. This will help prevent new problems and complications from arising. Remember, prevention is the best treatment strategy!

6. If you have spondyloarthrosis, give preference to shoes without heels and wear orthopedic insoles. Since in most cases the cause of pain is degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, high-heeled shoes interfere with the normal position of the sacrum. Try to sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

7. When playing sports, check with your doctor in advance about the types of sports exercises and avoid dangerous, traumatic activities. Remember: always exercise only under the supervision of a specialist!

Contrary to popular belief, traditional methods of treatment can lead to complications of the disease, often leading to loss of time. Delaying a trip to the doctor can cause permanent complications. Thus, the best thing is to trust the specialists and do not risk your health. Taking care of your health will help you save a lot of time and effort.