Tips for running from an Olympic medalist: how to run as an amateur

Irina Lishchinskaya is a Ukrainian athlete, silver medalist at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, bronze medalist at the 2007 World Championships in Osaka. Multiple champion of Ukraine. Now Irina is a coach at the running club RUN BASE KYIV. Read the champion's advice on how to run properly in our material.

Irina is a very positive and cheerful person. Communicating with her, you understand that running is life. And, frankly, after 10 minutes of being nearby, you want to put on your sneakers and run. If not in order to improve your figure, then in order to overcome yourself. We met with Irina before one of the training sessions to talk a little about the intricacies of running.

Irina, tell us where to find motivation for people who will never become professional athletes, but want to run?

You need to think about who you want to see yourself in the future. Running is like therapy, and I agree with the opinion that it is better to run during training than to run to the pharmacy later. Running perfectly strengthens the body. Moreover, it is a very pleasant feeling when at the end of a workout your body is tired, but inside you are proud of yourself because you managed to overcome yourself. In something small, but I overcame it. In addition, running helps relieve stress, which is important for a modern person.

Tell me, is running a good way to lose weight?

You know, there are people who want to run to lose weight. And there are those who want to lose weight so they can run (laughs). Seriously, running can help you lose weight. But you need to take into account that this is not a quick process, it is labor-intensive and long. But the result is worth it. So, if you lose weight artificially: for example, with the help of diets, the result will not last long, since you will not be able to limit yourself in everything throughout your life.

If you lose weight by running, then your lifestyle as a whole changes: your metabolism changes, your appearance appears. Yes, let it be slowly but surely that a beautiful figure will form.

What about nutrition? Should you limit yourself if you exercise regularly?

You know, there are people who think: “Now I’ll run a little, and then in the evening I’ll come home and eat a huge chocolate bar.” This, of course, makes no sense. We must try to eat healthy and proper food. Of course, we are all human, and sometimes we want chocolate. Overall, why not? There just needs to be a reasonable approach to everything: without extremes, but with rationality.

And speaking specifically, how should a person who runs regularly eat?

You need to divide your daily food intake into 5-6 meals. Eat more protein foods and complex carbohydrates. If we talk about people who are losing weight, they need to remove unnecessary foods from their diet, which do not carry much energy and do not provide any nutrients to the body, but simply “stuff” it with satiety. It is necessary to remove smoked meats, saltiness, rolls, and mayonnaise. Of course, sometimes you want it, and sometimes you can allow yourself some goodies. But, in general, you need to strive for proper nutrition. Nutrition such that you enjoy it and that it brings maximum benefit to the body.

If a person decides to start running on his own, where should he start?

The first step is to buy running shoes.

So it's very important?

Yes. Wearing the wrong shoes can cause injury. To be honest, it’s better to work with a specialist at first. Just for the sake of getting the technique right. After all, incorrect technique can cause injury. If you don’t have a coach, then remember, running should be natural: as if you took off your shoes and ran. There should be no unnecessary tension. Any unnecessary tension can cause injury.

Be sure to read relevant literature to understand how to run correctly. Also, training should be gradual, according to