Pain Method

The Bolya method is a system of physical exercises developed in the 1970s by Soviet gymnast Igor Bol. The purpose of the method is to strengthen and heal the body through special movements and breathing practices.

A distinctive feature of the pain method is the use of isometric muscle tension in combination with deep breathing. During exercise, the muscles tense, but do not change their length. This allows you to significantly increase blood flow in the muscles and improve their nutrition.

The pain complex of the method includes simple physical exercises performed from various starting positions - sitting, lying, standing. Most movements are performed slowly, with full concentration on the sensations in the muscles.

Classes using the Igor Bol method are recommended for strengthening joints and the spine, normalizing blood pressure, and improving the functioning of internal organs. Systematic training helps to get rid of the effects of stress and restore strength after illness. The pain method is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.