Circuit training for women in the gym.

The now incredibly popular circuit training for women in the gym is very much in demand among the fair sex. And why? — Circular training, in addition to maintaining muscle tone, due to its energy consumption, effectively burns subcutaneous fat and reduces volume in problem areas. In bodybuilding, where the main goal is to increase muscle mass, this is rarely practiced, except for drying before important competitions... That is why this technique is little used by men. And for women it is just right!

  1. What it is?
  2. Helpful tips and how it works?
  3. Additional tips.
  4. The nuances of combining training and nutrition.

What it is?

So, let's give a definition of this sports concept: The essence of circuit training in a fitness center or gym is to conduct strength exercises for all muscle groups of the upper and lower body cyclically and alternately at an extremely fast pace with minimal rest breaks.

Helpful tips and how it works?

Before going to a sports club, you need to write a lesson plan. Write down the order, the number of approaches and what can be used to replace the machine, dumbbells or barbell in each exercise if they suddenly turn out to be busy. It is important to do this in advance, because due to short periods of rest, there will be no time to think and “try on” the machine, unlike strength bodybuilding classes.

Each circle consists of 6-10 exercises in 1 approach, with a 20-30 second rest between them. In fitness, sometimes they do approaches without pauses. Breaks between circles for recovery are 2-3 minutes. The number of circles can be from 2. The result should be about an hour, but no more!

Additional tips.

For beginners, it is better to perform basic exercises for large muscles. For those who have already mastered the technique, you can train additional muscles for grinding. The main condition is a constant pace. The optimal heart rate for circuit training is 120 – 160 beats per minute. This is where a heart rate monitor, a useful “gadget” for sports, can come in handy. But it all depends on the characteristics and degree of training of the body, age. Almost all athletes focus on well-being. The heart should not fly out of the chest, and breathing should be fairly even. To do this, everything is done with free weights and not to failure!

In order for fats to begin to be broken down during sports, a woman’s body needs to spend the first 20 minutes consuming glycogen. This is a supply of glucose that enters the bloodstream with every meal. Then fats only begin to be burned. Therefore, it is not recommended to engage in fat-burning activities immediately after eating. You will simply spend all that you ate, and not the reserves in your body that you want to burn. The most effective way would be to have a light snack an hour and a half before going to the gym or fitness club. Moreover, protein and light carbohydrates (fruits, yogurt).

You should not eat food immediately after exercise. In bodybuilding, this is practiced to gain mass. But we don’t need this. In fitness and during circuit training, you should start eating no earlier than an hour later. Let it be protein food, which our muscles need so much...

Train correctly! Train with us, and always be healthy, beautiful and desirable!

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