Do you know what sugar is?

Do you know what sugar is?

The main fuel in our body is glucose or, in other words, sugar. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost half of the daily diet consists of carbohydrates, which contain various types of sugar in large quantities. Carbohydrates include all cereals, flour products, vegetables and fruits.

Probably, people who are far from biochemical formulas have an idea of ​​sugar only as a culinary product. Some even know that they get it from sugar beets and sugar cane.

And this, in their opinion, makes all the difference. However, sugar, from the point of view of the average person and from the point of view of science, are two different things. Biochemists distinguish between complex and simple carbohydrates. The first include fiber and starch. The second includes glucose, fructose, sucrose and others. The body only absorbs simple carbohydrates. Do you know that the sugar on your table, whether it is cane or beetroot, consists of sucrose? Whereas an orange contains mainly fructose. Isn't it interesting?