Personal Hygiene During Pregnancy.

Personal hygiene during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes, so the previous hygiene regime may not be sufficient to maintain the usual level of cleanliness and comfort.

Many expectant mothers note increased sweating and a change in the smell of sweat, an increase in vaginal discharge due to hormonal fluctuations. This creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of infections, so hygiene procedures need to be carried out more often than usual.

Warm (but not hot!) baths or showers are recommended. Hot water can cause dizziness and fainting. It is advisable to cover the bottom of the bathtub and the shower floor with a rubber mat to avoid falls. Closer to childbirth, it is better to switch to a shower.

For washing, the usual products without a strong odor are suitable. It is better to use roll-on deodorants.

Changes in appearance (redness, stretch marks, “spiders” on the skin) are normal. Moisturizing creams, a healthy diet and regular care will help. You can fight “spiders” with the help of tonal products.

Hair becomes thicker and shinier during pregnancy. It is better to postpone perm and coloring or consult a doctor.

It is very important to monitor oral hygiene - brush your teeth at least 2 times a day and use products recommended by dentists. Be sure to tell your doctor about pregnancy.

The main thing is to maintain a positive outlook on temporary changes in your body. Pregnancy makes a woman beautiful! Be proud of your condition and rejoice in the soon arrival of your baby!