Whey protein hydrolyzate.

Dear readers, we continue to introduce you to sports nutrition products, and in this article we will talk about Whey Protein Hydrolyzate. Read about what it is and what it is eaten with under the cut. After reading the article to the end, you will know almost everything about this product. Well, if not everything, then certainly what a modern athlete needs to know...

So, buckle up and let's go...

Whey protein hydrolyzate is the most purified form of whey protein and is the most effective. In its production, acid or enzymes are used, which partially destroy the protein. In fact, this process is similar to the digestion of protein by the human body. Therefore, when consuming hydrolyzate, it is quickly and easily absorbed. According to these indicators, this protein is superior to other types of protein, but this determines its high cost in comparison with others.

To create a hydrolyzate, the manufacturer has to use more complex technologies to purify the substance than when producing a concentrate or isolate. A distinctive feature of this additive is the presence of a bitter taste, thanks to which athletes determine the quality and suitability of the product.

  1. The advantages of this type of protein include:
  2. The need for hydrolyzate.
  3. The best hydrolysates.

The advantages of this type of protein include:

  1. high digestibility;
  2. the best indicator among other types of whey protein in restoring the body;
  3. replenishment of energy reserves in a fairly short time;
  4. increasing the level of gluten in muscle tissue;
  5. promotes insulin secretion;
  6. does not contain excess fats and carbohydrates.

Complexes based on whey protein hydrolyzate help build muscle mass and reduce body fat. But despite all the advantages that this product has, most athletes refuse to use it, preferring inexpensive concentrate and isolate. The main reasons for this choice are the disadvantages of the hydrolyzate.

  1. high price;
  2. unpleasant bitter taste;
  3. relatively small superiority over other types of whey protein, reaching 10-15%.

Naturally, the main disadvantage of hydrolyzate is its price. Athletes, when choosing other types of whey protein, usually spend the difference on the purchase of creatine, amino acids and other supplements.

The need for hydrolyzate.

Professional athletes, whose budget allows them to buy expensive sports supplements, purchase hydrolyzate in order to replace amino acid complexes, as well as speed up the recovery process after physical activity and protect themselves from the occurrence of catabolic processes. Based on this, we can conclude that beginners should opt for isolate or concentrate, adding creatine or another product to them, depending on what goal is being pursued: gaining muscle mass or burning excess fat.

If we talk about methods of taking hydrolyzate, the dosage of this drug is no different from other supplements. During training sessions, it is used in the morning, before and after strength exercises. During the recovery period, the drug is also used in the morning and during meals. An athlete should consume about 30 grams of protein at a time.

The best hydrolysates.

When choosing a hydrolyzate, you should first of all pay attention to its cost and manufacturer. In the latter case we are talking about European and American companies. This recommendation is due to the fact that in these countries the level of development of sports nutrition has gone far ahead. In addition, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

You should purchase pure protein, and not a complex protein. This is explained by the fact that many modern manufacturers produce a complex, most of which consists of concentrate and isolate. The hydrolyzate usually accounts for about 3-5% of the total mass of the complex. In addition, manufacturers do not always pay attention to what protein they add to their products.

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