How to choose the right mineral water

There are more than 1000 mineral water sources in Ukraine, and 207 mineral water deposits are officially registered. On store shelves you can find 123 types of mineral water. What water should you choose to improve your health?

Table water is considered to be one in which the amount of minerals per liter does not exceed 3 grams. Everyone can drink it. Water containing from 3 to 10 grams of mineral salts per liter is called medicinal table water. You need to be more careful with her and listen to the testimony. But water, a liter of which contains from 10 to 35 grams of salts, as well as a lot of iodine, bromine, fluorine and other active elements, is exclusively medicinal. It is taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Characteristics and Features

The chemical composition of mineral waters can differ greatly from each other. Both the taste and medicinal qualities of a particular water depend on the composition. There are four main groups of mineral waters: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate and mixed.

Hydrocarbonate, that is, alkaline, have a soda taste. Chloride, containing compounds of chlorine, sodium and calcium, taste salty. Sulfate, a mixture of sulfur with calcium, magnesium and sodium, bitterish and with a pronounced odor. Well, the taste of mixed water depends on the predominant minerals. Most often, natural water is still. Carbon dioxide is added to it so that the mineral water does not lose its healing properties when in contact with air.

When choosing mineral water, it is extremely important to choose the one that suits you. Otherwise, regular consumption of mineral water can lead to exacerbation of diseases. By the way, during an exacerbation of diseases of internal organs, any mineral water is contraindicated. It is not advisable for children to drink water from the sulfate group, since sulfates interfere with the absorption of calcium. And until the age of three, it is better not to give children any mineral water at all, especially carbonated water.

Market Review

The ten most common mineral waters include: “Kuyalnik”, “Mirgorodskaya”, “Luzhanskaya”, “Zbruchanskaya”, “Borjomi”, “Polyana Kvasova”, “Bukovinskaya”, “Shayanskaya”, “Polyana Kupel” and “Essentuki”. Let's figure out which one is right for you.

Sodium chloride “Kuyalnik” contains 3.5 grams of mineral salts per liter. Take water for low acidity, cholecystitis, colitis and constipation. For gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers, inflammation of the stomach, pancreas and bile ducts, as well as for malignant tumors of the digestive organs, “Kuyalnik” is contraindicated.

“Mirgorodskaya” also belongs to the group of sodium chloride waters, mineralization from 2.5 to 3.2 grams per liter. It is often used as daily table water. At the same time, people with high acidity, hypertension and those who are recommended a low-salt diet should not get carried away with Mirgorodskaya. But for those who suffer from colitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, metabolic disorders and diseases of the liver and biliary tract, Mirgorodskaya is useful to drink.

Hydrocarbonate water with fluorine and silicic acid (mineralization 3.6 – 4.3 grams of salts per liter) “Luzhanskaya” will be useful for obesity. It will also help those who want to quit smoking, relieve hangovers and lift their spirits. “Luzhanskaya” treats the liver and digestive organs. Contraindicated in case of low stomach acidity and hypothyroidism.

“Zbruchanskaya” hydrocarbonate water contains only 0.6 – 1 grams of salts per liter. But it contains many active elements, such as chlorine, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron. Useful for diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys. But in case of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, hypertension, kidney inflammation and severe stage of diabetes mellitus, it is better not to get carried away with “Zbruchanskaya”.

Georgian hydrocarbonate water “Borjomi”