Why is it good to cry while watching movies?

It happens that while watching a film we cannot help but cry, especially if the events on screen are extremely touching. But don't worry - according to a study by scientists from the Netherlands, crying during movies is not only normal, but also good for our health.

According to this study, tear-jerking dramas can be a "path to happiness" because watching them makes people feel much better. After finishing the viewing, people who shed tears felt much happier for more than an hour than those who did not shed a tear.

What could this be connected with? It turns out the secret is in our brain chemistry. When we cry, our body produces a substance called oxytocin. This hormone is known as the “love hormone” because its production is associated with pleasurable feelings associated with social contact and love. Oxytocin also reduces stress and anxiety.

According to the study, it's not just women - men can also benefit from an emotional breakthrough while watching a movie. The study also found that watching films that evoke an emotional response can improve mood and reduce feelings of loneliness.

Of course, this doesn't mean you should always cry during movies. But if you need to release your emotions, don't be shy - it can be beneficial for your health and well-being. And don’t forget that cinema can not only entertain, but also help us better understand and experience various life situations.