Shiatsu anti-wrinkle facial massage

Many people do not want to come to terms with age and think about how to prolong youth, tighten the skin on their face and get rid of wrinkles. High-quality lifting creams, Botox and plastic surgery come to the rescue. And for some reason, few people remember a simple and very effective method of rejuvenation - massage, which works real miracles. This method is time-tested, especially when it comes to Japanese shiatsu facial massage, which, despite its youth, has already gained popularity all over the world. What is the secret of this miracle technology?



The author of the massage is Japanese doctor Takuiro Namikoshi. Working with his patients, he noticed that pressing on certain points of the body activates the internal forces of the body, resulting in healing from various diseases. It is for this reason that we subconsciously rub the sore spot after a bruise, stimulating blood circulation in the sore area. Shiatsu is an improved version of classic acupressure. The name of the massage technique consists of two words - “shi” and “atsu” - “fingers” and “pressure”, but the secret of effectiveness lies not only in improving blood circulation. The fact is that mechanical irritation of certain areas of the body leads to proper circulation of qi energy. And if the internal energy is in order, it is immediately reflected in the appearance. The effect of smoothing out even the deepest wrinkles is explained simply - according to Takuiro Namikoshi, over the years, muscles get tired and lose their ability to contract, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles, which are a consequence of muscle hypertonicity. When pressed, lactic acid is converted into glycogen, the muscles restore their ability to contract, and wrinkles on the face and neck are smoothed out.

Alternative medicine specialist Vladislav Orishchenko talks about the benefits of shiatsu. “Pressing on certain points not only activates blood circulation, but also accelerates the outflow of lymph from this area of ​​the muscle, so swelling disappears, and the functioning of all vital organs improves, which instantly affects well-being and health,” he shares his knowledge and experience. It turns out that shiatsu protects the body from colds and gastrointestinal diseases, normalizes blood pressure, treats insomnia, headaches and nervous disorders, improves vision, increases performance and enhances concentration. In addition, shiatsu affects the endocrine system, normalizes hormonal levels and libido. It is enough to press on a certain point to correct any problems in the body, but you should not practice this technique on your own.


“The choice of points and intensity of exposure is selected individually for each person, otherwise you can harm your body or stretch the skin, thereby contributing to the appearance of new wrinkles.”


Japanese massage has long been included in the list of the most popular services in beauty salons. The four massage techniques that have taken root the best among us are amma, kobido, asahi and shiatsu. Now it’s clear why Japanese women look so good at any age, and the secret of their eternal youth is simple - acupressure of the face, which is more effective than creams and other anti-aging procedures.


“If you regularly perform shiatsu facial massage sessions, you can slow down the process of skin aging. Already existing wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones do not form, as the skin begins to produce collagen and elastin in increased quantities. However, not everyone benefits from such a massage, so in our clinic all patients first visit a therapist and a dermatologist, who decide on the advisability of the Japanese technique.”

Contraindications for shiatsu are acne, rosacea, herpes, dermatitis, allergies, problems with intracranial pressure. It is also worth refraining from procedures in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, in the presence of malignant tumors, in case of fever and viral infections.


The magic points through which the massage therapist influences the energy flows of the body are located in small pits on joints, bones and tendons, on arteries and between muscle fibers. It is difficult for a beginner to detect these points, but Japanese specialists find them intuitively; they only need to see the person’s face and body to understand which areas should be pressed. Pressure can have different intensity - depending on age, skin type and depth of wrinkles. The duration of the massage also varies, because each person’s body is a unique system. In addition to their fingers, massage therapists also use other devices - metal ki-gong balls and special sticks that are pressed to the skin and rotated in different directions. This gives a powerful surge of energy and perfectly tones the body.

The massage therapist often uses rubbing and massaging techniques; he may also ask the patient to puff out his cheeks or stretch out his lips. By the way, during a massage session, the master influences the points not only with the pads of his thumbs, but also with three fingers or the entire palm, while the time of pressure on one point does not exceed 7 seconds. The procedure itself lasts about 10–20 minutes, and the massage course lasts 7–10 days, after which you should take a short break.

Once Marilyn Monroe, while traveling in Japan, became very ill, and no medicine helped. Takuiro Namikoshi himself came to the aid of the star, who gave her a shiatsu massage and got her back on her feet in just half an hour, as a result of which the actress shone on stage and the audience did not notice the ailment. It is not surprising that Japanese technology soon became popular in the USA and Marilyn Monroe used it to preserve her beauty and youth.

Shiatsu is a type of Japanese therapy based on various types of massage. Translated from Japanese, “shiatsu” means “finger pressure,” so it’s not difficult to guess how the massage is performed.

Shiatsu facial massage is completely different from the traditional one used in European countries, where a set of actions aimed at smoothing out wrinkles is offered as a rejuvenating procedure.

Shiatsu is not massaging as such, but pressing on certain points with the pads of the fingers. Thanks to this, you can not only improve your health, get rid of many diseases, but also look significantly younger. The whole process occurs in a certain sequence, which is the main guarantor of an excellent result.


The author of the method is considered to be the Japanese T. Namikoshi, who began to practice massage using a new technique at the beginning of the twentieth century. He spoke in detail about the new type of massage, its effect on the human body, consequences and prospects in the book “Shiatsu - Japanese finger pressure therapy.” Here he explained in detail that pressing on certain points can awaken the body's reserves, and each point is responsible for a specific organ. Already in 1940 of the last century, a Shiatsu college was opened in Japan, and not only connoisseurs of oriental medicine, but also sports, television, and film stars from the USA and Europe began to resort to the technique.

Shiatsu massage became especially popular after actress Marilyn Monroe and boxer Muhammad Ali experienced it.


Operating principle

Now Shiatsu massage is recognized at the official level in its homeland. This technique is studied for at least three years in order to obtain a certificate and the right to work in Japan and foreign countries.

Despite the fact that many Japanese women know how to do a Shiatsu massage on their own, it can only be truly done by a specialist who thoroughly knows the physiology of the processes in the human body that follow pressing on a certain point.

During the procedure, finger pressure and optimal pressing are carried out at right angles to the facial muscles, while the skin should not be stretched. Thanks to the activation of certain points on the face, general relaxation of the body is triggered, which leads to normalization of blood supply in small vessels, relief of tension, and disappearance of swelling.

Indications and contraindications

Women and men use Shiatsu facial massage as a rejuvenating procedure, since the effect of the massage can be compared to the work of an expensive anti-aging cream. If you massage regularly, the aging process of the skin will slow down, since collagen and elastin will be produced 2 times faster. The face will acquire a healthy appearance, the process of formation of new wrinkles will stop, and facial wrinkles will noticeably smooth out due to the strengthening of facial muscles.

But in addition to the rejuvenating effect, it can relieve headaches, cure insomnia, improve emotional state, relieve chronic fatigue, facial nervous tics and the first manifestations of a cold. In fact, all these indicators are a consequence of the relaxation that massage leads to, since in the modern rhythm of life people have simply forgotten how to relax.

But not in all cases massage can be beneficial. There are diseases and conditions in which Shiatsu massage is contraindicated:

  1. in the presence of open wounds;
  2. with low intracranial pressure;
  3. in the presence of tumors on the skin;
  4. with dilated facial vessels;
  5. during rashes of an allergic or cold nature;
  6. during inflammatory processes such as herpes, furunculosis, dermatitis, etc.


Before a facial massage, you need to cleanse the skin with herbal products, then apply a hot compress for a few minutes, which will help relax the muscles and expand the pores. After this, a moisturizer with vitamin supplements is applied to the skin. Experts say that the maximum effect of a massage can be achieved in the morning, when a person is relaxed after sleep, but practice shows that the face especially needs relaxation in the evening.

The massage should be carried out according to a clear pattern, pressing on certain points in turn and without changing the order throughout the procedure. You can apply finger pressure to each point for no more than 5-7 seconds. To help a person relax, you can play music or light a scented candle.

The most accessible type of facial massage, Shiatsu is quite suitable for self-performing.

Massage scheme:

  1. We press on the points in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows and press with our fingertips for 7 seconds, after which we move our fingers closer to the eyebrows and repeat. In 4 steps we get to the temples.
  2. We lower the index, middle and ring fingers onto the eyebrows and press. Using the pads of your thumbs, press the point on the outer corner of the eyes and then on the point on the inner corner of the eyes.


  1. We go to the point on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, and press it with three fingers at the same time.
  2. We lower 3 fingers of each hand onto the upper eyelids slightly below the eyebrows, but without touching the eyeball, and press lightly. The skin towards the bridge of the nose should not move, otherwise this will contribute to the formation of new wrinkles.


  1. The same is done with the lower eyelid.
  2. Press with three fingers on the points under the cheekbones, approximately at the level of the nostrils.


  1. Using your thumbs, press the area near the nostrils from the outside.
  2. Next, click on the points above the upper lip under the nostrils in the middle.
  1. We press with our thumbs on the points on both edges of the lips. You need to clearly feel the muscle and not go beyond it.
  2. Next, click on the point located right in the middle under the lower lip. There should be gums underneath, not teeth.


  1. Next, you should raise your head, place three working fingers under the chin, apply pressure, and then apply three more pressures along the entire edge of the lower jaw.
  2. Then you should go down to the neck, to the sides, and apply three pressures one above the other for no more than 3 seconds. There is no need to press hard.


  1. Place the thumb of one hand on the jugular cavity and press for 3 seconds.
  2. Using your thumbs, press on the points at the base of the ear on both sides.


If pain appears when pressing the point, the procedure cannot be continued, as there should be no discomfort. Either you are doing something wrong, or there is some kind of inflammatory process going on. It is also worth remembering that you need to apply equal force to the points with both hands.

A facial massage may take about 10-15 minutes and about 10 minutes to prepare for it.
After the procedure, the skin should warm up, and the comfortable sensation can be compared to a very noticeable flow of warm energy that passes through the entire face.

Shiatsu massage training video

Reviews of anti-wrinkle massage

Larisa, 54 years old: I have never suffered from thinness, so I began to notice my first wrinkles much later than my peers. Several years ago, the skin became loose and a double chin appeared. I decided to see a cosmetologist for the first time in my life. They offered me everything - injections, peelings, masks... One is scary, the other is expensive. In a word, I left with nothing. I decided to use the old grandfather’s method - massages. Why not? Both cheap and cheerful. I was most interested in Japanese massage. I do it every day and the result is on my face: my cheeks are tightened, my double chin has completely disappeared. With such success, I will soon look younger than my daughter! And why, one might ask, all these injections, liftings, peelings?

Alina, 29 years old: I regularly go for massages to a cosmetologist. I'm afraid of growing old before my time. I don’t have any wrinkles yet, but my skin is losing its elasticity in places. After several sessions of Shiatsu, I don’t recognize myself: the oval of my face changes, my eyes become brighter and more expressive, my lips are more clearly defined. The effect, however, lasts for several months. But you can afford to undergo a massage course three times a year. The beauty is worth it!

Ira, 37 years old: After I gave birth to my second son - he is now 3 years old - the skin on my neck and face suddenly sagged, turned grey, and wrinkles appeared. Probably due to the fact that I lost weight dramatically. I ran to my cosmetologist. She recommended massaging with spoons and lubricating your face with argan oil. Surprisingly, it worked! I didn’t look like this even at 23!
