How to pump girls' arms with dumbbells so as not to become Schwarzenegger.

An attractive female body should be fit and slender. A slight muscle relief will only enhance the positive effect. There is an opinion that if you train intensively, you can pump up your muscles and lose your femininity. In fact, this is not an entirely correct point of view: a woman’s body perceives force loads differently, in addition, the hormonal background is very different and therefore achieving the effect of non-feminine forms will be very, very difficult, and without special nutrition and supplements - almost impossible. And on the contrary, an untrained body loses its natural tissue elasticity with age. The tone of the skin and muscles decreases, “sagging” occurs - it looks extremely unaesthetic. Therefore, run to the gym, pump, tighten and give elasticity!

So, we are in the gym or at home in a room reserved for physical activity. Fortunately, we already know a little about how to fight cellulite or how to pump up abs. But the question is, what to do with the upper shoulder girdle? Is everything okay there?

As statistics show, for most women, the most noticeable (in terms of fit flaws) - along with the legs and buttocks - are the arms. The problem area is the upper part: the triceps area, the posterior deltoid bundle. Even if you regularly attend all kinds of group classes, these areas often do not receive the proper load. However, there is a way out - we use additional training with free weights.

How to pump girls' arms with dumbbells? The same as for the guys. It’s true: the physiology in these areas is the same, only the development of muscles, endurance, joint flexibility and readiness at the start of training are different. To build biceps - if you are a beginner - standing dumbbell lifts (with a regular grip and a hammer grip) are suitable. You should start with small weights - 1 or 1.5 kg. It is important to immediately monitor the correct execution. When the muscle gets used to such an impact over time, add, for example, lifting dumbbells while sitting in an inclined bench or concentrated bends in a Scott bench. One or two flexor exercises per workout is enough for girls.

Don't forget about the shoulders. Volumetric, well-developed deltoids look good on a male body. However, girls also need to pump them up - they form the shoulder and are indispensable for maintaining the tone of the areas near the armpits (in combination with decent attention to strengthening the neighboring groups - the pectoral muscles in the front and the latissimus dorsi muscles in the back). Dumbbells are great for this. Raising your arms forward and to the sides, fly-ups, raising your arms above your head - this is the arsenal for forming this zone. And again, we start with a minimum half-kilogram or kilogram dumbbell. Next, we progress according to the pace of development of strength and endurance, and also taking into account the set goal: for some it is enough to maintain shape, for others they want to get a little relief.

When you have mastered the technique of such training and the equipment becomes too light, we increase the weights. However, we still start each new exercise with a warm-up approach - that is, we take a small dumbbell again. This is a warm-up. Then we perform 2-3 working approaches. Almost everything is the same as for men, only the weights are lighter and the sets are many times smaller.

Formative workouts in bodybuilding use similar approaches to training for both boys and girls. Building muscles to give them an ideal shape is the base. It’s up to you to decide whether to supplement such effects with aerobic training. We hope your program is scheduled.

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