Anti-cellulite diet for 10 days menu

One of the common problems of any modern woman is “orange peel” or cellulite. There are many ways to remove unaesthetic bumps and pits on the skin. To bring the body in order, an anti-cellulite diet is often used. This dietary nutrition system is based on a balanced diet, which must be combined with competent cosmetic procedures and sports.

Does diet help with cellulite?

If you have extra pounds, then it is better to deal with such a nuisance using comprehensive methods. For example, you can combine a certain diet, physical activity and massage. In the process of following a diet, adipose tissue decreases in volume, and this indicates the removal of toxins and other “harmful things” from the body. Diet for cellulite should always include fresh vegetables and fruits, containing many nutrients and a minimum of calories. A proper diet promotes weight loss and normalizes metabolism, which is accompanied by the “resorption” of cellulite on the skin.

Features of nutrition for cellulite

The anti-cellulite diet includes a large list of foods that are recommended to be eaten and vice versa. Allowed products make it possible to prepare various tasty, healthy dishes. The anti-cellulite diet menu contains the following edible components:

  1. purified water, green and herbal tea, natural juices, unsweetened compote, fruit juice;
  2. fresh and dry fruits;
  3. vegetables (raw, boiled, steamed);
  4. whole grains (brown rice, buckwheat, barley, etc.);
  5. a small amount of nuts and seeds is allowed;
  6. vegetable oil;
  7. legumes (not canned);
  8. low-fat sour milk in limited quantities;
  9. lean types of meat, fish;
  10. seafood;
  11. to cleanse the liver, which removes many toxins and wastes, it is advisable to add rose hips, black radish, peppermint, celandine, and dandelion flowers to the diet.

List of foods that the anti-cellulite diet excludes:

  1. fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  2. baked goods (except for bread made from wholemeal flour);
  3. smoked meats, sausages;
  4. fried foods;
  5. sweet;
  6. meat with high fat content;
  7. alcoholic drinks;
  8. coffee, black tea, packaged juice, carbonated drinks;
  9. store-bought seasonings;
  10. canned food of any kind.

Effective anti-cellulite diet program

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in how long it takes to get rid of cellulite? Diets for weight loss are designed for different time periods, but the most popular are diets for 10 and 30 days. An anti-cellulite program at home allows you to effectively fight extra pounds and restore your skin to a healthy, beautiful appearance.

For 10 days

Let's start with the diet, which will be a kind of training before a monthly weight loss program. A diet for 10 days restores the balance of water and salt in the body, due to which excess fluid is released. This program provides two types of diets, which are observed on even/odd dates. The table below offers an approximate detailed menu for a ten-day anti-cellulite diet.

Distribute the following products throughout the day: freshly squeezed juices, fresh fruits, vegetables and berries, water, tea.

2, 4, 6, 8, 10 days of the diet

Morning: porridge with water from any whole grain (without oil or salt), vegetable salad (green vegetables + lemon juice + vegetable oil).

Second breakfast (afternoon snack is the same): any cooked or fresh vegetables.

Day: vegetable diet soup (without potatoes), juice, fruit.

Dinner: vegetable salad (large portion), seasoned with vegetable oil.

The 30-day diet, which is also aimed at losing weight and preventing cellulite, is a strict diet. It is a combination of 3 dietary diets. The first healthy eating regimen lasts two weeks, the second and third – one week each. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the indicative menu of the monthly anti-cellulite program.

Breakfast: purified water (150 g) with lemon juice (8 drops) and honey (1 tablespoon), after 20 minutes. unsweetened tea.

Lunch: boiled chicken meat + vegetables (no more than 450 g).

Dinner: add white cabbage (200 g) to water (350 g), cook for 25 minutes, consume the finished dish slowly.

Divide half a liter of kefir and low-fat cottage cheese (500 g) into 5 meals.

5 (from this day to the 11th, products are distributed per day)

Kefir (500 ml), boiled potatoes (6 pieces).

Again kefir, boiled beef or chicken (450 g).

One percent cottage cheese (half a kilogram), sour milk (500 ml).

Yogurt, low-fat sour cream (half a kilo).

One percent kefir, dried fruits (unlimited quantity).

A liter of purified water, sour milk (450 ml).

Mineral water (one and a half liters).

Morning: a cup of tea without sugar.

Second breakfast: hard cheese (60 g) or low-fat soft cottage cheese (100 g).

Lunch: hard-boiled egg, unsweetened green tea.

Afternoon snack: Yogurt or cottage cheese in small quantities.

Evening: boiled meat (100 g), vegetable salad with butter (250 g).

Coffee or tea of ​​your choice, cheese (100 g).

Boiled egg, boiled meat or fish (160 g), hard cheese (35 g).

Again you can have boiled meat (200 g), a salad of any vegetables with the addition of herbs (strong tea with mint before bed).

15 (from this day of the diet to the 22nd diet must be distributed throughout the day)

Baked potatoes with peel (400 grams), low-fat kefir (half a liter).

Fresh fruits (exclude grapes, bananas), sour milk (500 ml).

Boiled chicken meat (450 g), kefir.

Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened coffee.

Lunch: stewed white cabbage, tomato juice (1 glass), two hard-boiled eggs.

Dinner: a piece of boiled fish.

Coffee with crackers.

Vegetable salad (cabbage + greens + oil), fried fish.

A glass of sour milk, boiled beef (250 g).

A cup of unsweetened coffee, toast.

One fried zucchini, several apples.

Boiled meat (beef), cabbage salad, two chicken eggs.

We start the morning again with coffee without sugar.

Hard cheese (20 g), raw chicken egg, boiled carrot salad + butter.

Raw grated carrots, seasoned with lemon juice.

Boiled fish (400 g), a glass of tomato juice.

Fresh assorted fruits.

Vegetable salad (raw carrots + cabbage + sunflower oil), half a boiled chicken.

Raw carrots (1 cup) with butter, two boiled eggs.

Green tea without sugar.

Boiled beef (250 g), fresh fruit.

Select from the menu 23-29 days (except 25).

Video: creating an anti-cellulite diet


Olga, 28 years old At a certain point in my life, I began to feel embarrassed about being overweight and decided to change for the better. To lose weight and get rid of the annoying “orange peel”, a 30-day anti-cellulite nutrition program, special massage, and daily exercises were chosen. As a result, 7 kilograms were lost, and the skin became smooth and beautiful.

Varvara, 36 years old A friend advised me to try an anti-cellulite diet for ten days. The diet program menu for weight loss suited me; I didn’t feel hungry. I ate a lot of fruits, vegetables, and sour milk. A proper balanced diet helped me lose 3 kilograms. Cellulite has become less noticeable. I will continue in the same spirit.

Alisa, 43 years old Getting rid of cellulite has been my old dream. For this reason, I chose a diet of the same name, designed for a month. I completely excluded sweets, flour products, smoked foods, and black tea from my diet. I lost 8 kilograms and cellulite disappeared from my skin.

Cellulite has affected every woman in one way or another. Proper nutrition is one of the main methods of complex influence on the disease. But a diet for cellulite does not mean that you need to eat practically nothing for several weeks. To combat the problem, it is necessary to understand the causes of cellulite and correctly create a diet that includes all the vitamins and microelements the body needs.

What is the basis of nutrition for cellulite?

Refusal solely from high-calorie foods will not bring the desired result in the fight against “orange peel.” The anti-cellulite diet involves improving metabolism and cleansing the body of toxins and waste.

The diet should be filled with protein, the task of which is to burn fat and supply the body with energy. By eating protein and exercising, you can transform all the fat into toned and toned muscles without any signs of cellulite. A single meal should contain no more than 30 g of protein - this is how much the body can process at a time. Therefore, you need to add a certain amount of protein to each meal: for example, cottage cheese for breakfast, fish for lunch, etc.

Diet for cellulite should contain vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat dairy products. It is necessary to drink a lot of water to speed up metabolic processes and suppress hunger. Bread for cellulite is not prohibited, but preference should be given to the rye variety or made from wholemeal flour.

An anti-cellulite diet is not complete without carbohydrates. They play an important role in the breakdown of fats, but you need to consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, which will slowly release energy.

10 products that will help get rid of cellulite

The diet should include the following foods that help remove toxins and fluids from the body:

1. Bananas

The ratio of potassium to sodium in bananas is high, so these fruits remove fluid from the body to a greater extent than store it. Potassium also activates blood flow, allowing beneficial components to enter cells and tissues. Bananas are an ideal snack for those prone to cellulite, especially if eaten with dairy products. Dried fruits and some vegetables are also rich in potassium.

2. Cabbage

You can prepare many delicious, healthy and nutritious dishes from cabbage. The vegetable is rich in vitamin C, calcium and potassium. The cellulite diet should include Brussels sprouts, the consumption of which helps block some estrogens that disrupt collagen synthesis and weaken connective tissue.

3. Cereals

Including barley and oatmeal - carbohydrates with a low glycemic index - in the diet can constantly feed the body with small portions of energy, so that a person does not feel hungry for a long time. In addition, oatmeal cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

4. Chicken eggs

Eggs contain protein, vitamins A, B12, E, D, microelements - iron, zinc, iodine. They are low in calories and quite nutritious due to their high protein content. But for cellulite, it is recommended to eat only egg whites to control cholesterol levels and fat intake. Vitamin E is also responsible for skin elasticity and is found in sufficient quantities in vegetable oil.

5. Avocado

This exotic fruit contains oleic acid, which can regulate appetite and create a feeling of fullness. Avocado contains glutathione, which activates the elimination of toxins. The fruit is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for the body, but you shouldn’t overload it - avocado is considered high in calories.

6. Sunflower seeds

They contain vitamins B6 and E, which improve protein absorption and eliminate the symptoms of cellulite. But the seeds are very high in calories, so you can eat them in small quantities.

7. Dry red wine

This alcoholic drink is allowed to be consumed if you have cellulite - but not more than half a glass per day. Red wine stimulates the outflow of toxins from the body and improves blood circulation.

8. Seafood

Many experts recommend choosing fish instead of meat as a protein source. Seafood is also rich in antioxidants and other essential microelements.

9. Aloe juice

Freshly squeezed aloe juice will help remove toxins from the body. Just a few drops per day are enough.

10. Water

A unique product that provides a feeling of fullness in the stomach for 0 calories. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

Proper nutrition for cellulite is not only a set of recommended products, but also a well-designed menu: each meal should consist of dishes that give a feeling of satiety and are filled with vitamins and antioxidants.

3 examples of anti-cellulite menu

Nutrition for cellulite is quite varied; you can choose several developed diets. Some of them are given below:

Diet No. 1.

Breakfast: A serving of cottage cheese and 1 boiled egg. A couple of fruits. A glass of green tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Dinner: Boiled lean meat with corn or green peas. Add any vegetables. Wash it down with juice.

Dinner: Boiled vegetables with a few spoons of buckwheat or rice porridge. Save an apple or pear for dessert.

This diet lasts 3 weeks and allows you to lose up to 7 kg. During the diet, it is recommended to drink a lot of water, both before meals and at the first feeling of hunger.

Diet No. 2.

Breakfast: Mix still mineral water with the juice of half a lemon. After 20 minutes, eat a fruit salad.

Dinner: Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, herbs (dill, parsley, celery) with the addition of wheat grains or pumpkin seeds and seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Afternoon snack: A glass of low-fat yogurt. Rice flour pancakes. A mixture of nuts and dried fruits.

Dinner: Boiled red lentils with herbs and garlic.

This diet adds energy and vitality to the body, removes toxins and helps you lose extra pounds, so it consists of foods rich in potassium.

Diet No. 3.

Breakfast: Fruits.

Dinner: Vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil.

Dinner: Vegetable salad with the addition of wheat, soy or beans. Later you can eat more fruit.

Breakfast: Fruits (except bananas).

Dinner: First, raw vegetables, and then stewed or steamed.

Dinner: A little boiled rice, oatmeal, buckwheat or lentils (your choice). Later - low-fat yogurt.

This is a cleansing diet that removes toxins and waste and stimulates metabolism. Duration – 10 days. You can eat fruits and vegetables in any quantity, and you also need to drink a lot of water or juice.

Recommendations for an anti-cellulite diet

Products that help get rid of cellulite are only the beginning on the path to combating the problem. To achieve the best effect, you need to carry out a set of measures. It is necessary to stop smoking, do not eat fried, fatty, smoked, salty foods, as well as alcohol.

Don't overuse snacks. If you feel hungry, when it is still early before lunch, it is recommended to drink a glass of water and eat a banana a little later. To prevent blood pooling in your legs, you should not wear tight jeans or trousers.

It is necessary to combine an anti-cellulite diet with physical activity - walking, running, cycling. If possible, it is better to sign up for some salon procedures (LPG massage, pressotherapy, mesotherapy and others) or do body wraps or anti-cellulite massage at home (for example, with a dry brush or with honey). Strict adherence to nutritional recommendations, exercise and, most importantly, your desire, will allow you to effectively get rid of cellulite.

Read also

Fluid retention and cellulite

Vitamins and microelements for the successful fight against cellulite

What foods contribute to the development of cellulite?

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An extremely unpleasant, but very relevant problem for many women is cellulite. A special diet aimed at improving metabolism will help reduce its manifestations. The anti-cellulite nutrition system is classified as hard. The diet is suitable for girls who want to get rid of the “orange peel”.

General information about cellulite

Many women, even those who keep themselves in good physical shape, eventually find that their skin looks like an “orange peel”. This phenomenon is called cellulite - changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, accompanied by impaired microcirculation of lymph flow. Women are significantly more susceptible to the problem than men. Main causes of cellulite and predisposing factors:

  1. unbalanced diet (consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates, small amounts of proteins and polyunsaturated fats);
  2. hereditary predisposition;
  3. constant weight fluctuations;
  4. hormonal imbalance;
  5. impaired blood and lymph circulation in adipose tissue;
  6. non-compliance with sleep patterns;
  7. violation of water-salt balance, metabolism;
  8. frequent stress;
  9. overweight;
  10. bad habits;
  11. physical inactivity.

General rules of the anti-cellulite diet for 10 days

The nutritional system for eliminating the “orange peel” is aimed at improving metabolism, freeing the body from fats and waste substances. The cellulite diet is tough, but it helps reduce its manifestations and lose 3-4 kilograms in 10 days. Basic principles and rules of anti-cellulite nutrition:

  1. The anti-cellulite diet is based on avoiding foods that promote fluid retention. It belongs to the unloading type and is strict.
  2. The main diet for 10 days of the anti-cellulite diet consists of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals. All these products help improve intestinal function. The anti-cellulite diet does not limit portion sizes, but moderation is strongly recommended.
  3. Salt, sugar, black tea, and coffee should be categorically avoided. Of the fats in the diet, only vegetable oil remains in the diet.
  4. On days when boiled vegetables are allowed, you can add 2 tbsp to your diet. l. cooked grains: brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat or barley.
  5. It is important to follow not only a diet with an anti-cellulite effect, but also a drinking regime, because drinking plenty of fluids helps eliminate toxins. You need to consume at least two liters of fluid per day.
  6. For anti-cellulite nutrition, it is recommended to eat small portions every 2-4 hours.
  7. Active sports should be avoided during the diet in favor of quiet walking.

Healthy foods

Vegetables and fruits are consumed fresh or in the form of salads during the anti-cellulite regime. Anti-cellulite products that are highly recommended to be included in your diet:

  1. Apricots, prunes, pineapple, strawberries. These fruits are rich in potassium.
  2. Blueberries, grapefruit. Contains flavonoids and antioxidants. They have a good effect on the lymphatic system and strengthen blood vessels. Grapefruit contains a substance called naringin, which affects insulin secretion. Eating citrus fruits and blueberries will help suppress appetite, get rid of uncontrollable hunger pangs, and burn fat deposits.
  3. Avocado. Contains omega-3 acids, oleic acid. Promotes fat burning, suppresses appetite.
  4. Pears. Rich in iodine, which accelerates cellular metabolism.
  5. White cabbage. Rich in calcium, vitamin C, potassium.
  6. Brussels sprouts. Contains diindolylmethane, which blocks estrogens that disrupt collagen synthesis.
  7. Sprouts of soybeans, rye, beans, oats, corn, wheat, sesame seeds. Improves the taste of salads.