Cosmetic self-massage for face and neck

By carefully examining your face in the mirror, everyone can find flaws and flaws. But not everyone knows that with the help of cosmetic self-massage you can eliminate skin problems and make your face more beautiful and attractive. Also, cosmetic self-massage will improve skin elasticity and eliminate swelling.

If there are no special contraindications, namely: skin diseases, the presence of pustules on the skin, this procedure can be performed for every woman. If there are dilated capillaries on the body, movements in this case should be soft, smooth and sliding.

A woman’s age can be judged by the condition of the skin on her face and neck. It is in these areas that it is more vulnerable to the appearance of the first signs of aging. Therefore, our self-massage will relate to these zones.

Cosmetic self-massage

Cosmetic self-massage technique

The procedure can be carried out daily, or every 2 days. It is not recommended to perform self-massage before bedtime, so as not to disturb it.

The main thing you need for a massage is a comfortable position in front of the mirror. Hands must be clean and dry. All movements are performed strictly along massage lines. The procedure allows a combination of techniques.

The easiest way to perform a massage is to apply cream to the face along the massage lines.

You can apply the cream in two ways:

  1. using a cotton swab;
  2. using your palm.

In the first case, the tampon needs to be moistened in boiled water, then spread the cream onto the skin with gentle tapping movements.

In the second case, the cream is first applied to the palm and then distributed over the skin with the pads of the fingers. Particular care should be taken to distribute the cream in the eye area, since the skin here is very delicate and sensitive. Movements should be smooth, without much pressure.

A mandatory technique can be called “effleurage”. Tapping is performed with the pads of the fingers. The movements are energetic and soft. The technique is performed as follows: four fingers of both hands should be pressed tightly to the skin and lightly tapping.

The next mandatory technique is stroking. Stroking is carried out at a slow and easy pace. If you suffer from insomnia and headaches, the movements should be performed at an even slower pace. The right side of the face is massaged with the right hand, and the left side with the left hand.

Techniques such as patting, rubbing and pressing are widely used. To prevent the skin from losing its elasticity, you should not perform too rhythmic movements.

Self-massage of the face

This procedure is carried out to prevent premature aging of the skin, to maintain firmness, elasticity and a healthy complexion. You don't have to spend a lot of time on this. It is enough to massage for 3-5 minutes every day. After the first sessions you will notice significant improvements.

Before you begin cosmetic self-massage, you must thoroughly clean your face. Then take face cream or massage oil, lubricate your face and begin the massage.

Massage lines

  1. We start by stroking the forehead. To do this, use the third and fourth fingers to stroke from the center of the forehead to the temple.
  2. Then we perform the same movement from the wings of the nose to the temples.
  3. Next, stroking is performed from the corners of the mouth to the temporal zone. We do each movement 3-4 times.
  4. Movements in the chin area are more energetic. Tapping is necessary in this area. After tapping, apply pressure with slight rotation of the skin. Movements are carried out from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw to the tips of the ears.
  5. Massage around the eyes is carried out as follows: we begin to apply light pressure along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
  6. The final technique is to tap the cheeks, moving from bottom to top from the chin to the eyes.

Self-massage of the neck

It is best to perform the procedure in a sitting position. You can do it in a standing position, whatever suits you. A properly performed massage will give your muscles elasticity and relieve fatigue and tension.

Self-massage of the neck

Self-massage of the neck

As a rule, the back of the neck is massaged first. This is done as follows:

  1. With one or two hands, pressed tightly to the back of the neck, we stroke from the hairline to the shoulder joints.
  2. Next is kneading. It is performed using the pads of four fingers by pressing the muscles against the bone bed. Kneading movements: from the occipital bone down to the shoulder blades, first 5 times on one side, then 5 times on the other side. Afterwards it is necessary to repeat the stroking.
  3. Then we start rubbing. This technique is performed as follows: four fingers make circular movements from one ear to the other along the line of the occipital bone. Afterwards it is necessary to rub along the cervical vertebrae. This technique can be performed with either one or two hands.
  4. The massage ends with light stroking.
  1. The first step is stroking in the direction from the ear to the shoulder joint. The reception is carried out 3-4 times.
  2. Then we begin kneading: using the pads of our fingers, we grab the muscle with a pincer-like movement. We grab the left side of the neck with our right hand, and the right side with our left.
  3. The procedure must be completed with light stroking.
  1. The massage begins with stroking from the jaw to the chest, hands working alternately. Make sure that your hand movements do not move the skin; movements should be smooth and light.
  2. Then you need to perform circular rubbing. To do this, use four fingers to rub in a circular manner from the edge of the jaw along the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The left hand massages the left side, and the right hand massages the right.
  3. At the end of the procedure, stroking is performed.