Isolating and basic exercises with a barbell at home and in the gym.

Sports barbell, as a training apparatus, appeared in gymnasiums more than 200 years ago. At first, athletes exercised with weights, then they began to use a ball barbell (a bar with cast-iron hollow balls at the ends, into which shot was poured for weighting).

Modern sports collapsible rod consists of a bar, on the ends of which are put metal wheels (“pancakes”) of a certain mass, with holes drilled in the center. Barbell discs are attached to the bar with special clamps. The following possible pancakes in kg are produced:

Barbell discs (weight in kg.):










  1. Construction of lessons
  2. Lesson content
  3. Fighting overtraining
  4. Do no harm!
  5. Aspects of home training with a barbell

Construction of lessons

Barbell training should be carried out continuously throughout the entire calendar year, 2-4 training sessions per week, in the afternoon or evening (and not recommended in the morning). Workouts to increase strength and muscle mass should last 40-60 minutes per day and be conducted 3 classes per week. It has long been known that muscle growth occurs during rest, which is why there should be a pause of at least one day between classes.

To the people prone to obesity, and those who want to have sculpted muscles can train more often - 4-6 training sessions per week, approximately one and a half to two hours a day, be sure to perform cyclic exercises (running or swimming). Days free from classes are devoted to active recreation. The annual cycle is divided into a couple of periods - 1) autumn-winter and 2) spring-summer.

During the autumn-winter period It is recommended to spend 70 percent of the time on weight training and 30 percent on other types of physical activities - skiing, cross-country running, hiking, sports games, etc.

In spring and summer — 50% of the time is devoted to strength exercises and 50% to athletics, games, acrobatic and other exercises in the fresh air. The load should be planned by months and weeks. It should change in waves. Weeks and days with maximum and heavy loads should be interspersed with medium and low volumes.

Lesson content

Exercises for each lesson are selected so that the hardest ones were in the middlewhen the muscles are already well warmed up, and the energy reserve is still quite large.

Number of approaches and repetitions depends on the focus of the training. To increase absolute strength and muscle mass, basic training movements are performed in four to five sets of 5 to 6 reps each. Let's assume that in your first curl session you lifted a 40 kg barbell, 6 times in all sets. Then in the next lesson you use a projectile weighing 42.5 kg and do 6 repetitions in the first approach, 4-5 in the second, 3-4 in the third, and 2-3 in the fourth. The next session, you again work with a weight of 42.5 kg for six repetitions for the fourth set. After each approach, you need to pause until breathing is restored and repeat the exercise the required number of times. The duration of the training period for strength and increasing muscle mass is from three to six months.

To develop relative strength and removal of excess fat tissue - 12-15 repetitions (for abdominal muscles - up to 50) in two or three approaches. The weight of the weight should be selected so that the final repetition is carried out with maximum muscle tension - until failure. As soon as in the third approach you can perform the exercise easily and more than 12-15 times, you should increase the weight.

At the first stage of training, the load should be increased by increasing the number of lifts and, to a lesser extent, by increasing the weight of the apparatus.

As your training level increases, you move from easy exercises to more difficult ones, increasing the number of approaches and the weight of weights. Rest between sets lasts approximately 2 minutes. During pauses, you should not sit, but walk slowly until your breathing calms down.

Fighting overtraining

For prevention overtraining we can recommend the so-called fasting week (one per monthly cycle). Here, the main time is devoted to game and cyclic exercises, and the range of movements with significant weights is reduced by approximately half. Each lesson includes a warm-up, main and final parts. The most appropriate warm-up scheme is: walking with a gradual transition to running, stretching and breathing exercises, exercises without equipment for the muscles of the legs, then the torso, then the arms, then the shoulder girdle and abdomen, swinging movements of a) arms, b) legs , c) with the torso, rotation of the torso, short running, jumping, and finally - walking until breathing completely calms down, stretching exercises, relaxation (only 10-15 minutes). In addition to the general one, a warm-up between approaches and exercises is also necessary. Its purpose is to prepare for work those muscle groups that are planned for the main load. For example, before squatting with a barbell, you should lightly shake and rub the hip extensor muscles, before the bench press, shake and rub the forearm extensor muscles - that is, the triceps, and so on...

In the main part of the lesson Pay special attention to the development of the largest muscles, which affect the appearance and level of overall strength. These are the latissimus dorsi muscles - extensors of the torso, flexors and extensors of the thigh and lower leg. The main part of the lesson should be completed with exercises to develop the abdominal press.

The final part is devoted to flexibility and stretching exercises to relieve tension in the muscles, joints and ligaments (wide-amplitude springy forward bends, long hangs on the crossbar or uneven bars with deep relaxation of the body, and others). The lesson ends with water procedures.

Do no harm!

When performing strength exercises, follow certain safety regulations:

  1. choose the right amount of weight for each new exercise, first try it on light equipment;
  2. When performing difficult exercises (with a heavy barbell), wear shoes and firmly fix the ankle joint. There should be strong, solid support under your feet;
  3. Unload your joints by using a variety of exercise variations (wide-grip, narrow-grip bench press, shoulder-width grip). Using a wide grip helps develop the pectoralis major muscles (clavicular and sternal parts), the muscles of the front (anterior deltoid) and the back of the shoulder. A narrow grip allows for greater development of the muscles in the front (anterior deltoid) and posterior upper part of the shoulder;
  4. avoid excessively frequent heavy loads on the spine in one training session. Unload your spine by exercising while lying down and sitting with your torso supported. Use a special weightlifting belt (belt) when performing deadlifts, bends and squats, as well as shoes that provide good ankle support. During squats, ask your partners to back you up. It is also necessary to learn the techniques of self-insurance. You should warm up thoroughly before classes and during breaks.

Intensive development of strength while limiting flexibility exercises can lead to serious deterioration of mobility Your joints and stiffness of movement. To prevent this from happening, be sure to add flexibility exercises, as well as stretching and relaxation, to your warm-up.

  1. up to maximum effort - half-inhale;
  2. upon returning to i. n. – exhale;
  3. during the pause between repetitions - one or two inhalations/exhalations.
Control yourself and eat right!

Constant monitoring and self-monitoring of results, dynamics of body weight and anthropometric indicators, the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, regular medical examinations are a mandatory element of a rational methodology.

A necessary component of strength training is proper nutrition with a sufficient amount of protein - approximately 1.5-2 g per kilogram of weight. A lot of protein is found in low-fat dairy products, lean fish, meat, etc. The practical need for additional protein nutrition can be satisfied, for example, by adding 100 g of low-fat processed cheese and a glass of kefir to the regular daily diet.

When doing strength training, especially in autumn-winter, you should take 1-2 tablets multivitamin tablets per day.

Aspects of home training with a barbell

Some seasoned athletes have a misconception: they say, exercises with barbell at home impossible to perform. It seems to them that due to the large weight and massiveness of the equipment, as well as bulky additional accessories such as a stand, bench, mounted discs, etc., such a sports weightlifting equipment as a barbell is absolutely not applicable at home. In part, of course, they are right in some ways, but we know hundreds of examples of how it is possible, even in the conditions of a cramped small-sized Khrushchev-type apartment, to still use this much-needed tool for bodybuilding and fitness. You can find comprehensive examples and recommendations in our detailed article on how to turn your home into an impromptu gym using furniture and available equipment. So remember - nothing is impossible! The main thing is a desire, but there is always a way to realize it...

Next, we will offer you several effective complexescontaining both isolating and basic exercises with a barbell. Having familiarized yourself with them in detail, you can take them into service as is, or use them to create your own unique individual training plan.

Exercises to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as arm extensors.
  1. I. p. - lying on a bench, the barbell in your arms slightly bent in front of your chest. Bending and straightening your arms, perform bench presses at a moderate pace, 6-8 times in three approaches.
  2. I. p. - lying on a bench, a small weight barbell on your arms straightened in front of your chest. Bending your arms, lift the barbell behind your head as low as possible (inhale), return to I.P. (exhalation). Repeat 12-15 times in three approaches.
  3. I. p. - lying with your back on a bench, a light barbell (bar) in straightened arms at chest level. Inhaling, lower the barbell behind your head with straight arms. Return to i. n. (exhale). Repeat 15 times in two approaches.
  4. I. p. - lying with your back on a bench, a light barbell (bar) on your chest. After taking a deep breath, slightly lift the projectile and lower it back behind your head (do not straighten your arms). Return to i. n. (exhale). Perform 12 times in two approaches.
  5. I. p. - sitting, barbell on shoulders. Extending and bending your arms, perform a barbell press from behind your head at a uniform, leisurely pace, without holding your breath. Repeat the cycle 10 - 12 times in two approaches.
  6. I. p. - standing, barbell behind head on shoulders with wide grip. Squeeze the barbell up (inhale) and slowly lower it behind your head. Repeat 6-8 times in four approaches.
  7. I. p. - standing, barbell on the chest with a shoulder-width grip, palms out. Press the barbell up (inhale), slowly return to i. n. (exhale). Repeat 4-6 times in four approaches.
  8. I. p. - o. With. Your barbell is in your arms down in front with a shoulder-width grip, palms inward. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, do not bend your arms, return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times in two approaches, do not hold your breath.
  1. I. p. - lying on your stomach on a chair or stool, legs secured, a disc from a barbell on your shoulders. Lower your torso down (exhale). Return to i. p., bend over (inhale). Repeat 12-15 times in four approaches.
  2. I. p. - standing in a tilted position with a straight torso, the barbell is in the lowered hands, held with an “overhand grip” shoulder-width apart. Bending your arms, pull the barbell towards your body, fix it and return to i. p. Repeat 8-10 times for three approaches at a moderate pace, do not hold your breath.
  3. I. p. - standing in a tilted position with a straight body, the barbell in the lowered hands with a wide grip from above. Smoothly (without jerking) pull up to the chest, slowly lower with resistance. You can pull the barbell towards your chest and waist. For the latissimus muscle, moving towards the waist is more effective. Repeat 5-6 times in four approaches. Do not hold your breath.
  4. I. p. - o. c., light barbell on the shoulders. Lean forward, trying not to bend your knees (exhale). Fix for a couple of seconds and return to i. p. (inhale). Repeat the movements 8-10 times in two approaches.
  5. I. p. - o. With. in front of the bar. Bend over and grab the barbell with an opposite grip - one palm inward, the other outward. Bending at the waist, raising your head high, straighten your torso and legs, return to i. etc., without lowering the bar to the floor. Perform 5-6 times in two approaches.
  6. I. p. - o. That is, opposite the middle of the bar, feet shoulder-width apart, shins about 5 cm from the barbell, slightly turned outward. Bend forward, bending your legs, and grab the bar with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart. Bending at the waist and straightening the torso and legs, lift the barbell off the floor and pull it up with acceleration. As soon as the barbell is at mid-thigh level, simultaneously straighten your legs and torso to make a powerful lift: bend your legs slightly, tuck your elbows and hands under the bar, and place the barbell on your chest. Repeat 3-4 times without pauses for four to five approaches.
Exercises to develop hip flexor muscles
  1. I. p. - o. s., barbell on the shoulders. After inhaling, squat down on your feet until the front of your thighs are parallel to the floor. Spread your knees, keep your back straight, and raise your chest. Return to and without delay. n. (exhale). Repeat the movements 12 times in two approaches. The weight in this exercise should be taken on the shoulders from racks or with the help of partners. You must also wear a weightlifting belt.
  2. I. p. - o. s., back to the bench, barbell on the shoulders. Squat down until your buttocks touch the bench (without sitting on it), straighten your legs. Repeat 8-10 times in three approaches. The safety measures are the same as in the 1st exercise.
  3. I. p. - standing with your heels on a beam half a decimeter high, the barbell behind you in your lowered hands. Squat down without bending your torso forward. Stand up and repeat 7-8 times in three approaches. Do not hold your breath.
  4. I. p. - standing, barbell on chest. Squats. Repeat 7-8 times in four sets.
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