Olympic diet - the path to a slim figure

The Olympic Diet is a diet created by the personal nutritionist of the President of the United States and the United States Olympic team, William E. Wheeler. This diet was developed specifically to help athletes and government officials maintain a slim figure and have a healthy lifestyle. In this article we will tell you more about what the Olympic diet is and how to follow it.

Diet composition

The Olympic diet consists of three stages. The first stage is called "Quick Start" and lasts 2 weeks. During this period, you must exclude from your menu foods that contain harmful carbohydrates, such as fruits, flour and pasta, sugar, coffee, alcohol and potatoes. Instead, it is recommended to eat meals in five meals, two of which are replaced with skim milk-based shakes. You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, walk 2 km and be sure to weigh yourself once a week.

The second stage of the diet is called “At a record pace” and lasts 7 days. At this stage, you must continue to follow the same menu as during the first stage, but you can take drugs that block the absorption of carbohydrates an hour before meals. Also at this stage it is recommended to walk or run 4 km a day and take measurements once a week. A portion of food should have the following parameters: meat and fish - the length of your palm, fruits and vegetables - a tennis ball, bread - an audio cassette, butter - no more than a teaspoon.

The third stage of the diet is called the “Finish Straight” and is designed for a long time. During this stage, it is important to ensure that you drink as much water as possible, exercise and eat right. This stage is designed to instill in you a love for this diet for the rest of your life and keep your weight normal.

Benefits of the diet

The Olympic diet has many benefits. Firstly, it promotes rapid fat burning and accelerates metabolism. Secondly, it helps to maintain a slim figure and have a healthy lifestyle. Thirdly, it is designed to instill in you the right eating habits that will help keep your weight normal for a long period of time.

Disadvantages of the diet

However, like any other diet, the Olympic Diet has its drawbacks. First of all, the first two stages of the diet can be quite tough and demanding on your body. Avoiding carbohydrates and sugar can lead to headaches, weakness and irritability. Additionally, restricting your diet can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which can negatively impact your health.

It is important to remember that before starting any diet, you should consult a nutritionist or doctor. They will help assess your individual needs and create a diet that is best for you.


The Olympic diet is an effective way to lose weight and maintain a slim figure for a long period of time. But it is important to remember that this diet can be quite harsh and demanding on your body, so you should consult a nutritionist or doctor before starting to follow it. It is also important to remember to eat right and exercise over a long period of time to keep yourself in optimal shape and health.