Women's fitness: myths and misconceptions

Currently, there are a huge number of training programs and diets that it is quite difficult to determine which of them will bring visible results and which will make you regret the time spent in the gym. In addition, many people are ready to advise how to achieve the goal. The topics of fitness and proper nutrition are very popular today. And, as often happens, many consider themselves experts in this field and rush to share their experience. However, no one knows your body better than you. Therefore, it is important to know common myths about fitness and bodybuilding to avoid mistakes on the path to success.

Myth #1: The girlfriend program will bring the same results.

Many people ask people they know about their training programs and diets, believing that by repeating everything they will achieve the same success. But each body is unique and reacts differently to stress. Of course, someone else’s program can be effective and even bring results, but it is better to choose an individual program that takes into account the characteristics of the body. You can take excellent elements of someone else’s program and adapt them for yourself.

Myth No. 2: Running is enough to work your legs.

Many people neglect leg strength training if they do jogging or cardio. But strength training is important - the leg muscles release a lot of testosterone, which strengthens the entire body. Leg training is the foundation for working out other muscles.

Myth #3: The best way to burn fat is an hour of moderate-intensity cardio.

It is believed that such training is more effective for burning fat than intense training. However, what is more important is the overall balance between calories and energy expenditure. High intensity interval training burns more calories per minute and continues to burn after the workout. In addition, muscle mass is preserved. It is better to alternate between different intensities and do high-intensity intervals for at least 10 minutes.

Thus, it is important to choose an individual program, include strength training for all muscle groups and alternate the intensity of cardio exercise. This will help you avoid common misconceptions and achieve the best results.