Work with an online personal trainer in the era of a pandemic and you will be happy!

Dear subscribers, how do you organize your training process in the era of a pandemic? Agree, because now everything has become completely different. You can’t go to a gym that’s tightly packed with people. For the same reason, the road to the fitness club is also closed. Even banally, on an outdoor sports ground, you have to hide under a mask and keep your distance...

How to interact with a coach? After all, it is vital for an athlete to at least report on the work done and make further plans under the wing of an experienced mentor, without whom the entire training process simply turns into a waste of time?

Thank God, in our time of technological progress, countermeasures have been found against such negative social processes as an epidemic! Which ones you ask?

Yes, everything is very simple! An online trainer is who we need! And a cool, awesome web service that provides such services! I personally recommend this one specifically: Motify service for online fitness classes with a personal trainer. I use it myself and am very pleased! It turns out: work with an online personal trainer in the era of a pandemic and you will be happy! That's the whole recipe...

Now I’ll tell you how this practically happens:

You contact the trainer via video conference in a way that is mutually convenient for you, which you discuss in advance.

And then train together, so to speak, in parallel... At the same time, the coach does everything the same as offline:

  1. Study your technique and correct it if necessary.
  2. Gives you his recommendations.
  3. Determines for you a personal level of load and intensity of execution.
  4. Creates a personal program for you. Moreover, both the training program and the nutrition and recovery program.
  5. Answers any of your questions.
  6. Encourages and motivates you.
  7. Charges you with his energy, knowledge, skills and abilities!

In general, it does everything that your personal fitness trainer does, only it turns out to be an online trainer with whom you communicate via video bridge using a means of communication convenient for you at the moment.

My sister recommended this topic to me. And I immediately adopted it, which I advise you to do too! After trying just a few classes, I liked this format so much that I became, as they say, completely hooked on it! Nowadays this is what we need! Try it! And I think you will be satisfied!

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