Elementary exercises for quick weight loss.

Extra pounds poison your life every day, and getting rid of them is a completely natural desire. Experts do not recommend getting by with diet alone, because exercises for quick weight loss will significantly speed up the process of fighting your excess weight. You will also become more cheerful and confident.

How to exercise correctly?

Before you start training, remember a few simple rules:

Classes must be regular. A week of intense exercise to lose weight, followed by a week of rest, will have more negative than positive effects. Train yourself to exercise at least three times a week: such a schedule will give you time for proper rest and will not allow you to overload your body.

Choose the right time to train. You should exercise during the period of highest activity. For example, if you are a night owl, then start training in the evening, and if you are a morning person, start training in the morning.

Always exercise in a cool room. If you catch cold easily and are afraid of getting sick, ventilate the room before training, and then close the window and get into the starting position. The abundance of fresh air stimulates metabolic processes, although visually it is not noticeable.

Choose the right clothes for your workout. In the warm season, this can be a T-shirt and shorts; in the cold season, a light tracksuit that does not restrict movement. Pay attention to the shoes. The ideal option is special sneakers with orthopedic soles.

Take care of your sports equipment in advance. Buy a mat, a gymnastic ball, dumbbells, and a jump rope. These things are not expensive at all, but can add variety to any activity.

Stay hydrated during exercise. Fill a bottle with clean, still water at room temperature and take a couple of sips after each block of exercise. If you drink more, you will quickly fill your stomach and doing bends, squats, and jumps will become much more difficult.

Don't try to set records in weight loss. You've been gaining excess weight for a long time, and you definitely won't be able to lose it in a couple of days. Start with low reps and one or two sets, increasing the load over time.

During weight loss, undergo a massage course. It will not only help relieve tension after exercise, but also tighten the skin, preventing it from sagging.

An approximate set of exercises.

A set of exercises for quick weight loss is always compiled individually. Consult a professional trainer. Let him work with you one-on-one a couple of times. He will monitor compliance with the correct technique of a particular exercise.

In cases where it is not possible to hire a specialist, develop a complex for quick weight loss yourself, using our recommendations and including basic elements in it.

  1. Do a warm-up. As a basis, you can take the gymnastics that you did in physical education or at summer camp.

  2. Perform 20 squats with precise technique. Stand on the floor with both feet and straighten up. Your legs should be shoulder-width apart and your feet parallel to each other. Hands on waist. Slowly bend your knees and lower your body down. Make sure your spine is straight and your heels do not leave the floor. At the same leisurely pace, return to the starting position. Don't chase speed: the slower the pace, the higher the efficiency. In addition, this pace reduces the risk of sports injury (for example, micro-tears of ligaments and muscles) to a minimum.
  3. To work on the inner thigh, perform squats similar to the previous point. Only in this version, the socks should be slightly spread apart, so when squatting, the knees will also spread apart.
  4. Do 10 lunges forward with each leg, placing your weight on the forward leg each time. If it is difficult to maintain balance, rest your hands on the thigh of the exposed leg. Lunges are designed to work the muscles of the front of the thighs.

  5. Stand straight next to any free wall. Hands are lowered along the body. Slowly slide down the wall as if sitting on a chair. Fix your body in this half-squat position for at least 30 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. With each workout, increase the time you perform the exercise by 10 seconds.
  6. Jump in place at a fast pace at least 100 times. Jumps should be short and easy; their height is not important in this case. In subsequent classes, increase the number of jumps by 25 each time.
  7. Do push-ups if you want to have beautiful arms. If it is difficult to get into the starting position “lying down”, go down to your knees. During push-ups, make sure that your back remains straight and your arms are bent at right angles.
  8. Fitness trainers consider the plank to be one of the most effective exercises. Take the “lying down” position and stand there for 20 seconds, trying not to lose your breath. Each subsequent session, increase the time in the plank position by 10 seconds.
  9. Lie on the floor, stretch your legs, and take one kilogram dumbbells. If there are no dumbbells, plastic water bottles can successfully replace them. Stretch your arms to the sides and, as you exhale, lift them up in front of you. Repeat 15 times.
  10. Stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your waist. Rotate your body to the right and left, and then bend to both sides.
  11. Spin the hoop for a quarter of an hour every day. Add another 5 minutes of exercise every week to your results. This will help you get a beautiful waistline in a fairly short time.
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