Comfort zone

A comfort zone is a state where a person feels comfortable and confident in his actions and behavior. It is characterized by a lack of stress and tension, as well as a good mood and self-confidence. Every person is comfortable in such a zone, and everyone has their own concept of comfort. Sometimes people confuse the concept of “state of comfort” with the concept of “comfort zone”. Since in our time there have been many different kinds of trainings and books about the need to constantly expand your boundaries and go beyond your comfort zone, the understanding of this term has become relevant. Adherents of “psychology” often use the expression “comfort zone”. But in fact, it is more correct to talk specifically about the state of comfort, since the comfort zone in this case is not a static boundary, but a certain interval that requires effort from a person and, possibly, sacrifices to go beyond its boundaries. To create a comfort zone around yourself, you need to understand what factors influence it. The main factors influencing a person’s comfort are the ability to self-organize and develop skills such as writing, counting, reading, etc. Since our lives are very complex and require a large number of tasks to be completed every day, it is very important to manage our time wisely. The schedule allows you to simplify your life, plan your future, create a budget and much more. You also need to plan your budget to save time, money and energy to achieve your goals. You can also use various time management methods to control your time, for example, setting goals, prioritizing and delegating tasks (this is especially true when there is a large amount of work), etc.

But speaking of comfort, it is worth noting that comfort is still a subjective concept. For some, traveling on public transport is torture, but for you it is the safest place to read a book.