Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells, like the barbell, are considered one of the most versatile fitness and bodybuilding equipment, due to which it is quite possible to pump up almost any muscle group in our body. Exercises with dumbbells are also good because they are accessible - they can be easily performed not only in the gym, but even at home. Another significant plus in the direction of dumbbells, especially for beginners, is the financial side of the issue. A dumbbell is probably the cheapest, but at the same time the most “angry” option of all the available sports equipment. All in all:

  1. Easily accessible,
  2. It's inexpensive
  3. Takes up little space
  4. The scope is extremely wide.

And as a result, we get a real, highly effective, universal tool for all occasions, which, in our opinion, should be in every home.

Now let's go through its application. For greater clarity, we will divide all exercises with dumbbells into parts according to the muscle groups for which they are aimed at training:

Most beginners use dumbbells primarily to develop their biceps. For this, simultaneous and alternate bending of the arms from a vertical or sitting position, as well as lifting with a “hammer” grip, and, of course, concentrated bending of the arms on various benches or in an incline are usually used.

To work on the triceps, the most effective exercises will be using extension of the arms with two or one dumbbells from behind the head in all possible positions: standing, sitting or lying down, as well as straightening the arms bent at the elbow with dumbbells back while lying on a bench or standing at an angle.

To pump up the muscles of the forearms, there is a fairly wide range of exercises with dumbbells in the arsenal of fitness and bodybuilding. This muscle group is already indirectly affected when performing exercises to pump the triceps and biceps. Of the purely specialized exercises, the “hammer” exercise is considered especially effective. Also extremely productive are exercises with dumbbells, during which the hand is supinated during movement.

Exercises with dumbbells aimed at developing the pectoral muscles include flyes and dumbbell presses from various lying positions on a bench.

The latissimus dorsi muscles should be trained by doing bent over rows, usually concentrated with one arm or both at the same time. However, for a high-quality, full-fledged workout of this muscle, dumbbells will naturally not be enough; in addition, we recommend doing a complex with rows on the lower and upper blocks, as well as pull-ups. To develop the muscles of the lower back, use bending and straightening the body forward and upward with a dumbbell for weighting behind the head.

To load the upper back and neck, you should perform shrugs with dumbbells in your arms.

To pump up the abs, various exercises using dumbbells are also used. The latter in this case is used mainly as an additional load in the case when the weight of one’s own body is no longer enough to effectively perform the exercise.

Training the hamstrings can be done together with exercises focused on working the lower back. You should work your quadriceps and gluteal muscles by performing various squats and lunges with dumbbells. If you want to train your calves, do a variety of one-leg calf raises with a dumbbell in your hand as an additional load.

As you can see: exercises with dumbbells cover all muscle groups of the human body. And these are just the most common exercises! After all, the above list is far from complete...

Well? Still don't have dumbbells at home? – then run to the store and buy them ASAP!!! Well, or order free delivery of this projectile in any online sporting goods store, fortunately now this can be done without any problems in three clicks of the mouse. By the way, don’t forget to also look into the online sports nutrition store, because we will definitely need high-quality building materials for our body. And without a sufficient amount of protein, you won’t see any muscle volumes like your ears. Read more about this in our specialized section. Stay with us!

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