Wristwatches for athletes and watches for bodybuilders

I’ll tell you about one annoying (or maybe not at all annoying) incident that once happened to me in the hall. This was still in my youth, when I was still a “green little guy” and had just started going to the gym... I did another set of seated bench presses, and in the pause between sets I walked around the gym, and then, looking at one pretty fitness lady, and moving by inertia without looking, he accidentally caught the edge of the frame of one of the exercise machines with his hand. The blow was not at all strong and went tangentially, but my wristwatch “decided to live for a long time”...

In principle, I didn’t really feel sorry for them. I was a student then, and they were cheap, cheap, bought at a kiosk at a metro station...

But being left completely without a watch, I started thinking about their importance in the life of a bodybuilder. See for yourself:

  1. When you come to the gym, you need to clearly control the progress of the training process. For each lesson, we, one way or another, draw up a plan. Beginners have a simple plan in their heads - like today I’m working out my back and legs in this and that way. The “seasoned” ones have a more serious plan:  a plan according to the self-control diary with a clear number of weights, approaches, repetitions and exercises planned for today’s work. In general, whatever the plan, you need to stick to it and stay on schedule. If suddenly you don’t have time to do something, do it faster, as you go, adjust the plan, bringing it to life.
  2. If the previous paragraph implied time estimation strategically, then now let's talk about tactics. After completing the next approach, you need to take a pause. For each athlete and training style, it is subjective - it can be only half a minute, or it can be up to five minutes. In general, no matter how you look at it, you need to control it in every set.
  3. Another important point is aerobic training, which is necessary for every bodybuilder. When preparing for a morning jog around the stadium, working on an exercise bike or treadmill, before swimming your norm in the pool, of course, a stopwatch will not hurt you, which will clearly record the time you complete your aerobic work...
  1. Accidentally hitting a metal stand and immediately breaking my watch, I came to the conclusion that watches for bodybuilders should be shockproof. Tempered glass must withstand any impact and not even leave scratches.
  2. A real watch should withstand any shaking when running, cyclic aerobic movements, hitting a punching bag and other delights of the life of a real athlete.
  3. Waterproof. Ideally, your watch can withstand the rivers of sweat that flow from you during training, and you would also like not to think about anything when you take a shower or swim in the pool. I won’t even mention washing your hands after training.
  4. Well, and quite ideally, when your watch helps you fill out your self-monitoring diary: it can measure pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and other indicators necessary for us - athletes.
  5. Well, it will probably be a dream come true if the athlete’s wristwatch itself becomes this diary (or at least part of it)! Will be able to accumulate all this statistical information to your database. They will monitor your indicators themselves and signal if any parameter is outside the recommended norm. They will be able to build graphs from the received data and display detailed reports for any period we need.

All this seemed like a dream to me then... But technology, naturally, does not stand still. And now, after ten years, my beloved wife gave me such a watch for my next birthday. Now I always have a unique Suunto watch on my wrist, great sports accessory, which you can buy for yourself in the company’s online store. Because when you come to a serious sport, you must be seriously equipped. It was then, even in my youth, that I realized this, and now it has become my life credo.

  1. Measures heart rate and plots heart rate graph in real time,
  2. Have a PTE training effect,
  3. Control the recovery time
  4. Process, systematize and synchronize all received information on a special website,
  5. They are a full-fledged GPS navigator with accessible waypoint navigation,
  6. They have a built-in 3D compass,
  7. Are an accurate barometric altimeter,
  8. as well as a barometer, thermometer,
  9. have their own journal with a calendar and calorie counter,
  10. as well as other small “buns” that I won’t describe.

In general, this unique thing is a watch for real, serious bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters - in general, athletes who love hardware and cannot imagine their life without exercise equipment! Don't you have a watch like this yet? Then order quickly and become one of us! I highly recommend it to you!

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