Nutritional Deficiency


Malnutrition is a discrepancy between the energy value of food and (or) the content of individual nutrients in the diet and the physiological needs of the body. Malnutrition leads to nutritional diseases.

Malnutrition occurs when a person gets less energy and nutrients from food than the body needs. This may be due to insufficient intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements.

The causes of malnutrition may be related to poverty, lack of access to nutritious foods, poor appetite due to illness, and impaired digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Malnutrition leads to decreased immunity, deterioration of physical and mental development, and the occurrence of various diseases. To prevent malnutrition, it is important to eat a balanced diet with adequate amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.


Poor nutrition, along with genetic and environmental factors, is the main cause of nutritional (food) diseases. Food saturates our body with the necessary energy and substances necessary for life. The lack of these components can lead to various diseases.

Macronutrient deficiencies

- Proteins are the building blocks of our body, without a sufficient amount of which we will not be able to build and repair tissue. Besides