How to maintain a tan in a solarium

There is a lot of debate about whether sunbathing in a solarium is harmful or beneficial, whether it is possible to tan in a solarium quickly and how to achieve this. Sunbathing has long been recognized as healing. You don't have to wait until summer to get a great tan. And the modern sun is not so safe: it is incomparable to the one under which our ancestors basked. The solarium blocks the negative effects of the sun's rays. The unit contains special filters and uses the latest technical developments.

Tanning in a solarium: nuances

The tan itself is formed due to the production of melanin by special cells of the epidermis. Melanin is responsible for the intensity of the tan. But on the beach you will have to meet many conditions in order to change your skin tone to bronze. And it’s impossible to get a beautiful tan in just a couple of visits. But it’s impossible to lie in the sun all day, so more and more women are interested in how to quickly tan in a solarium.

Determination of skin type

When undergoing the procedure, there is a guarantee that you will never get burned if you follow all the rules. This method is ideal for those who, due to their busy schedule, simply cannot find a day or two for a beach holiday. The resulting artificial tan is good because it is even.

The result depends directly on your skin type. The procedure is contraindicated for those with green or blue eyes, light-colored hair and a whole scattering of small freckles. Alas, the Celtic type will have to forget about tanning.

If you need to spend some time in the solarium, a special cream with a high degree of sun protection will help out. Even if in this case the tan is practically invisible, the dermis will retain its beauty and youth.

Those with the Celtic type do not tan, they just burn. When using special products before, during and after sessions, a yellowish, barely visible tan is formed.

For the desired bronzeness, at least eight ten-minute sessions are needed, no more than a couple of times a week. The first visit is limited to five minutes.

The next type is brown, green or blue eyes, light brown curls and skin prone to sunburn. This image is called Nordic. Its owners are allowed to sunbathe no more than three times a week for ten minutes.

After the first visit, which lasts from three to five minutes, a two-day break is required. A total of five or six procedures will be required. The end result is a beautiful and even tan. The main thing is not to be greedy! Enough time to obtain the desired shade.

The third type has dark brown or chestnut hair, dark eyes and fairly light skin. Such people are classified as the Central European type. They are allowed to sunbathe for up to twenty minutes three times a week. After the first procedure, take a break for a couple of days. It will take five or six sessions to get an intense, although unstable tan.

To maintain the results, you need to visit the solarium once or twice a week, otherwise the purchase will quickly fade from water and soap.

For dark-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed owners of the Mediterranean type, you only need three sessions of a third of an hour. Their tan is bright and maintained without effort. Once a week is enough to maintain the illusion of a recent vacation on the Mediterranean coast.

Selection of option

There are two types of solariums:

Each tan has its own characteristics. In a horizontal position they lie relaxed. Even your feet get tanned. But there is a high risk that only open areas will catch fire.

The upper body also usually remains paler. You will have to stay in such a unit longer than in a vertical one due to the lower power of the lamps.

You won't be able to lie down vertically: you'll have to stand for the entire session. But you don’t need to touch any surfaces, which is more hygienic. The upper body tans better.

The lamps in the unit are more powerful, so the session time is reduced to five to ten minutes compared to a third of an hour in a horizontal booth. During this period, the risk of drying out of the dermis is reduced, and the regime is considered more gentle.

For those with fair skin, horizontal installation is more suitable, where the lamps have low power. Dark-skinned people are allowed sessions in vertical booths.

Contraindications for visiting

No matter how much you would like it, visits to the solarium are not allowed for everyone. Before visiting you should Consult your doctor, as there are a number of contraindications.

  1. Taking certain medications in combination with sun tanning is strictly prohibited due to the danger of sun allergies. The list of dangerous drugs includes antibiotics, tranquilizers, and antidepressants.
  2. Owners of the Celtic type are not prohibited from visiting the solarium, but are not recommended. Their skin is too sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Solariums are not recommended for teenagers under fifteen years of age for the same reason.
  3. If the skin has numerous and fairly large moles, pigmentation, or a purulent rash, then the procedure is reduced to a minimum. Be sure to consult a dermatologist before starting it.
  4. After hair removal, the risk of burning increases sharply.
  5. In case of high blood pressure, disturbances in the functioning of the heart and liver, or tuberculosis, sessions are allowed only after a conversation with a doctor.
  6. Pigment-activating hormones are produced in women during pregnancy. Expectant mothers are super sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to refrain from visiting the solarium.
  7. Ultraviolet light is not recommended for people suffering from vitiligo or hyperpigmentation.
  8. You should not visit a solarium if you have dermatitis, since dehydrated areas dry out even more under ultraviolet light.

Rules for quick, safe tanning

To get a share of a good mood and tan quickly, it is important to follow the rules of tanning in a solarium. You should not sunbathe more than once a day, including sunbathing. A day before the session, you need to perform a homemade peeling scrub.

Before the procedure itself, it is not advisable to wash with soap. This destroys the acidic layer of the skin. Before tanning, it is important to treat the dermis with special cosmetics. Applying hormonal or nutritional creams is strictly prohibited. But be sure to prepare the dermis. It is cleansed, moisturized and used to stimulate tanning.

Before the session begins, the face is wiped with a non-alcohol toner. Makeup must be removed. It is not recommended to use perfume, aromatic oils, or deodorants. The skin of sponges is very vulnerable. Before the session, a balm with ultraviolet protection is applied to it..

During the session, special black glasses must be worn. Eyelids that are not tightly closed indicate weak protection. Ultraviolet radiation penetrates through them without barriers, negatively affecting the retina of the eyes. Before the session, you must remove contact lenses.

To prevent thinning of the strands in the solarium, wear protective caps or cotton scarves. Stickers are placed on the chest. They should not be neglected. After thirty years, ladies are recommended to remain in bras and swimming trunks.

The tattoo is covered so that the ink does not fade. There is another reason for such caution: the high risk of allergies. There are special protective products for permanent make-up.

Due to the increased activity of all systems, after completing the session, it is recommended to relax slightly and rest a little. It is not advisable to take a cool shower immediately after the procedure.

After the session ends Be sure to apply skin moisturizers to your face.

Cosmetics for solarium

For a quick tan in the solarium, special cosmetics are provided.. There are four lines:

  1. for beginners - to get a bronze tan;
  2. for those with a tan - tanning enhancers;
  3. for a more lasting tan - maximizers;
  4. to consolidate the obtained effect - prolognators.

Skin care products for after sunbathing are also produced, nourishing and moisturizing the dermis. In cosmetics for use in solariums, they are necessary to prevent peeling and cracking of the skin. There are no UV filters in solar lotions and creams.

If you are prone to allergies Instead of special cosmetics, it is allowed to use natural oils. Recognized moisturizers are coconut, walnut, olive, and shea oils. They are applied either in pure form or as part of mixtures to the body immediately before the start of the session.

The use of mineral oils is not recommended. They clog pores, form an air-impermeable film on the surface of the body, and even cause thermal burns.

It is important to select all products individually, according to your skin type. Otherwise, the opposite of the desired effect is possible.

Truths and myths about artificial tanning

There are many legends and myths around solariums. There are reasons for this. The first is that the units are often used incorrectly in order to quickly get a tan without proper control over the equipment.

Science's opinion

Scientists have long found out that tanning is nothing more than skin defense reaction to the aggression of UV rays. It is permissible to bask in the sun for several hours. Such luxury is prohibited in a solarium. The effect of ultraviolet radiation there is targeted, and therefore the impact on the skin is much higher than during beach tanning.

Melanin works to reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation absorbed and the damage it causes. But the protection weakens over time. The result can be skin cancer. The disease is difficult to treat.

Experts are confidentthat the sharp increase in the number of cancer diseases is directly related to the increased fashion for tanning. Excessive use of tanning beds negatively affects the quality of the skin, turning the dermis into a dried out and flabby one. In addition, aging is noticeably accelerated.

Positive points

But not everything is so bad. When used wisely, a solarium is very useful. The lamps used in the units provide a balance of rays of types “A” and “B”, which are beneficial for people, and completely eliminate the negative rays of type “C”, which are harmful to cells.

After irradiation with ultraviolet light in reasonable quantities, the cells simply emit happiness hormones, endorphins, which is why the mood after visiting the solarium is excellent, and peace and a feeling of happiness appear.

Thanks to ultraviolet radiation, the immune system is strengthened and performance improves. Vitamin D, necessary for normal phosphorus-calcium balance, is produced only under the influence of the sun. Lack of the component leads to rickets.

Rays “A” have a beneficial effect on skin diseases such as psoriasis, fungal infections, and acne. However, you should still consult a specialist before visiting a solarium. Recommended after consultation and sessions for those suffering from respiratory diseases.

UV radiation strengthens the immune system, kills harmful bacteria, and activates the production of vitamin D, which improves bone strength and normalizes mineral metabolism.

The production of endorphins, happiness hormones, serotonin improves, and blood quality improves. The body, under the influence of the received ultraviolet radiation, begins to heal injuries faster, the risk of blood clots is reduced.

A tan purchased at a solarium lasts up to a month after the date of your last visit. Layer by layer it comes off as the skin renews itself. In about twenty-eight days, the epidermis is completely renewed. But special products and appropriate care will help maintain it much longer.

Today it is easy to get a beautiful tan on the beach or in the solarium if you properly prepare your body using special cosmetics. However, it is not always possible to maintain a beautiful golden skin tone. Next, we will take a closer look at the rules for fixing a sea tan.

How and why does a tan appear?

Tanning is a protective reaction of the skin to intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of sunlight, the body begins to actively produce melanin, which is responsible for the golden tint of the skin. The greater the impact, the darker the skin becomes.

The main thing is not to overdo it, because instead of a beautiful tan you can get sunburn, age spots and even skin cancer.

Therefore, for proper tanning, you need to carefully prepare your body using sunscreen cosmetics and fixatives.

Rules for staying in the sun and getting a tan

Basic rules for tanning at sea:

  1. During the first days, you can stay in direct sunlight for no more than 30 minutes to minimize the risk of sun exposure. It is better to sunbathe in the shade so that the skin quickly adapts to intense ultraviolet radiation.
  2. You can sunbathe up to 10 hours and after 16 hours without harm to your health.
  3. Before going to the beach, be sure to apply sunscreen cosmetics with SPF from 50 to 100 to your entire body. You need to renew the protective layer every 2 hours or after each contact with water.
  4. After sunbathing on the beach, you need to apply moisturizing and firming products to clean skin, taking into account your skin type.

Preparing the body and facial skin for tanning

To get a beautiful, even tan at sea, you need to follow these simple rules:

  1. First of all, you need to cleanse the skin of dead cells. To do this, it is recommended to use safe products without aggressive chemical compounds and acids. This will allow you to get an even tan without blemishes. In this case, the cleaning procedure should be done a few days before going to the beach so that the skin has time to recover.
  2. To better clean the upper layer of the epidermis, it is recommended to visit a sauna or take a hot bath. Under the influence of heat, the pores open and remove toxins from the body. In addition, it is possible to quickly get rid of dead cells without damaging the skin.
  3. You need to take advantage of every opportunity to tan. It is recommended to start sunbathing a month before your vacation so that your skin can adapt to the sun's rays. It also minimizes the risk of sunburn. This advice is useful for people with white skin, which tends to burn quickly in the sun.
  4. To get a golden skin tone, it is recommended to include fresh carrots in your daily menu. These can be fresh salads with vegetable oil or juices. Carrots will speed up the production of melanin, which is responsible for tanning.

Delicate facial skin is sensitive to sunlight, so it needs proper care and reliable protection. For an even tan, it is recommended to carry out the peeling procedure a few days before the tanning session. It is better to use natural products, such as oatmeal, to prepare a cleansing mask. This will not only remove dead cells, but also improve the nutrition of skin cells.

Tanning products

Be sure to apply special tanning products to exposed parts of the body a few minutes before going out into the sun. You need to choose sunscreen cosmetics based on your skin type and time of year. Such cosmetics will protect your skin from negative ultraviolet radiation, minimize sunburn and get an even tan.

To tan on the beach in warm countries, you need to use cosmetics with protective filters SPF from 50 to 100. The more delicate the skin, the higher the degree of protection should be. For children, you need to choose special children's sunscreen cosmetics to reliably protect the skin from the sun's rays.

Sunscreen cosmetics are effective for two hours. Therefore, you need to regularly apply a new layer to the body, as well as after each contact with water. In addition, we strictly follow all instructions from the manufacturer indicated on the packaging.

After sun products

After tanning, the skin is depleted and requires special care and restoration. It is necessary to use special moisturizers that accelerate cell regeneration. In addition, there are products that fix a beautiful tan for a long time.

It is recommended to choose cosmetics that contain aloe extract, citrus essential oils, horsetail or arnica elements.

What will help remove the tan?

The following steps can help remove tan:

  1. Thermal procedures. These include a hot bath or sauna. Under the influence of heat, the top layer of the epidermis begins to gradually peel off, leaving unsightly spots. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to a cool shower to maintain your tan longer.
  2. Mechanical influence. This is a procedure for cleansing the skin using mechanical means, namely scrubs. They cleanse the skin not only of dead cells, but also remove tan.
  3. Chemical exposure. Cleansing the skin using chemical elements. This includes a skin cleansing procedure called chemical peeling.

How to maintain a tan after the sea

Simple tips for maintaining a tan after the sea:

  1. Every day you need to apply moisturizing lotions or creams to clean skin, which will maintain the normal water balance of cells, preventing them from dying.
  2. You can take cool baths with flax extract or sea salt to deepen your tan.
  3. If there are no contraindications, a solarium after the sea is recommended, which will maintain a beautiful golden or chocolate skin tone.
  4. You should avoid baths or hot baths.
  5. Do not use hard sponges, mechanical or chemical scrubs to cleanse the skin.
  6. Do not use body cosmetics with bleaching elements or aggressive chemical acids.

Ways to fix a sea tan

The following tips will help you maintain your sea tan:

  1. You should start your morning with a glass of carrot or apricot juice. It can also be fresh vegetable salads based on carrots.
  2. Every day we moisturize the skin with products that are designed to fix the tan.
  3. You should avoid cosmetics that contain lemon juice, cucumber extract, and other whitening elements.
  4. You should regularly visit the solarium if there are no contraindications.
  5. We increase the drinking regime to maintain the skin's water balance at an optimal level.
  6. We refuse aggressive scrubs and peeling to cleanse the skin.

Skin care after the sea

Skin after the sea requires special care. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, cells gradually begin to lose moisture and die. Therefore, it is important to prevent premature skin aging by regularly using moisturizers. You need to use special cosmetics for tanned skin. Apply lotion after each shower to clean skin, following the manufacturer's instructions.

If there are no contraindications, namely age spots, burns and moles, then you can visit the solarium to consolidate the result.

Proper nutrition after a trip

Proper nutrition is very important for the active production of melanin, which is responsible for the beautiful chocolate shade of the skin.

So, it is recommended to include the following products in your daily diet:

  1. Vitamin A. This is liver, lean beef, chicken eggs, fermented milk products, apricot, carrots and vegetable fats.
  2. Vitamin C. These are vegetables and fruits, for example, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, black currants, citrus fruits, herbs.
  3. Vitamin E. Plant and essential oils.
  4. Beta carotene. Vegetables, fruits and greens.

How to maintain a tan after solarium

How to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time in a solarium? You need to learn how to sunbathe properly in a solarium in order to get a beautiful, even tan.

We adhere to the following simple tips:

  1. A few days before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin of dead cells. A hot bath using natural scrubs is perfect for this.
  2. Before the procedure itself, be sure to apply sunscreen cosmetics intended for solariums to exposed areas of the body.
  3. After tanning, we apply moisturizers to the body to maintain normal water balance and accelerate cell regeneration.

How to maintain an intense tan without sun exposure

After sunbathing at the sea, you can maintain a beautiful skin tone using a solarium. In this case, there should be no contraindications, namely cardiovascular diseases, menstruation, skin damage, sunburn, moles.

You can visit the solarium twice a week for 2 minutes, bringing the time spent in the capsule to 10 minutes. Be sure to use special cosmetics before and after the procedure. These are sunscreens and moisturizers intended for tanning in a solarium.

Folk remedies for maintaining a tan

Traditional methods, which we will consider below, will help you maintain your tan longer.

Hot baths

  1. Brew a strong chamomile decoction, strictly following the instructions on the package. Strain and pour into a hot bath. After such a bath, the skin becomes soft and the tan lasts longer.
  2. In addition to chamomile, you can use regular black tea. Brew and pour into a hot bath. After this procedure, the skin becomes elastic and tightened, maintaining a beautiful shade.
  3. To rejuvenate the skin and maintain a tan, melt a bar of dark chocolate and add it to a hot bath.
  4. A bath with olive oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and maintains a beautiful golden hue. Half a liter of olive oil is enough for one bath.


  1. Brew strong tea, cocoa or coffee. Wet a tampon into the resulting mixture and wipe the body.
  2. You can wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile or chamomile to maintain a beautiful tan. Prepare the decoction according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Fresh milk or green tea works very well for washing your face.
  4. We wipe tanned skin with fresh cream to maintain water balance and elasticity.


Prepare a face mask based on coffee grounds. Can be mixed with cream or body milk. Apply to clean skin for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask can be done several times a week.


To maintain a beautiful tan, you can try the following masks:

Before summer, we all want to get a little tan in order to look rested and wear revealing clothes with peace of mind. You probably know that solarium is harmful, that it can increase the risk of skin cancer, and also speed up skin aging. Everyone knows about this, but nevertheless, every spring girls still go to solariums at their own peril and risk. To minimize the harm, we decided to talk to a doctor and find out how to properly sunbathe in a solarium.

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How to sunbathe properly in a solarium: instructions

Before giving recommendations about tanning in a solarium, I want to note that 5 minutes of such tanning stops collagen production for 72 hours. During this period, our skin fibers are not synthesized! This means that we are speeding up skin aging.

1. The skin needs to be cleaned before tanning.

If you decide to go to the solarium, you need to remember that the skin must first be thoroughly cleansed. Therefore, if you are sunbathing in a fitness club while taking a shower, use a hard washcloth and preferably a body scrub. This way you will remove a certain amount of dead horny scales, and the tan will lie more evenly.

2. Moisturize your skin BEFORE and AFTER tanning

Also, your task is to minimize the harmful effects of solarium on the skin, protecting it from moisture loss and dryness. How to sunbathe properly in a solarium? Before and after tanning, you should use any moisturizer. It’s better to mix moisturizing body milk and some nourishing, oil-rich cream.

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3. Increase the amount of vitamin C in your diet

If you sunbathe in a solarium, pay attention to the amount of vitamin C in your diet. It is a powerful antioxidant that minimizes the harmful effects of tanning lamps on the skin. There is a lot of it in fresh fruits, any green fruits, as well as leafy vegetables and herbs. You can also take ascorbic acid in tablets - about 500 mg per day. This should be done during the entire period while you are using the solarium. But using products with SPF in a solarium, in my opinion, is pointless. If you are afraid of getting sunburned, reduce the procedure time to a minimum.

4. Tanning activator is not harmful

As for tanning activators, these are products that contain substances that allow you to obtain a more even tan tone, helping to preserve and maintain it. For example, they contain beta-carotene, a substance that accumulates in subcutaneous fat and provides a beautiful tan. In addition, they contain many different oils that help preserve and maintain the lipid layer of the skin. They glue the epidermis scales together, making the skin smoother. As a result, the tan goes on more evenly and lasts longer.

5. Cover moles and nipples with stickers

Before the session, it is recommended to cover more pigmented areas of the skin (nipples, moles, birthmarks) with special stickers. Such protection is quite enough to protect these areas from the effects of solariums.

6. Monitor the duration of the session

How long should the first session be and how to properly start tanning in a solarium? It all depends on the phototype. People of phototype 3-4 can sunbathe in a solarium for 5, 8, and 10 minutes. Whereas people have 1-2 phototypes - no more than 1-2 minutes.

7. Don't go to the solarium too often

The time of the first session should be minimal. I would recommend visiting the solarium no more than 2 times a week. As soon as the skin is slightly tanned (as a rule, 4 sessions are enough for this), switch to 1 procedure per week. After tanning, be sure to apply a product with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients to your skin.