How to slow down the aging process of facial skin

No matter how irreversible the aging process has been throughout the history of mankind, today (many times I bow to all the scientists who invented Botox, mesotherapy and hyaluronic acid) we have a chance to stop the appearance of its telltale signs on our face and body.

Of course, not every mortal can yet afford this, but an army of thousands under the banner of “25+” froze in anxious anticipation of a sharp drop in prices for injections of miracle elixirs.

On the one hand, for now you can sit back and wait in suffering anticipation. But here there is a high probability of later appearing before the unfortunate surgeons in all his incorrigibly senile glory.

The most effective tips on how to slow down facial aging

So, I have collected here several invaluable edifications, which, if taken not to note, but to be implemented, will help smooth out the existing signs of aging, and on different parts of the body, and slow down skin aging processes at all. And in a very short time.

In order to slow down skin aging processes you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day. After 23 years, moisturizing your skin from the inside is your sacred duty, because it is from this age that the countdown of youth begins: the body’s skin renewal processes slow down, and it gradually becomes drier. Therefore, if you do not nourish the skin cells, they will very quickly lose all elasticity and the skin will become covered with wrinkles.

To slow down the aging process, I exfoliate regularly

At our age, you can’t get away with just washing your skin to completely cleanse it. This is due to a slowdown in metabolic processes, resulting in a layer of dead cells growing on the skin. The latter prevent skin regeneration and the formation of a natural protective fat layer, which maintains skin elasticity and prevents free radicals from penetrating and affecting its deeper layers.

Peeling destroys the layer of keratinized skin and removes all the “garbage” from it, while eliminating minor defects and smoothing it out. In addition, such cleaning helps to normalize the formation of the fat layer and narrow enlarged pores.

The simplest peeling is sugar peeling. It is enough to do it 1-2 times a week. Just lather your hands until foam forms. Apply it to your face, avoiding the eye area. Next, pour 1 teaspoon of sugar into your hands and gently massage your face. After completing the procedure, rinse everything off with water at room temperature.

Facial skin aging begins - we stop it with masks

Who - how, of course, but I prefer homemade masks. Due to the unconditional naturalness of their ingredients and the absence of questionable elements in the composition.

When choosing components for masks, focus on those that suit your skin type, so as not to dry it out or increase the work of the sebaceous glands.

But there are also masks that are suitable for rejuvenating any skin type. For example, based on honey, oatmeal and yogurt. Usually, for such a mask, take equal proportions of flour and yogurt (1 teaspoon each) and add a couple of drops of honey. For deep absorption of such a mixture, 15-20 minutes will be enough, after which it should be washed off with warm water or a cotton swab soaked in mineral carbonated water.

Also suitable for all skin types clay. It is especially useful to make masks based on blue and pink to slow down the aging process. Blue clay affects the deep layers of the skin, accelerates metabolic processes and perfectly smooths out wrinkles.

By the way, its effectiveness in smoothing out wrinkles can be confirmed by the fact that it is effective in the fight against cellulite. In just 10 procedures, not a trace of the “orange peel” remains. In addition, blue clay fights acne, stretch marks and scars.

A mask that contains the most common and useful ingredients in home cosmetology is suitable for all skin types:

  1. yolk (raw chicken egg) - 1 pc.;
  2. honey – 1 teaspoon;
  3. blue clay - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  4. olive (almond or any other vegetable) oil – 1 teaspoon

First, lightly beat the yolk, add honey and butter to it, and then add clay powder. Stir the resulting mass until the consistency begins to resemble thick sour cream. The mixture should not be too thick, otherwise add a little water. Apply the mask to your face with light, non-stretching movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wait for the mask to dry (15-20 minutes), then rinse with warm water.

Before applying any mask, be sure to cleanse your face. from pollution and a layer of dead cells. After this, it is advisable to steam your face. Then the beneficial substances will be able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Use herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, linden or mint for these purposes. You can either hold your face over the hot infusion for a few minutes, covered with a towel, or apply a hot herbal infusion compress for 5-7 minutes.

Speaking of herbal infusions

You can make cosmetic ice from them. This is not only the best way to wake up, especially in winter, but also to slow down skin aging processes, because ice stimulates blood circulation, and thereby has an effect on accelerating the regeneration of skin cells.

Use essential oils

Essential oils have recently become so popular that many women completely abandon even expensive skin care cosmetics in favor of essential oils and home cosmetics based on them.

They help especially effectively slow down skin aging processes wheat germ oil, grape seed oil, sandalwood oil, jojoba oil, myrrh oil and almond oil.

Take your vitamins

When skin aging begins, our body especially needs vitamins. From now on, we need to look for vitamins in everything: vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries and nuts. Also take vitamins in courses of tablets, but do not forget that you need to take a break of 2-3 weeks between them. Vitamins of groups E, A, B, C, D are beneficial for the skin.

Start playing sports

Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness, which gives us a feeling of satisfaction, self-confidence and lightness. Also, playing sports helps saturate skin cells with oxygen and stimulate blood circulation, which is the driving force for cell regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin. And the latter, as you know, are the fibers on whose presence our youth and beauty depend.

Massage, just like sports, stimulates blood circulation and helps not only smooth out existing wrinkles. Proper and regular massage helps restore sagging and sagging skin of the face and neck to its former elasticity. Therefore, try to accustom yourself to either regularly visit a professional massage therapist, or learn self-massage techniques. But from now on, if you want slow down the aging process, massage is also mandatory for you, as is drinking water in large quantities.

Healthy sleep

Try to sleep at least 8 hours a night. Give up high pillows and start weaning yourself from sleeping on your side or stomach. Just sleep straight.


Adjust your diet, make it more balanced and rich in vitamins and minerals. Moreover, a woman gets much more pleasure from proper nutrition than from regularly eating unhealthy foods.

As soon as you give up sausages, sausages, canned food, fried, very spicy and sweet foods in favor of fruits, vegetables, berries and nuts, you will soon feel not only lightness from the unnoticed kilograms you have lost, but also notice an unexpected improvement in the texture and complexion.

With the help of proper nutrition in the long term, you can not only slow down the aging process of the skin, but also delay as much as possible any manifestations of its signs. Whereas with an unbalanced diet, skin aging begins at about 23 years of age and proceeds at a more accelerated pace.

When I was about 20 years old, I was already concerned about maintaining youth and I asked myself: how to slow down the aging of facial skin? And, in general, is this possible? Throughout my life, I have never ceased to be interested in this issue and collect information, testing it on myself. Today I can identify 8 main factors influencing skin aging.

The sooner you become aware of them and neutralize their effects, the younger you will look.



Factor #1. World experts agree that the main factor in aging now is exposure to the sun - so-called photoaging occurs.

Forget recommendations from the 20th century about the benefits of sunbathing. More precisely, the infrared spectrum of sunlight continues to have a beneficial effect on our body. But it is overshadowed by the damage from the ultraviolet spectrum. The reason for this is the deterioration of the environment on the planet and the thinning of the earth’s ozone layer, which is a natural protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Now the gap in this protection has been broken and we need to protect our skin ourselves. And not just for the sake of maintaining attractiveness. Solar ultraviolet radiation is a cause of skin cancer.

Therefore, you should not take this lightly. Personally, I followed Nicole Kidman's advice and bought myself sunscreen powder with SPF 50. I apply it before going outside from March to October. In the summer I use sunscreen on all exposed areas of the body, especially on the hands. In addition to protecting against wrinkles, it prevents the formation of pigmentation. And, of course, on the beach I use sunscreen all over my body.

I lived in Sochi the entire summer season, and felt the burning of the sun's rays on my skin as early as 8:30 in the morning! Therefore, I went to the beach only after 16:00. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to protect yourself from redness and burns, given that solar radiation is reflected from the water and affects you with double force. When people told me that I wasn't tanned enough, I took it as a compliment. This means I have a healthy light tan with a golden color. And I managed to protect my skin from unnecessary and harmful exposure to the sun. And I never wanted to look like a grilled chicken. I think it looks terrible. Not to mention the consequences.

Factor #2 - lack of water in the body. Because of this, puffiness forms on the face, which makes you look very old. Yes exactly. Swelling is formed not from excess water, but from its lack. Because in this case the body considers it necessary to store it for future use. When you start drinking regularly, the need for supplies disappears. The accuracy of this fact is very easy to verify for yourself. Personally, I’ve forgotten about bags under my eyes for a couple of years now. Well, except when I sleep on my stomach...

How to drink water correctly

The water must be purified drinking water. Tap water will do more harm than good.

The daily water intake is calculated as follows: 0.03 times your body weight. For example, multiplying 0.03 by 65 equals 1.95 liters. This is the standard for clean water. This does not include soups, tea or coffee. Coffee, on the contrary, draws moisture from the body. You should always drink water after it.

You have found out your norm, now you need to make sure that you don’t forget to drink. As soon as you get up, drink a glass of water to flush your body. It will be even more useful if you squeeze a slice of lemon into it. During the day, it is better to drink a little, but often, in a few sips. This way, more water will be absorbed by the cells of the body, and not exit through the bladder. To help you remember to drink, keep a cup or bottle of water in a visible place at home and at work—usually your desk. When you need to go somewhere, take a 0.5 liter bottle with you.


Factor #3 - moral tension, anxiety, stress. There is a physiological explanation for this. During times of stress, blood vessels narrow and fewer nutrients reach the skin. Therefore, it begins to lose its healthy color and elasticity. The topic of dealing with stress is a separate topic. If there is some serious situation in life, then popular recipes like “just relax and enjoy life” will not help. But definitely, you need to develop a mentality in yourself so as not to get upset over little things or other people’s shortcomings.

Factor #4 - lack of sleep. If skin cells do not have time to renew themselves overnight, this greatly affects the appearance. All actresses and models know this, and sometimes admit in interviews that they sleep for 9 hours. You say: “Well, I’m not an actress or a model! I can’t afford to sleep 9 hours.” You know, I’m not an actress or a model either. But from my youth, I chose jobs for myself where it didn’t take long to get there and I could come back later. And for the last 10 years I have organized my life so as not to use an alarm clock at all. I get up when I've had enough sleep. You also don’t have to remain a driven horse that owes everyone everything. Just look at how you could allocate more time to sleep.


Factor #5 - smoking. This bad habit destroys not only your health, but also your attractiveness. Tobacco smoke turns your complexion sallow. Nicotine destroys collagen fibers in the skin, causing premature sagging. Because of this, after 50 years, some women who smoke begin to look like old monkeys. 😀 I have a clear example of what my 70-year-old non-smoking mother and her lifelong smoking peer, the mother of my friend, look like. My God, this is heaven and earth! How can you voluntarily disfigure yourself like that?

How to quit smoking?

I had a period in my life when I “dabbled” in smoking. As a result, I found myself cravings after some time. But I didn’t want to be dependent (that’s how independent I am 🙂 ). A simple thing helped me - just stop buying cigarettes. “Shooting” at colleagues is also prohibited. And at some point I started to want to smoke. So what? Let him want it, there are no cigarettes. I just kept going about my business. And it helped. After a few days the cravings were gone.

By the way, this technique also works well on other harmful cravings such as sweets. You don't stop yourself from wanting. It's just not available and nothing can be done about it. We just have to come to terms with the way we come to terms with not being able to go to Bali right now or put on new Manolo Blahnik shoes.


Factor #6 - oxygen starvation. Our body is an oxygen-carbon engine. All redox reactions in the body take place with the participation of oxygen. With its lack, the complexion deteriorates. Unfortunately, this is not the worst thing. Lack of oxygen leads to premature aging and various diseases, including cancer (!).

Oxygen deficiency does not threaten you if you spend most of the day in the fresh air. In other cases, it is necessary to provide yourself with constant access to oxygen.

In many families I observe the same picture. People prefer to wear T-shirts and shorts at home. And to prevent it from being cold, they keep the windows tightly closed. And then they turn on the gas stove for heating, which further reduces the amount of oxygen in the room.

If you want to stay young and healthy, then do the opposite. Keep the window cracked at all times. If it’s frosty outside, you can leave a very small gap, just not closing the frame tightly. This will not particularly affect the temperature in the room, but there will be a constant flow of fresh air. Or at least ventilate the room periodically, especially before going to bed. If you feel cold, just dress normally. Save your shorts and tank tops for summer.

If your windows face a polluted highway, then it makes sense to fork out for an air purifier. Health is more valuable than any device.

Facial care

Factor #7 - lack of proper skin care. Each age and skin type has its own proper care. But it’s good if you do at least something for your appearance. The very fact of paying attention is important here. When you apply cream to your face in the morning, you direct your positive attention there, thinking that now this cream will moisturize your skin and make it more elastic and beautiful. Your energy can work stronger than any cream. But this will only happen if you do not have the following factor:


Factor #8 - Negative Beliefs. What happens in our lives is what we believe and what we expect. And not only consciously, but also subconsciously. You may say that you believe in the possibility of influencing your appearance, but deep down (it would be more correct to say - in the depths of your mind) you believe that aging is an inevitable physiological process that cannot be slowed down or delayed. This is where you are caught. On a conscious level, you can spend a lot of money on miracle creams and treatments, but still not see any results. And this will confirm you in the idea that it is impossible to delay aging.

What to do about it? There is a special technique for finding and weeding out false beliefs. But you can try to help yourself. Study materials on the topic of preserving youth, look for real people in life who manage to look much younger than their peers (I am a living example). After some time, you will be saturated with new ideas and there will be no room for doubts.

Now you know how to slow down the aging of the skin of your face and body. Neutralize these 8 harmful factors and the result will not be long in coming.

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Smooth skin is the dream of every woman. But in order to at least slightly delay the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging, it is not enough to buy a miracle cream.

There are many more very simple ways that will allow you to look younger than your age.

A low-calorie diet, even in non-obese people, can lead to changes in metabolism, improved health and increased life expectancy.

To maintain skin elasticity, vitamin B complex (found in beef, chicken, eggs, whole wheat, enriched flour, milk and other products), vitamins A and C (found in fresh fruits and vegetables) are important.

Nutritionists believe that the best foods for healthy skin are green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.

For the results to be stable, it is not enough to go on a low-calorie diet from time to time. This way of eating should become a system for you.

In addition, if you eat low-calorie foods, there is a chance not only to slow down aging, but also to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.

Apply eye gels and anti-wrinkle products. They fill the skin with moisture, which is included in the composition of creams in liposomes and other special forms. This prevents the formation of wrinkles and skin aging.

Please note that none of the commercially available moisturizing creams and lotions can completely reverse the aging process. You can only slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Moisturizing lotions will help smooth out even the smallest wrinkles. First you need to wet your skin with water, pat it dry with a towel, and then apply a moisturizer - then its effect will be more active.

  1. 3. Use cosmetics correctly

Properly applied makeup helps hide wrinkles.

Good makeup artists and make-up artists can help you look several years younger.

Take a few lessons from a professional makeup artist, and then do your own makeup at the highest level yourself.

Sometimes attempts to hide wrinkles with makeup lead to the fact that the cosmetics only emphasize them.

This occurs from rubbing in heavy foundation or applying makeup that has cream or oil as a base. They harden between wrinkles and collect in the folds of the skin.

Use only those products that have powder (grain starch) as a base. Wrinkles, of course, will not be smoothed out, but they will become less noticeable.

In addition, this makeup looks transparent and more natural. And, importantly, it is easier to apply carefully.

  1. 4. Protect your skin from the sun

The thinning ozone layer around the Earth allows more of the sun's harmful rays to reach vulnerable skin. The skin loses elasticity and wrinkles appear faster.

Before going to the beach, try to use skin care products with a high protection factor (for the face - at least SPF 20, and for the body - at least 15 SPF).

To slow down the appearance of crow's feet in the corners of your eyes, wear sunglasses with a good degree of protection.

Scientists have proven that food can protect your skin from sun exposure. Just forty grams of tomatoes and olive oil per day triples the skin's resistance to radiation.

The study authors emphasize that tomatoes provide a background protective effect.

Therefore, eat tomatoes with olive oil, apply cream, wear glasses, don’t chase a bronze tan and be proud of your wrinkle-free face.

First of all, facial wrinkles appear, the origin of which is psychological.

If you are constantly tense or excited, facial muscle spasms occur. Elastic fibers stretch more than they should, and this tires their stretchability.

In addition, the stress hormone adrenaline constricts blood vessels, and this especially affects the thin capillaries of the skin surface. In case of prolonged stress, the skin does not receive enough nutrition and oxygen.

The second stress hormone, cortisone, stops the process of cell division.

If you cannot avoid stress, you should learn relaxation exercises.

For example, try meditating. This not only helps relieve stress, but also has a positive effect on your overall well-being.

Wrinkles can appear even while you sleep. They are formed at night from pressing the face into the pillow.

If you notice that your pillowcase is “imprinted” on your face in the morning, learn to sleep on your back, or in a position so that your face does not press on the pillow.

Some of the smallest lines on the face will disappear in just a few weeks.

  1. 7. Don't overdo your hygiene

Excessive washing can lead to dryness, which causes wrinkles.

Even the best shower gels and bubble baths dry out your skin if used more than twice a day.

Soap scum remaining on the skin can dry it out and accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging.

Spending more time rinsing than washing will ensure your skin doesn't lose moisture.

People who are physically fit have healthier, more elastic skin than those who do not exercise.

However, keep in mind that if you start exercising and then suddenly stop, wrinkles will appear very quickly as collagen levels decrease. Therefore, exercises must be done regularly.

Physical activity will affect not only the skin of the face, but also the skin of the whole body.

Using your fingertips, thumbs and palms of your hands, rub into every area of ​​your face and neck.

Massage will help increase skin stimulation and blood circulation.

This will also help smooth out the muscles of the face, whose symmetry is often disrupted by a stiff or tense expression.

Perform light patting movements. If you stretch the skin with your fingers, wrinkles will become more noticeable.

If you learn how to massage yourself and do it morning and evening, results will appear within a month.