Products that increase skin firmness and elasticity

In this article we will answer both questions and recommend suitable cosmetics.

  1. What is skin elasticity
  2. What does skin elasticity depend on?
  3. How to increase skin elasticity

What is skin elasticity

The characteristics “elasticity” and “strength” are closely related. In 99 cases out of 100, these two concepts are used separated by a comma, and many generally think that they are one and the same thing. Indeed, they are close and play an equally important role for skin tone. But there are still differences between them.

Elasticity - the ability of the skin to stretch without damaging its structure.

Elasticity - the ability of the skin to resist deformation and return to its original shape when stretched or compressed.

Here is what Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva says about this:

“Responsible for skin elasticity collagen fibers that, like the spring frame of a mattress, restore the surface of tissues after compression. They are responsible for elasticity elastin fibers: they run diagonally at different angles, “pulling” the dermis and preventing the separation of its components.”

Elastin fibers are responsible for skin elasticity © iStock

Both collagen and elastin fibers are synthesized by the same cells - fibroblasts. Over time, their activity slows down, and consequently, elastin and collagen become less, which leads to loss of tone and the list goes on:

wrinkles (folds and creases);

sagging skin of the face and body.

What does skin elasticity depend on?

Elasticity is directly dependent on the relationship between the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers and their destruction. At a young age it is 1:1. But gradually the proportions change: more elastin and collagen are consumed than produced. We cannot stop this process, but we can slow it down. How? Let's move on to the next point.

Elasticity is determined by the skin's ability to stretch © iStock

How to increase skin elasticity

If you want your skin to be elastic and firm, you will have to make some changes to your diet and not neglect the rules of care.

Sun protection

Failure to comply with this point can be costly for your skin. Ultraviolet A rays, which are not contained by clouds or window glass, are destructive day after day, reducing the ability of fibroblasts to synthesize the main skin proteins - collagen and elastin.

The more responsibly you approach the issue of UV protection, the greater the chance of your skin maintaining its tone, firmness and elasticity.

Ultraviolet damages elastin fibers © iStock


Skin with an insufficient level of moisture a priori cannot be elastic. Imagine a dry blade of grass - it breaks even with a little tension. It’s a completely different matter - fabrics saturated with moisture, they stretch better and are not injured. Pay attention to cosmetics with the following ingredients:

aloe extract and juice;

We give examples of moisturizers and remind you that the skin needs to be moisturized not only from the outside, but also from the inside (observing a drinking regime at the rate of 30 ml of pure still water per 1 kg of weight per day). Otherwise, no cosmetics will help.

Daily gel-serum for skin exposed to external aggressive influences, Minéral 89, Vichy 89% consists of thermal water rich in microelements. In addition, the product contains hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which attract and retain water.

Aquafluid for normal and combination skin “Genius of Moisturizing”, L'Oréal Paris based on purified water, enriched with hyaluronic acid and aloe juice, supplies moisture to 5 layers of the epidermis.

Aquasource Everplump gel, Biotherm softens, moisturizes and tightens the skin due to the action of Blue Hyaluron, a natural activator of collagen synthesis.


If you reduce your sugar intake, and ideally give it up completely, you can prevent a process that is harmful to the skin, such as glycation. This is the “gluing” of collagen and elastin fibers under the influence of glucose molecules, which undermines their ability to resist deformation. So sweets - no.

Let's talk Yes:

fresh vegetables and herbs, rich in antioxidants;

unrefined vegetable oils rich in essential fatty acids;

oily fish are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

To protect collagen and elastin fibers from glycation, you will need cosmetics with antioxidants.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

You can feed your body with dietary supplements containing hyaluronic acid and antioxidants - substances that can really affect skin elasticity. But, as Elena Eliseeva warns, you need to adhere to the rules.

Systematicity. Don’t expect a miracle from one capsule; you need a course lasting 3–6 months. Having saturated the internal organs, the body will begin to supply useful components to the skin.

A complex approach. Drink vitamins for internal use and use creams for external use.

Balance. Look for a dietary supplement with a complex of components: glycosaminoglycans, lycopene, vitamin C - or take several drugs at once. Be sure to consult with a specialist first.


To all of the above, you need to add beauty products that stimulate the synthesis of the protein framework of the skin - collagen and elastin.

Night anti-aging face cream Revitalift, L'Oréal Paris stimulates cellular renewal and increases skin firmness and elasticity.

Skin elasticity is its ability to stretch and recover without “side effects” such as wrinkles or sagging. The skin stretches when we swell, when we gain weight, when we massage and specifically pull it back. Fortunately, loss of elasticity can be avoided by eating the right foods.

A number of microelements are responsible for skin elasticity, sufficient consumption of which will help avoid premature aging.


1. Rutin

It is also known as vitamin P. This truly anti-aging vitamin is found in large quantities in buckwheat, citrus fruits, berries, some fruits (apricots and grapes) and vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers). It increases skin elasticity, fights varicose veins, spider veins and such an unpleasant phenomenon as rosacea.

2. Silicon

An element of youth that is so often forgotten by beauties who try to preserve it. It is its abundant consumption that will help the skin remain elastic and smooth, and the hair thick. You will find it in cereals (like buckwheat), bran, fresh herbs and sprouted cereal seeds.

3. Iron

Pale skin and loss of tone are a signal that suggests you lack iron. Without this important microelement, you can’t even dream of youth and beauty. To make up for the deficiency, eat more buckwheat, red meat, eggs, seafood and liver.

4. Selenium

An insidious microelement, which is also responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Its excess is no less dangerous than its deficiency, but the latter happens much more often: after all, we live in the age of fast food, when food contains few nutrients. If you want to get this microelement from foods, and not from pharmacy vitamin complexes, you will have to include sardines, tuna, coconut, beef liver and sprouted wheat grains in your diet.

5. Zinc

Zinc will allow you to forget for a long time not only about wrinkles and sagging skin, but also about such common problems as acne, pimples and hair loss. Eat pumpkin seeds, calf liver, beans and drink cocoa.

6. Omega-3, omega-6 and omega - 9

All of these are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which make the skin not just elastic, but smooth, nourished, and moisturized. They are found in seafood, fatty sea fish and unrefined vegetable oils: flaxseed, olive, sesame.


  1. how to increase skin elasticity


  1. "A few tips
  2. how to make skin soft


Doctors do not recommend taking salt baths for more than 20 minutes;

Do not add more salt to the water than indicated in the recipe in order to achieve better results. Remember: everything is good in moderation.


  1. - yeast
  2. - herbal decoctions
  3. - rice flour
  4. - yolk
  5. - cream
  6. - cocoa powder
  7. - vitamin E


  1. how to improve skin turgor






  1. - chamomile;
  2. - thyme;
  3. - sweet clover;
  4. - birch leaves;
  5. - milk;
  6. - cream;
  7. - honey;
  8. - citrus juice;
  9. - mineral water;
  10. - sour cream;
  11. - sea salt;
  12. - candied honey;
  13. - cereals;
  14. - coconut milk;
  15. - yeast;
  16. - hydrogen peroxide;
  17. - fruit vinegar.



  1. — skin care products;
  2. - ground coffee;
  3. - olive oil;
  4. - clay;
  5. - mumiyo.

The content of the article



Physical exercise, yoga and dancing will help restore your skin tone, recharge your energy and get a boost of good mood. In addition, sport improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. Thanks to the influx of oxygen and nutrients, the skin becomes elastic again.


Baths not only help relieve muscle tension and lift your mood, but also improve skin tone. A honey-milk bath has an excellent tightening effect. To prepare, mix 1 cup of hot milk and honey, add 2-3 tbsp. rose oil. Pour the resulting mass into a warm bath. You can lie in the water as long as you want.

The following bath composition will give the skin elasticity and prevent early aging. Squeeze the juice from 5-7 oranges, grapefruits or lemons. Pour it into the bath and soak in the water for 15-25 minutes.


Homemade masks can tighten the skin and provide additional nutrition and hydration. Mix coconut milk, honey and chopped oatmeal in equal proportions. Apply the product to clean skin and leave for half an hour. Repeat the procedure three times a week.

There is another recipe for an effective tightening mask: mix a raw egg, 1 tbsp. natural yogurt and 1 tsp. vitamin E. Apply the finished mixture to the body, making circular massage movements, and hold for 20 minutes. This composition can be used not only to care for the body, but also for the face and neck.


To achieve excellent results, you can follow the following skin care tips:

  1. First you need to cleanse your skin well using a scrub. You can purchase this product at a specialty store or prepare it yourself using ingredients you have at home (salt, sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal). The scrub should be used more often on the skin of the body than on the skin of the face. Massage with a brush with natural bristles is also helpful.
  2. It is worth paying attention to restoring water balance and moisturizing the skin surface. Therefore, you cannot use ordinary gels and soaps; you should give preference to moisturizers.
  3. Homemade wraps will be very useful. To do this, you need to smear your thighs, legs, arms, buttocks and décolleté with a rich moisturizing cream or lotion and wrap in cling film and a terry towel, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse everything off with warm water.
  4. To combat the problem of goose bumps, quartz treatment, exfoliating scrubs, steaming in a bath, and taking vitamins A and E will help.
  5. Anti-cellulite creams are suitable for minor removal of cellulite and its external manifestations. Their regular use will significantly improve the visual appearance of problem areas of the body. You need to rub the cream with a special massager.
  6. Many women are concerned about the problem of ingrown hairs. To eliminate it, you need to treat problem areas of the body with 1% hydrocortisone solution ointment several times a day. After a couple of days, you need to lubricate them with exfoliating cream. Continue the procedure for 5 days. During this time, the hair will come out. It should be removed using tweezers.
  7. Epilation will give your skin real smoothness. There are a number of traditional methods for removing unwanted hair: special creams, wax, razors. You should approach the choice of hair removal products individually and carefully. It is better not to do the procedure before going out in the sun, as damaged skin is more susceptible to burns and irritation.

By following these care methods, you can quickly get the desired results and significantly improve the condition of your skin and overall appearance. Your skin will be smooth, silky and attractive.


What to do to improve facial skin elasticity?

The skin of the face is less protected from weather conditions; it is thinner and more sensitive than the skin of the body, so care for it should include daily moisturizing, cleansing and nutrition. A sign that it receives little moisture and valuable substances is the appearance of a network of wrinkles. It is recommended to use night cream against age-related changes and regularly make appropriate face masks. It is useful to make it a rule to pat your skin after washing; this exercise will speed up blood circulation, metabolism and eliminate swelling.

Mask for firm skin

  1. three tbsp. l. olive oils;
  2. one tsp. jojoba oils;
  3. one tsp. sour cream;
  4. pink clay.

All components need to be combined, adding clay at the end to a mushy consistency. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for fifteen minutes. Next, remove with water and soften your face with anti-aging cream. It is recommended to use the mask once every two days for 2 weeks. After an intensive course, use the mask twice every seven days.

The oils included in the product actively nourish the skin, and the clay has a tightening effect, giving it firmness and elasticity.

How to tighten the skin on your stomach?

The skin on the entire body also tends to fade over the years, in addition, after a sudden weight loss or childbirth, stretch marks form on it. The main problem areas are the stomach, hips and chest. Each area requires its own approach, thanks to which it is possible to correct stretch marks, tighten and smooth the surface of the skin.

When taking a shower, lubricate the abdominal area with olive oil, then lightly massage it with salt. Olive oil will saturate the skin with nutrients and strengthen it from the inside, and salt will act as a scrub, accelerating the process of cell renewal. This method can be used for other areas of the skin, except sensitive ones.

Foot skin wrap at home

The skin of your feet can be made firmer and smoother by using a homemade wrap. Green clay needs to be mixed with water until you get a sour cream-like slurry, add a few drops of mint aromatic oil and stir. Apply the mask to the skin of your feet, wrap them in thin film and put on something warm. The wrap should last for several hours, after which the clay should be washed off and clean skin should be lubricated with olive or other vegetable oil. The procedure should be carried out regularly, first seven days, then once a week for a month.

Achieving elasticity of breast skin

The use of aggressive components is not allowed for this area, since the skin of the décolleté and chest is very delicate. It is useful to nourish this area with natural vegetable oils. For example, mix grape, apricot and castor oil in equal proportions. Apply a mixture of oils during water procedures, slightly massaging the skin of the chest and décolleté.

Nutrition and exercise for skin elasticity

You can speed up the production of collagen by consuming protein and vitamins C, A and E. There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, A and E are found in nuts, herbs and vegetable oils.

Physical exercise will help tighten your body muscles and skin. These include abdominal crunches, push-ups and squats.