Vitamins for dry hands

Dryness is a skin condition that can be either permanent or temporary. It can be caused by a lack of moisture in the body or damage to the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. Let's talk about how to find out the cause of dry skin, how to improve its condition and what preventive measures to take.

  1. What can cause dry skin
  2. Symptoms of dry body skin
  3. How to determine if your skin lacks vitamins
  4. What vitamins are good for the skin?
  5. Prevention of dry body skin
  6. Tools Overview

What can cause dry skin

Dry skin can be genetically determined. With insufficient sebum production, the protective hydrolipid layer of the skin becomes thinner and becomes vulnerable. It is easy to damage. As a result, dry skin does not retain moisture well and may be more sensitive.

Don't confuse dry skin with dehydration. The second condition is temporary and fixable. In this case, the skin feels an acute lack of water and begins to compensate for this deficiency by increased production of fat (which is precisely what dry skin lacks).

The skin becomes dehydrated both due to improper care and due to weather conditions. Not only dry skin, but also oily skin can suffer from dehydration.

Inflammation and comedones are rare guests on dry skin, but a common story for dehydrated, oily skin.

A network of fine wrinkles appears prematurely on dehydrated, dry skin.

And now about the causes of dryness. If this is a symptom of a disease (for example, atopic dermatitis), then consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. We will talk about more common life situations. There may be several explanations.

The use of aggressive cleansers that destroy the hydrolipid layer of the skin.

Lack of moisturizing and nourishing care.

Exfoliating too often. Even banal shaving leads to irritation and dry skin due to damage to the hydrolipid mantle.

Extreme weather conditions (heat, frost, strong wind).

Low humidity in rooms with central heating. A typical problem in our latitudes is when the batteries are running at full capacity.

Symptoms of dry body skin

The main signs of dry skin are easy to recognize:

redness, itching after taking a shower;

tightness, unpleasant sensations from touching the skin.

How to determine if your skin lacks vitamins

Vitamin deficiency can be “diagnosed” by certain external signs of the skin. For example, with a deficiency of vitamins A and E, dryness and cracks appear in the corners of the lips, and the skin on the elbows becomes hard and rough. However, only a dermatologist can determine the true cause of these problems after receiving the results of the relevant tests.

You can now take tests for a lack of vitamins and microelements in any laboratory - but a specialist must decipher their results and give recommendations for additional vitamin intake.

By the way, the risk of vitamin deficiency is increased if you:

follow a strict diet;

have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

have crossed the age mark of 40 years.

Vitamins A, C, E, group B are good for the skin © iStock

Vitamins A, C, E, and group B are especially beneficial for the skin. © iStock

What vitamins are good for the skin?

A deficiency of certain substances in the body can indeed cause skin problems. To avoid them, try to balance your diet so that it includes the microelements and vitamins she needs.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

The benefits of vitamin C are evidenced by the frequency of its inclusion in cosmetic formulas. A powerful antioxidant, it reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet exposure, improves immunity, stimulates collagen synthesis, reduces inflammation and pigmentation. Champions in vitamin C content are sweet peppers, black currants, kiwi and citrus fruits.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin B5 (panthenol)

Panthenol is known as a reliable remedy for healing wounds and burns - but it is no less useful for moisturizing the skin. The best part: Vitamin B5 is not at all rare and is found in many foods, from egg yolks and bread to nuts and fish.

Vitamin H (vitamin B7, biotin)

This substance could easily compete with vitamin E for the title of “beauty vitamin.” Biotin is necessary to ensure the integrity of the hydrolipid mantle. As soon as there is a shortage of it, the protection weakens - the skin becomes dry, thin and dull, and a rash or peeling appears. The solution is to include dishes from liver, mushrooms, cauliflower and broccoli in the menu.

The lack of vitamins in the skin can be compensated by cosmetics © iStock

Prevention of dry body skin

Before we talk about prevention, answer a few questions.

Do you often feel dry skin?

Does your skin react inadequately even to tap water?

No cream helps with dryness and flaking?

Did you answer yes to all questions? It makes sense to see a doctor.

If the problem of dryness is related to your skin type or is a natural reaction to external irritants, the following recommendations will help you:

install special filters for tap water to soften it;

change soap to cream-gel;

use nourishing and moisturizing masks for the face, neck and décolleté more often;

Protect your skin from the wind - half an hour before going outside, apply nourishing cream to exposed areas of the body.

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the skin is a litmus test, an accurate indicator of physical health and a reliable external barrier. With age, it loses its elasticity and requires additional hydration. Often, even the highest quality cosmetic products provide only temporary results. The problem comes from within. Stress, lack of vitamins, poor environment weaken the body. As a result, the skin becomes dry, dull, and tight. To correct this situation you need to choose the right vitamins.

Dry skin

  1. Feeling of tightness (cheeks, arms, chin, forehead, forearms, décolleté, legs and other parts of the body).
  2. Peeling areas, early wrinkles. The skin is matte, the pores are almost invisible.
  3. Redness, increased sensitivity to winter winds, cold air, cosmetics, fabrics.
  4. The feeling of discomfort intensifies after washing.
  5. Decreased elasticity, pigmentation.

Causes of dry skin:

  1. The condition of the skin is influenced by both external and internal factors.
  2. Unfavorable environment: aggressive ultraviolet rays, frost, wind, prolonged stay in rooms with dry air, emissions from industrial enterprises.
  3. The skin can dry out due to malfunctions in the body: metabolic disorders (hormonal disorders, unhealthy diet), exacerbation of chronic diseases, age-related changes, vitamin deficiency (seasonal or chronic), imbalance of water balance in the body.
  4. Improper skin care: low-quality cosmetics, regular hot baths, washing more than twice a day, hard running water containing a lot of chlorine, too frequent use of scrubs, alcohol-containing products, hard sponges.

Vitamins for dry skin

Vitamin C. A very good antioxidant, renews cellular composition, participates in the formation of collagen, which gives the skin firmness and elasticity. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood flow. Thanks to this, cells and organs better absorb oxygen and nutrients. Accelerates the processes of hair growth and cell restoration, strengthens the immune system. The largest amount of this vitamin is found in:

  1. rosehip;
  2. black currant;
  3. grapes;
  4. grenade;
  5. citrus fruits;
  6. cabbage;
  7. green peas;
  8. young potatoes.

Vitamin A. Helps restore and maintain epithelial tissue, improves metabolism, slows down the aging process of cells, and helps get rid of age-related pigmentation. People get 50% of this vitamin from animal products:

  1. beef liver;
  2. egg yolk;
  3. butter;
  4. cottage cheese;
  5. cheeses.

The most useful vegetables:

  1. bell pepper;
  2. carrot;
  3. pumpkin;
  4. watermelon;
  5. tomatoes;
  6. apricots;
  7. greens, especially parsley.

Berries include black currant, rowan, rose hips and sea buckthorn.

Vitamin E. Makes the skin soft and elastic, protects against cracks. Slows down the aging process in the body, improves the supply of oxygen to cells, reduces fatigue, and dissolves blood clots. Contained in large quantities in:

  1. vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, soybean);
  2. bread;
  3. cereals;
  4. broccoli;
  5. Brussels sprouts;
  6. any leafy greens;
  7. whole grains.

Vitamin H (biotin). Plays an important role in the synthesis of lipids, amino acids and nucleic acids. With its deficiency, dermatitis and skin depigmentation develop. Main sources:

Raw egg whites prevent biotin from being absorbed.

B vitamins. Promote the synthesis of essential acids, hematopoiesis, normal liver function, and the healing of ulcers. When there is a lack of vitamin, the skin is the first to suffer. Natural sources:

  1. meat and fish products;
  2. cheeses;
  3. almond;
  4. Walnut;
  5. strawberry;
  6. spinach;
  7. legumes;
  8. cereals;
  9. wheat.

PP (nicotinic acid). An important vitamin that must be consumed for dry skin. Responsible for restoration reactions in cells, promotes the absorption of vegetable protein and proper carbohydrate metabolism. The following will help replenish your reserves of this vitamin:

  1. corn and oat flakes;
  2. flour and dairy products;
  3. wheat bran;
  4. yeast;
  5. peanut;
  6. mushrooms;
  7. fish;
  8. chicken eggs.

Vitamin K. Normalizes blood clotting, protects against internal bleeding and hemorrhages. Contained in large quantities in:

  1. greens (cabbage, spinach, dill);
  2. soybean oil;
  3. fish oil;
  4. yoghurts;
  5. raspberries;
  6. green tea

Vitamin D. Formed under the influence of sunlight on the fatty part of the integument. Necessary for the absorption of vitamin A, skin elasticity, elimination of inflammatory processes in both women and men. Also prescribed for peeling skin. People suffering from acne should take these vitamins with caution.

They also prevent the destruction of cell membranes. The most natural source is the sun. Food products include milk and all dairy products, as well as fish such as tuna, salmon, herring and sardines.

Vitamin complexes

Of course, it is best to get vitamins in their natural form. But, on the advice of a doctor, you can take them in the form of injections and tablets. It is better to do injections in a hospital under medical supervision, rather than in a regular beauty salon. It is also important to take into account that in some cases there is an allergy to one or another type of vitamin. It is necessary to take a break between taking tablets for dry skin. Oversaturation with vitamins is just as dangerous to health as their deficiency. And one more important point: you should not take vitamins orally and make vitamin masks at the same time. This can also lead to an overabundance of minerals.

The most popular names of vitamins for dry skin:

Before you buy a drug against dry skin and begin treatment, you should consult a doctor. After the prescribed tests, the doctor will tell you which microelements should not be consumed so as not to worsen the condition.

These should be high-quality formulations that moisturize from the inside and do not cause side effects. To prevent your skin from drying out, you should take a whole course of capsules, as indicated in the instructions. Only in this way will it stop cracking and acquire a healthy appearance.

The health and beauty of your skin directly depends on the general condition of the body. Dry skin is not a death sentence. A balanced diet enriched with vitamins and well-chosen cosmetics will help you get rid of this problem forever.

The image of a beautiful, well-groomed woman consists of many important details. This is a freshness and smoothness of the face with light, invisible makeup. A slender figure and clothes that correctly emphasize its advantages. Manicure, pedicure, successful hairstyle. The skin on the face, hands, and body should be clean and moisturized. This speaks of harmony throughout the entire body.

But it happens that, despite all the efforts to take care of yourself, the skin on your hands still dries and cracks. Sometimes small wounds even appear on them. How to deal with this problem, and what vitamins do our hands need?

If the skin on your entire body does not look its best, then you should seriously think about your lifestyle and special body care.

Possible causes of skin problems:

  1. stress;
  2. bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  3. unhealthy diet (preference for fatty, sweet foods with the addition of harmful preservatives and dyes);
  4. ultraviolet;
  5. metabolic disease;
  6. frequent use of antibiotics;
  7. hereditary factor;
  8. fungus;
  9. sudden temperature changes.

It happens that for your skin to glow with health, it is enough to take the right vitamins both internally and externally. But first you need to figure out: what vitamins do the skin of your hands need to make them soft and tender again?

The best vitamins for hand skin

The best vitamins for hand skin presented on the iHerb website. Specially developed dietary supplements will help get rid of dry hand skin, make it smooth, elastic, and restore health. We recommend paying special attention to drugs from the brands Nature’s Bounty, Country Life, Solgar and others. Want a 5% discount? Use promo code BRB255.

To keep your hands soft and velvety, it is important to choose the right product for washing them. For example, Foaming Hand Wash from Method, which gently and gently cleanses without drying or tightening the skin on your hands. In addition, it is worth noting the pleasant aroma. There are different scents available, so you can definitely find your favorite one.

Dry and rough hands can be combated with special creams that are available in the iHerb store. The most popular and effective of them are:

  1. Hand cream, with argan nut oil, unscented from Madre Labs (Want a 5% discount? Use promo code BRB255), which does not contain harmful components for the skin, has a balanced pH and is suitable for any skin. This cream intensively moisturizes and restores the skin of the hands, making it smooth and silky.
  2. Protective Cream Gardener's Blend for Hand Repair by Earth Therapeutics (Use code BRB255 and get 5% discount), consisting of natural plant extracts that soothe, soften, soothe and restore the skin of the hands.

Extra-enriched hand cream, intensive restoration, odorless from Eucerin, which softens rough and dry skin of the hands, restores softness and silkiness, without leaving behind a greasy feeling. Use code BRB255 and get 5% off.

What vitamins should I take for dry hands?

Of course, when the skin of your hands dries, it is important to know what vitamins your body lacks. But, the main thing to remember is that in order for the skin on your hands not to be wrinkled and dry, it needs thorough moisturizing. To do this, ensure proper production of collagen and elastin.

The following vitamins will help with this:

  1. Vitamins of group B. Namely: B1, B2, B3 (vitamin PP), B5, B6, B 12. The group of these vitamins is responsible for metabolism. Nourishes the skin and renews it. Makes nails strong. Vitamin B3 (PP) moisturizes the skin and prevents dryness. Especially if the skin on your fingers is cracking, vitamins from this group will quickly eliminate the problem.
  2. Vitamin C. Prevents premature aging of the skin, nourishes with oxygen. Skin that receives the full amount of vitamin C is protected from the harmful effects of sun rays.
  3. Vitamin H. It is also called biotin or “beauty vitamin”. Good for skin and hair. Normalizes skin balance, restores the nail plate.
  4. Vitamin E. With its help, the skin looks radiant and elastic.
  5. Vitamin A. If the skin of the hands lacks this vitamin, it becomes dry and takes on an unhealthy appearance. It is responsible for rejuvenating the skin of the entire body.
  6. Vitamin F. Considered to be an immunity booster for the skin. Maintains the youthfulness of the skin of the hands, eliminating all the unpleasant consequences of improper care.
  7. Thanks to vitamin K, the structure of the skin of the hands improves.
  8. Nicotinamide. Establishes the optimal balance of the skin.

Answer to the question: “Dry hand skin is a lack of which vitamin?” does not have a clear answer. The lack of even one of these vitamins leads to the fact that the skin of the hands becomes dry and unhealthy.

Vitamin complexes against dry skin

If the skin on your hands indicates a lack of vitamins, then you should start taking complex biological food supplements. The optimal vitamins for dry hand skin are selected individually, based on personal preferences and the recommendations of the attending physician.

The following vitamins have proven their effectiveness in the fight against skin and hair problems:

  1. "Complete Radiance";
  2. "Vitrum Beauty";
  3. “Solgar. Skin, hair, nails";
  4. "Alphabet of cosmetics";
  5. "Lady's formula".

They can easily cope with the problem of dry skin on your hands. The vitamins in each supplement are carefully selected and balanced to suit people's needs.

External hand skin care

To make your skin smooth and soft, you don’t have to spend large sums on care; there are many ways to rejuvenate your hands at home. And to do this, you just need to follow simple rules: wash dishes with gloves, wear warm mittens in cold weather, use a good nourishing cream every day. Even a simple baby cream can be effective in combating cracks and dry skin and restoring the skin.

But to speed up the process of skin restoration, there are special hand masks that can be made at home.

Egg mask to eliminate dry skin on hands

You will need: a raw chicken egg (add only the yolk to the mask), 5-7 drops of olive oil. Mix these ingredients and apply to the skin of your hands for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and then use any moisturizer.

Mask against cracked fingers

It is unpleasant if the skin on your fingers cracks. We will tell you what vitamins
will help deal with this problem.

Mask composition: glycerin, oil solution of vitamin A. Mix and rub into the skin of your hands before going to bed every day for 14 days.

Mask for very dry skin with cracks

This mask is needed for those who do not benefit from nourishing hand cream to improve their skin texture. It turns out to be a bigger nuisance when the skin on your hands peels off.

What vitamins will cope with this problem?

You will need: 1 ml glycerin, 1 ml vitamin A, 1 ml vitamin E, 1 ml Vaseline, 1 ml lemon juice, 1 ml aloe juice. Mix all ingredients and rub into the skin of your hands every day, 2 times a day for 1 month. If necessary, the course can be continued.


Proper skin care, the use of vitamin complexes, masks to moisturize the skin, at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day, proper nutrition are guaranteed to “rejuvenate” the entire body, including the hands.

But if the remedies listed above do not eliminate the problem, then communication with an experienced dermatologist will be useful. The fact is that dry and cracked hands can signal parasitic skin intoxication, neurodermatitis, and psoriasis.

Watch your hands and always be in a great mood!

Reviews of vitamins for hand skin

I found a great way to combat this problem of dry hands. I use pharmacy skin ointment Vistim. It consists mainly of vitamin A, so it literally has a healing moisturizing effect. I use it as a hand cream and my hands are always fine.