Facial massage results and benefits

Experts are convinced that even the most advanced devices cannot replace the skill and warmth of human hands. Facial massage is still the most reliable and effective way to slow down aging. Now we will explain why.

  1. Facial massage - an investment in beauty
  2. Basic rules of massage
  3. Classic facial massage: purpose
  4. Facial massage according to Jacquet
  5. Contraindications for facial massage
  6. Tools Overview

Facial massage - an investment in beauty

The benefits of facial massage cannot be overestimated. All massage techniques improve blood circulation, resulting in:

the skin becomes smoother and more elastic;

its elasticity and turgor increase.

What else does massage do?

It has drainage functions and helps eliminate swelling.

Promotes deeper penetration of active substances from cosmetics into the skin.

Elements of plastic massage are effective for gravitational ptosis of the face (yes, the skin sags under the influence of gravity).

Massage can be performed both in the salon and at home (self-massage). But in any case, it is important to follow a certain technique that takes into account:

depth and speed of impact;

Basic rules of massage

It is carried out after thorough cleansing of the skin. First apply nourishing cream or cosmetic oil to the face.

Movements are made along the lines of least stretch, because the skin of the face has the property of stretching unequally in different directions.

All techniques are performed with relaxed fingers, without effort.

When performing self-massage, it is important to follow the rhythm from the very beginning. Counting “one, two, three, four” when moving and striking with your fingers makes the exercises more effective.

Classic facial massage: purpose

The objectives of classical massage include:

speed up update processes;

improve skin nutrition;

release tissue from excess fluid;

achieve deeper penetration of active substances.

1. Start the massage from the chin area. Perform patting, kneading movements with your fingers along the massage lines:

from the lower point of the middle of the chin along the contour of the face to the earlobe;

from the chin cavity (under the lower lip) to the earlobe;

from the corners of the mouth to the tragus (a small cartilaginous protrusion in the front of the auricle), from the upper lip to the auricle.

2. Proceed to tapping your fingers on the skin above your upper lip. These movements help smooth out facial wrinkles.

3. Place your fingers at the base of your nose and apply light pressure along the massage lines of the cheekbone area. The fingers move towards the temples.

4. Place your fingers near the corners of your mouth and use slow pressing movements to move towards the wings of the nose (2-3 times). This exercise helps smooth out the “wrinkles of grief.”

5. Perform quick tapping movements with your fingers in the temple area (20–30 times) to combat crow's feet.

6. Perform light pinching movements in the eyebrow area - to smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows. The fingers move in slow motion from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

7. Place the fingers of both hands on the middle of your forehead and perform light smoothing and kneading movements towards the temples - knead the wrinkles on the forehead.

8. Slightly pat the chin area with the backs of both hands - to strengthen the oval of the face and reduce the double chin.

9. Finish the massage exercise “Mill” to strengthen the contours of the face. The hands of both hands touch the chin area with rotational movements.

Facial massage according to Jacquet

Another popular technique is facial massage according to Jacquet. Many salons and clinics offer it as an additional procedure for problem skin. In the classic version, this is a pinch massage. And often these tingling sensations are so strong that they even affect the deep layers of the dermis.

Indications for facial massage according to Jacquet:

high activity of the sebaceous glands.

This intensive and rather aggressive procedure should not be performed on your own: stretching of the skin, bruising, and other injuries is possible. But competent technique and regular massage lead to an improvement in skin condition after the 4th session.

Contraindications for facial massage

Facial massage is beneficial for any skin type. But, like any cosmetic procedure, it has contraindications. These include:

pinched facial nerves;

inflammatory skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis associated with tissue suppuration;

pronounced and widespread vascular (capillary) manifestations.

Facial massage products

Extraordinary facial oil “Luxury Nourishment”, L’Oréal Paris — ten oils are responsible for nourishing, protecting and restoring the skin: lavender, rosemary, geranium, orange, marjoram, rose, chamomile, lavender, jojoba and rosehip. This floral and fruity “bouquet” makes the skin fresh and radiant. The oil spreads easily and is well absorbed.

Balancing facial oil “Luxury Nutrition”, L’Oréal Paris, Designed for normal and combination skin. Lavender, lemon balm and chamomile saturate the epidermis with beneficial substances and soothe. Lemongrass and citronella shrink pores and eliminate inflammation. And cloves, marjoram and rosemary saturate with moisture. Bonus - delicate aroma.

Armani Prima Glow-On Moisturizing Balm, Armani is a bestseller of the Armani Prima line with a light texture and a formula rich in moisturizing ingredients, including lychee peel extract. The balm softens the skin and normalizes hydrobalance. And after four weeks of regular use, it noticeably smoothes out wrinkles.

Moisturizing emulsion “Global restoration Ultime8”, Shu Uemura, with a milky texture, it successfully fights aging, refreshes and moisturizes the skin throughout the day. It contains eight valuable oils (olive, jojoba, lavender, corn, soybeans, shea, safflower, camellia) and an effective anti-aging component (lotus extract). With regular use, the skin is renewed, facial features become clearer, and the oval of the face is tightened.

In pursuit of perfect skin, women often resort to painful, expensive and unsafe procedures. Facial massage is a modern and safe alternative to beauty injections, which helps get rid of wrinkles, remove signs of fatigue and improve overall well-being.

Why the aging process of facial skin is inevitable

On the face we most often see the first signs of old age. However, external skin changes are only a consequence of problems such as:

  1. Muscle spasms;
  2. Poor circulation;
  3. Age-related changes in bone structures;
  4. Exposure to UV rays;
  5. Incorrect posture;
  6. Facial expressions and movements;
  7. Having bad habits;
  8. Inappropriate care for skin type.

With age, the outer layer of the dermis becomes thinner, the fat layer decreases, and swelling appears. As a result of poor lymphatic drainage, the eyebrows and forehead droop, forming folds on the eyelids, and the lines of the nasolabial triangle deepen. The facial contour becomes heavier and less pronounced.

What are the benefits of facial massage

Regularly performing a facial massage at home will help you forget about skin problems and signs of fatigue forever. Various techniques allow you to influence both the superficial and deep layers of the dermis, as well as the muscular frame, due to which you can achieve:

  1. Reducing the number of wrinkles;
  2. Narrowing pores and getting rid of blackheads;
  3. Improved blood circulation;
  4. Relieving tension;
  5. Saturation of the skin with oxygen and nutrients;
  6. Natural facelift.

Of course, all these changes will happen gradually. You will not immediately notice such a clear result as after visiting a cosmetologist. But you can relax and feel no pain at all.

General tips before starting the procedure

Any facial massage technique requires certain preparation:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics from the skin, carry out deep cleaning and scrubbing. If you have a nose or eyebrow piercing, the jewelry should be removed.
  2. For more pleasant gliding and saturation with nutrients, you can use creams, oils or facial lotions.
  3. The fingers must be freed from the rings; the nail plates should not be too long and sharp, otherwise it will be easy to cause injury.
  4. All movements are performed along strictly defined lines: from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the ears, counterclockwise around the eyelids.
  5. You should not apply too deep or sharp pressure on the points of the lymph nodes; only light pressure is allowed.


  1. Age up to 25 years, except when massage is necessary for medical reasons (swelling or nervous tension).
  2. Fever, viral and colds.
  3. Various skin rashes (herpes, acne, acne).
  4. Any damage (wounds, scratches, burns).
  5. Recent cosmetic procedures (skin cleansing, peelings).
  6. A large number of moles on the face.
  7. The presence of rosacea and fragile blood vessels.
  8. Postoperative period.
  9. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, tumor formations.

Duration of massage course and results

Facial massage is a procedure that requires a systematic approach. There will be no benefit from 3-4 sessions once a year, so to achieve a lasting effect you need at least 10-15 sessions.

It is recommended to undergo massage therapy 2-3 times a year. At the age of 25-30 years, half the sessions (6-7), which should be spread out over a couple of weeks, will be enough. But facial massage after 40 will require a full course.

On average, one procedure takes from 30 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the execution technique, which we will talk about below.

What type of massage to choose

If you are asking yourself this question, then it’s time to familiarize yourself with the most popular massage techniques today.

Classic massage

Simple and safe, suitable for doing at home. After applying the oil to the skin:

  1. We massage the cheeks in a circular motion, rising from the wings of the nose to the outer surface quite smoothly.
  2. Oil is rubbed over the lower eyelid from the outer to the inner corner (along the upper - in the opposite direction) to eliminate signs of aging.
  3. Then, you should walk your fingertips along the lines of the forehead from the middle to the temples.
  4. The contour of the lips is massaged using rubbing stroke-like movements.

Japanese massage

The Asahi Zogan massage technique combines the ancient secrets of rejuvenation used by geisha. Today they have become available thanks to cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka. The trick is that the surface of the skin is leveled through constant repetition of sequential manipulations.

Japanese facial massage is performed strictly along the movement of lymphatic fluid. Beauty points are activated by stroking and pressing. Each facial area (eyelids, forehead, cheeks and nasolabial triangle) is treated separately

Only three fingers are involved in the manipulations - index, middle and ring. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes and includes 11 exercises.

Russian massage

Combines several techniques based on kneading, stroking, tapping and vibration.

  1. The area around the eyes and forehead is massaged with the fingertips using circular movements.
  2. The effect on the face is made with two hands with four fingers (except for the thumb).
  3. Use the tips of your middle fingers to massage the area around your mouth.
  4. The nose is massaged using the pads of the index and middle fingers in a circular motion.

Before the procedure, the face is usually steamed. Each movement is repeated 8-10 times.

Vacuum massage

A popular salon procedure, the result of which is achieved through the dosed effect of negative pressure. It is performed using a special massager, but sometimes there is a technique for performing vacuum facial massage with cups. Using these devices, air is drawn out from the skin being treated.

Therapy should be completed after 30 years of age. During the process, special oil is applied to the face. The nozzle of the device or jar is installed on the skin area and fixed for a few seconds, after which it is moved to another area using circular movements. Repeated 8-10 times on each zone (on eyelids up to 5). The minimum duration is 10-15 minutes with subsequent increase.

Lymphatic drainage massage

The pronounced cosmetic effect of the therapy allows you to look younger for decades. Over the course of several procedures, the movement of venous blood improves, which evens out skin color, reduces swelling and accelerates metabolic processes.

The technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage involves both manual and hardware effects. The main thing is to perform circular, stroking and tapping manipulations strictly along the lymph flow lines.


Used to treat skin diseases. A special feature is deep pinch techniques that affect the subcutaneous fat. The technique has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, promotes renewal and healing of the skin.

In this case, Jacquet massage is used most often, but it can be used as an independent technique. The procedure is carried out using talcum powder using pinching movements with the thumb and forefinger from the center to the periphery of the face. Completes in approximately 10 minutes.

Selecting your own cosmetic oil for facial massage

Natural ingredients enhance the effect of massage treatments, so it is important to select a product according to your skin type:

  1. Universal sunflower and olive oils are found in every kitchen; they are ideal for facial massage at home. They can be mixed or used pure.
  2. Almond, grape, peach and other seed-based oils are good for oily dermis. They won't clog pores.
  3. Thin and dry skin will feel better after a massage with avocado, cocoa, and coconut oil.
  4. Essential oils with any aroma will help you relax, but you should add very little of them so that the smell does not turn out to be harsh.

Important! Before using the oil, you must ensure that you are not allergic to the component.

Try a facial massage course at home or in a salon and let us know your results in the comments.

Facial massage is used for external care as a supplement or replacement for external cosmetics. Massage stimulates blood flow, lymph movement and metabolic processes, improves gas exchange, gives the skin firmness and elasticity, and helps cope with wrinkles. Today there are many techniques that make it possible to rejuvenate the skin, cope with swelling and eliminate other imperfections. The procedure is available in salons; you can also perform self-massage at home.


What are the benefits of cosmetic procedures?

Facial massage in cosmetology is aimed at improving the general functional and aesthetic state of the epidermis, namely:

  1. improves skin color;
  2. stimulates blood flow, which improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients;
  3. activates local metabolic processes;
  4. helps cope with stress, improves mood;
  5. relieves increased muscle tone;
  6. rejuvenates, eliminates wrinkles;


  7. relieves swelling and reduces sagging;
  8. “raises” the oval;
  9. helps cope with skin defects in the form of acne, pimples, pigmentation;
  10. relieves headaches;
  11. eliminates discomfort and eye fatigue;
  12. strengthens the vascular network of the face, neck and décolleté;
  13. reduces body fat;
  14. normalizes the secretory function of the sebaceous glands.

To obtain the desired effect, one procedure is not enough; it is necessary to undergo a course of 10-15 sessions 3-4 times a year.

Users often search for:

Indications and contraindications

Cosmetic facial massage is usually prescribed to women over 40 years of age to eliminate signs of skin aging and prevent age-related changes. As well as the treatment of pimples, acne, scars, the procedure can be carried out from the age of 25.


Indications for cosmetic massage (for the face and neck) are:

  1. saggy and dry skin;
  2. wrinkles;
  3. pigmentation;
  4. excess sebum production;
  5. enlarged pores;
  6. age-related transformation of the oval of the face;
  7. swelling;
  8. unhealthy color of the epidermis;
  9. skin defects (scars, pimples).

The cosmetic procedure is not recommended for rashes of allergic and infectious etiology (herpes), which can intensify the manifestations of the disease and worsen the general condition of the patient. Also, a visit to a cosmetologist should be postponed if there are wounds and abrasions on the face or dermatitis.

Massage will not be useful for people with intolerance to the procedure, as well as with increased or decreased intracranial pressure. A strict contraindication is rosacea (vascular network on the face), as well as increased fragility of capillaries.

The procedure will be harmful during the restoration of the epidermis after burns, peelings of varying depths of exposure and dermabrasion (mechanical grinding of the top layer of skin).

It is also not recommended to visit a cosmetologist during the acute course of ENT pathologies, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, which are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, weakness and deterioration of the general condition.

Rejuvenating and health-improving procedures in beauty salons are not recommended for blood diseases that are accompanied by impaired blood clotting, oncology, or during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Massaging technique

Regardless of the technique of cosmetic massage, it is recommended to follow some recommendations. So, the procedure is carried out in a calm environment in a relaxed state, sitting or lying down.

During the session, you should not strain your facial muscles, laugh, or talk. Before the procedure, the hair is collected under a bandage.

The massage therapist makes all movements smoothly, strictly along the massage lines, without affecting the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Changes in techniques are carried out immediately with minimal pauses and intervals.


To prevent facial injury during the procedure, the cosmetologist must have his nails cut short. To better glide the massage therapist's hands over the skin and nourish the epidermal cells, massage creams, ointments and essential oils or their compositions are applied to the face and neck area. Before using them, a test is carried out for allergic reactions and the skin is cleansed of makeup and dead cells.


The classical technique is gentle and is used to improve the appearance of the epidermis and eliminate shallow wrinkles, prevent age-related changes and maintain skin tone.

Performed along massage lines in compliance with the following sequence:

  1. from the chin to the ears;
  2. from the corners of the mouth to the ear tragus;
  3. from nose to temples,
  4. from the cheeks and cheekbones in a circular motion towards the temples;
  5. from the bridge of the nose up to the middle of the forehead and to the sides, drawing the letter “T”;
  6. from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner of the lower eyelid;
  7. from the inner corner of the eye to the outer on the upper eyelid.


The session should begin with stroking, covering all massage lines. Next, rubbing is carried out with the fingertips, without applying pressure and avoiding pain. At the kneading stage, all massage lines are worked out in turn using spiral movements. To relax the skin after toning, the cosmetologist makes rhythmic alternating pats with his fingertips, creating vibration.

All massage techniques are carried out 6-8 times. The duration of one session ranges from 10 to 20 minutes.

It is recommended to visit a specialist 1-3 times a week. The number of procedures is selected individually, based on the condition of the skin, and can reach 20 sessions.

According to Akhabadze

Akhabadze Antonina Fedorovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of improved classical facial massage. Akhabadze is an improved massage technique that anyone can master. When choosing this technique, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist 2-4 times a week. The total number of sessions ranges from 10 to 20.

Massage according to Akhabadze is performed with light strokes, following the following sequence:

The thumbs should be fixed on the bridge of the nose, the rest should be drawn from the angle of the lower jaw through the nasolabial folds. Such movements are carried out 5-6 times. From the chest along the side surface, move the fingertips 5 times and close them in the center of the chin. Run your fingers from the center of the chin and nasolabial fold to the sides towards the ears, with your lips between the index and middle fingers. Work the area around the mouth clockwise. To work out the cheekbones, you need to move the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers three times from the wings of the nose through the cheekbones to the temples. Massage your eyelids with your index and middle fingers in a clockwise direction. Then fix the skin on the temple with one hand, and with the other draw a figure eight around the eyes and change hands.


Work the upper eyelid with the middle and index fingers, passing the eyebrow between them from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, using stroking, which is replaced by vibration. Walk across the forehead with stroking and vibrating movements, alternately from the center to the temples.

Hopes Kim

Nadezhda Kim is a doctor, the founder of a massage school, which teaches improved classical techniques. Nadezhda Kim's technique includes a set of techniques that allow you to cope not only with wrinkles and other skin changes, but also eliminate congestion in the lymphatic system.

It is recommended for a woman to visit a massage room twice a week. The disadvantage of this technique is the inability to fully master it on your own. To do this, you need to undergo training in specialized schools.

Massage according to Nadezhda Kim’s method is performed with light stroking movements:

move your palm from the bridge of your nose down to your chin, then to the lymph nodes near your neck and collarbones; from the middle of the chin, move your palm to the ears; use the pads of the index and middle fingers to rise from the dimple under the nose to the ears, then go down along the lower jaw to the chin; work the area from one ear to the other, passing the lower part of the chin and lip area; from the nose along the zygomatic arch with the palm of the hand to the temples; to work out the eyelid area, draw glasses and a figure eight around the eyes using the pads of the ring and middle fingers; massage your forehead from bottom to top.


This type of massage is useful for preventing and combating age-related changes, therefore it is prescribed to women over 30 years old. The technique is complex, so it is carried out only by a specialist with a medical education.

The difference between this type is the use of talc instead of oil, which prevents the fingers from slipping excessively on the skin. It is recommended to do this massage every other day, and the total number of sessions can reach 20.


Photo: facial massage with preliminary application of cream

The procedure should begin with relaxation using stroking movements along massage lines, which are gradually replaced by light pressure. Next, kneading is carried out by working out and deeply affecting the muscle fibers.

After working on the face, it is important to massage the neck from the double chin area to the earlobes and from the lower jaw line to the collarbone and décolleté area. For this purpose, stroking and kneading techniques are used.


To carry it out, talc is used. The skin is grabbed between the second phalanx of the index finger and the pads of the thumb. All movements should not cause pain or discomfort.


All massage lines are worked through with pinches 4 times. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes, the frequency of sessions is 2 times a week with a total number of procedures no more than 15 times.


Vacuum massage involves the use of special cans with suction cups. It helps normalize blood and lymph flow, improve the shape of the face and cope with rashes. This massage is recommended to be performed once a week for a course of 2 months.

The procedure should begin from the clavicular area where the cans are installed. The skin is worked from the collarbones towards the chin, from where the skin is massaged with progressive movements to the ear tragus and from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes.


To work on the eyelids, cups are placed under the lower eyelid. Next, the massage therapist directs them to the temples using a pinpoint method.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage helps to cope with puffiness, unhealthy complexion and circles under the eyes. It is carried out by a massage therapist with medical education in the direction of lymph movement.

Stimulation of the lines along the lymph flow is carried out by pulsating stroking movements with light pressure and tapping.

Facial massage by a cosmetologist

To conduct a cosmetic facial massage, it is recommended to contact a cosmetologist who knows various techniques, who will select the one that suits you, based on an analysis of your age, skin condition, the presence of fine and deep wrinkles and other defects.

A cosmetologist-massage therapist is a specialist who has been trained in massage and has knowledge regarding the characteristics of blood and lymph flow and skin. After the course, the cosmetologist will also give advice on facial skin care to prolong the effect.

The price for massage therapist services depends on the equipment and region of residence. As a rule, the price of one procedure varies from 500 to 2000 rubles.

To achieve a noticeable result, along with a massage you should do facial exercises, follow a special diet and use skincare products suitable for your skin type.

Video tutorials for self-massage at home

Facial massage can be done independently to prevent age-related changes and combat skin defects. To learn how to self-massage your face, just watch video tutorials.

It is impossible to get the same effect after a course of massage as from a cosmetologist. This is due to the inability to relax during the procedure, as well as the unfavorable positioning of the hands, which narrows the range of techniques.

At home, it is possible to perform a classic massage, as well as carry out the procedure using massagers or special devices.

Technology training: courses in Moscow and St. Petersburg

You can undergo training and receive a certificate as a massage therapist at massage schools under the supervision of experienced doctors and massage therapists. You can learn Nadezhda Kim’s original methodology only at her school at the address: St. Petersburg, Moskovsky pr., 59.


The cost of lessons depends on the massage technique and duration of training. At Nadezhda Kim's signature school, tuition fees range from 2.4 to 13 thousand rubles.

Cosmetic facial massage helps to cope with the signs of aging, improve the condition of the skin, and normalize blood and lymph flow. This is a pleasant procedure that can be used instead of or in conjunction with facial skin care cosmetics.