Facial massage for nasolabial folds

Natural beauty and youth are the main value of every woman. Preserving it is not easy, because age inexorably leaves imprints on the face. First of all, the aging of the skin begins, a symptom of this inevitable process is the appearance of wrinkles near the lips and nose. It is difficult to eliminate them; here a massage from the nasolabial folds will come to the rescue, which can be applied even at home, on your own. How to correctly carry out a procedure that can prolong youth?

Features of the problem

Two grooves stretching from the nose to the corners of the lips are nasolabial folds, which appear on the face with age. For most people, they are the first sign of aging. These facial wrinkles are not always associated with age - there are many factors under the influence of which these unsightly grooves appear.


The main reasons for the formation of wrinkles in the nose and lips:

  1. anatomical features of the face;
  2. wrong lifestyle;
  3. severe illness;
  4. harmful ecology;
  5. heredity;
  6. lack of skin care;
  7. poor nutrition.

With the help of massage you can smooth out wrinkles and prevent their appearance. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend starting procedures in advance. Prevention will help you forget about the folds near your lips and nose for a long time, but only if the manipulations are done regularly.

Note! Thanks to massage, you can get rid of wrinkles; another advantage of the procedures is that they will tighten the skin, sagging will disappear, and the facial oval will be corrected.


There are several types of massage that can treat or prevent the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles. It is not necessary to use everything at the same time - it is better to alternate techniques. This approach will allow you to achieve effective results, but for this you will need to strictly adhere to some rules.

Basic requirements for the procedure:

  1. manipulations must be regular;
  2. find out contraindications and, if there are prohibitions, abandon this method of getting rid of grooves;
  3. start procedures no earlier than 25 years of age;
  4. do not use force, movements are confident and clear;
  5. If you experience pain or discomfort, stop the massage immediately;
  6. take a break if the skin has cracks, wounds, or inflammatory processes occur.

If you have any doubts about how to perform a massage, be sure to consult a cosmetologist. Only a specialist will determine which method to choose for the greatest effect.

Preparing for the session


One of the main points of the procedure is proper preparation of the skin. Under the influence of massaging movements, the skin pores will expand, and infection can easily penetrate. Be sure to wash your hands and use detergent.

It is recommended to use oil - it has no less active effect on the nasolabial folds than regular massage. It is better to use an oily liquid made from jojoba, grape seeds or almonds.

These oils have a beneficial effect on the dermis tissue, nourish it with necessary elements, and enrich it with moisture, the lack of which leads to the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

You can use a nourishing cream during the procedure. The only requirement is that the product be plant-based. If you don’t have a cosmetic product or oil on hand, replace it with baby cream. You can complete the procedure by using homemade masks, wiping your face with a herbal decoction - it is better to prepare them in advance and use them immediately after the massage.

It is better to do the first procedures in front of a mirror - this will allow you to control every movement. Be sure to take care of comfort; a cozy chair is suitable for this purpose. Manipulations can be carried out while lying down, but only after all massaging movements have been practiced.

Japanese technology

Shiatsu is a special manipulation technique that has been used by Japanese ladies for a long time, and has only recently begun to be used in home cosmetology around the world. There are no particular difficulties, so every woman can cope with the process. The results of regular procedures are the rapid smoothing of wrinkles.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Place the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together and tap the grooves with smooth movements, moving from bottom to top, then in the opposite direction.
  2. Gently stretch the skin of the face with stroking, making sure that wrinkles disappear as much as possible.
  3. You need to stroke areas of the skin with your mouth, moving your fingertips from the middle of the upper lip to the corners.


Important! Repeat each stage for 30 seconds; exceeding this time is not recommended. You can start with short sessions, making sure that no painful sensations appear.


A targeted effect on the nasolabial folds allows you to activate the production of collagen, which is responsible for the condition of the skin. Regular manipulations even get rid of deep folds, and at the same time the upper layer of the dermis is renewed, the flabbiness and sagging that accompany wrinkles disappear.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Open your mouth, giving it a round shape, reminiscent of the letter “O,” with your lips pressed tightly to your teeth.
  2. Place the pads of your middle fingers at the top of the folds and press the first point.
  3. Move upward, the interval should not exceed 5 mm between points, end the movement near the eyes.
  4. Start each upward movement from a point slightly lower than the previous one.
  5. The procedure ends when the last point from which the acupressure began is located on the nasolabial groove near the lips.

Features of this massage: it will help get rid of wrinkles and prevent the formation of new furrows. This will happen under one condition - manipulations will be carried out daily, without interruptions.


Ice cube massage

Using ice cubes during procedures is an effective way to get rid of wrinkles. The skin will tighten significantly, grooves will disappear, even enlarged pores will become invisible. It is better to use clean, settled water, but if you have time, prepare ice with the addition of parsley juice, which has the property of rejuvenating the skin.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Warm up the skin, use a clean soft cloth soaked in hot water, place it on the face, leave until it cools.
  2. Pass the ice cube along the nasolabial furrows from bottom to top, in the opposite direction.
  3. Using an ice cube, smooth the skin, from the furrows to the temples.
  4. Stroking in the opposite direction - from the temples to the very corners of the lips.
  5. Repeat all movements at least 5–7 times.

You can prepare cubes in advance from herbal decoctions of chamomile, string, and sage. They are able to relieve irritation, replenish the lack of certain elements in the dermal tissues, and have a general rejuvenating effect. It’s easy to prepare the decoction: pour the plant material (20 g) with boiling water (200 ml), leave to brew for half an hour under the lid. Carry out filtration using several layers of gauze fabric. Pour the resulting product into ice molds and place in the freezer.


How to save the effect

Regular procedures will allow you to get rid of facial wrinkles in just a few months, and this will not require expensive visits to the salon. You can take a short break, but after some time you must continue the manipulations, otherwise the wrinkles will appear again.

You can maintain the effect obtained with the help of proper nutrition and special products that you can prepare yourself. It is recommended to completely abandon sweets, marinades and pickles, forget about animal fats and heavily spiced dishes. There should be a lot of vegetables and fruits on the table. You will need to introduce porridge and soups into your diet.

You can use herbal compresses that have a beneficial effect on the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Preparation of the decoction:

  1. Grind 10 g of chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, St. John's wort.
  2. Pour 220 ml of boiling water over the prepared raw materials.
  3. Place in a water bath and simmer for 3 minutes without removing the lid.
  4. Leave for a quarter of an hour, filter.

With the resulting product, which has not yet had time to cool completely (if necessary, you can warm it up a little), soak a soft tissue and place it on the area with the nasolabial grooves. Remove after a quarter of an hour and wash with cool water.


Several times a week you can pamper your face with a mask, the impact of which can be compared to a salon lifting:

  1. Pour gelatin granules (20 g) with warm water (30 ml), after swelling, place in a water bath and completely dissolve the product.
  2. Turn 3 spirulina tablets into powder, mix with water, you should get a thick paste.
  3. Mix both masses, apply to problem areas - you can not limit yourself to nasolabial wrinkles, but distribute the mixture near the eyes, on the forehead.
  4. Leave for half an hour, remove with a damp cotton pad, and wash with cool water.

Important! Equally useful for preventing wrinkles will be proper sleep - they appear very quickly on an exhausted face and are not easy to get rid of. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day - this will return a fresh and healthy complexion to your face, and the grooves will not disturb you for a long time.

Session cost

Almost every beauty salon offers massage services, and It won't be cheap at all. The cost can be affected not only by the depth of the wrinkles, but also by the devices used by the specialist.

One session can cost about 200 rubles. If it is carried out by an eminent master, the salon has considerable popularity in the city and a lot of positive recommendations, the cost of manipulations can increase significantly and even reach several thousand rubles. This includes not only massage, but also a preparation procedure using special preparations, soothing and rejuvenating masks, which are applied at the final stage of manipulation.

It is precisely because of the cost of the sessions that it is better to massage at home, on your own. The effectiveness will be no worse, especially if you adhere to all the rules of the procedure and use skin care products.


Despite the fact that facial skin massage is considered practically harmless, there are a number of people for whom it is completely prohibited. There are not so many contraindications, but they must definitely be studied so as not to get unpleasant surprises in the form of complications.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out manipulations in the following cases:

  1. large birthmarks on the face;
  2. the presence of warts on the skin;
  3. herpes at the development stage;
  4. open wounds, injured skin;
  5. inflammatory process occurring on the face.

Particular care should be taken by ladies with overly sensitive skin. - if unpleasant and even painful sensations appear during the procedure, be sure to refuse manipulations.

We should not forget that it is quite difficult to get rid of nasolabial folds with one massage, even the most effective one. You can speed up the process by eating right, changing your lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. This will certainly affect the condition of the face - it will become fresh, blooming, without hated wrinkles.

Useful videos

We remove nasolabial folds.

Beauty is given to women from birth, but it is very difficult to preserve it, especially with age. Wrinkles around the mouth are the most difficult to correct; they are also called nasolabial folds and “sorrow lines.” An effective means of eliminating and preventing these imperfections is massage. To learn how to massage your face from nasolabial folds, just read this article and watch several useful videos.


Popular types of massage

To date, many ways have been invented to remove nasolabial folds. Different countries have their own methods of combating such wrinkles. Cosmetologists from all over the world share their experience in performing procedures. Today the following are considered especially in demand:

  1. Japanese massage for correction of the lower part of the face;
  2. Indian Ayurvedic effect against nasolabial folds;
  3. bodyflex for the face, developed by Grill Childers;
  4. Aerobic exercises Carol Maggio.

The causes of nasolabial folds can be very different: aging of the dermis, lack of nutrients, genetic predisposition and others. Depending on them, you should choose a set of exercises. Is it possible to remove nasolabial folds without leaving home and without resorting to expensive procedures? This is quite possible if you act intelligently and correctly.

  1. If folds appear due to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, it is necessary to use predominantly the Indian technique. To do the exercises, sit in front of a mirror. Place your index finger over your upper lip. Place the middle finger of the same hand under it. Slide your fingers from the middle of your upper lip to the top of your ear. Massage the opposite side of your face in the same way.
  2. Japanese massage is universal. It is suitable both for correcting facial nasolabial folds at home and for eliminating age-related changes in the skin. The ribs of the palms are used to perform the exercises. Following the massage lines, you need to run your hand over the skin from bottom to top. The number of repetitions is not limited.
  3. Combined massage is especially popular. It includes classic manual manipulation along with gymnastic exercises. When performing it, it is important to breathe correctly: inhale deeply and exhale slowly. You can alternate between puffing out your cheeks, rolling air from one side to the other inside the mouth, pressing the tongue on the mucous membrane, and gently kneading the muscles with your fingers.

A decrease in the depth of nasolabial folds can be noticed after 2-3 weeks of active exposure. If you use cosmetics in addition to exercises, the results will appear even faster.

Stages of massage

For massage to bring long-awaited results, it is important to perform it correctly. The technique will come with experience, but the correct algorithm must be learned at the very beginning. Any manual intervention includes several stages.

  1. Cleansing the skin of cosmetics and impurities. During the massage, the pores expand, and if there was dirt on the surface of the face, it will immediately penetrate into the epidermis and worsen its condition.
  2. Warm up. It is necessary to prepare the facial muscles for massage. To do this, stroke the area to be corrected with your hands and knead it a little with your fingertips.
  3. If massage is combined with facial gymnastics, then you need to do the exercises first. Manual influence is carried out last, because it has a calming effect.
  4. At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the nasolabial folds and let the skin rest for 2 hours.

During the massage you need to use cream or natural oil. Extracts of shea butter, jojoba, wheat germ and other soft aromatic esters are perfect for this procedure.

Performing a massage at home is not only useful, but also pleasant. To learn this art, you should watch several video tutorials. We suggest starting with an introduction to a very effective technique - Shiatsu massage. The technique has ancient roots and is successfully used all over the world, including to combat nasolabial folds.

Nasolabial folds are a problem that can affect not only older women, but sometimes even quite young people. The grooves stretching from the wings of the nose and reaching the corners of the mouth do not add attractiveness to anyone and make the face look older.

Where do nasolabial folds come from?

In reality, there can be many reasons for the formation of nasolabial folds. They often occur in very emotional people with active facial expressions. Due to some facial habits, for example, the habit of smiling frequently, the muscles responsible for maintaining the “nasolabial area” are in hypertonicity. The spasmed, shortened muscles of the cheekbones seem to twitch the middle area of ​​the nasolabial fold, this leads to the formation of a kind of dense cushion between the upper lip and the lower eyelid. Such muscles need to be straightened and smoothed; massage and special exercises will help to do this.


Facial muscles may be lacking tone and weakened, that is, they may be hypotonic. In this case, the nasolabial folds look sluggish and gently hang down. This occurs due to lymphatic or venous congestion. Such muscles also need to be toned.

The appearance of nasolabial folds can be triggered by the habit of sleeping with your face buried in the pillow, regular swelling (even those that form due to heavy drinking shortly before bedtime), sudden weight loss of 5 kilograms or more, age-related changes, bad habits, lack of facial care , heredity.

Many people are concerned about how to remove nasolabial folds at home. Unfortunately, this is not so easy to do. In order for the skin to acquire the desired condition, you will have to work hard and, perhaps, even use a whole range of measures, consisting of normalizing nutrition, daily facial care, the use of additional cosmetic procedures (masks, creams, rubbing with ice cubes, etc.), special massage or exercises.

Exercises for nasolabial folds

When deciding how to get rid of nasolabial folds, first of all, you should pay attention to special exercises. Facial gymnastics will help strengthen the necessary muscles, as a result of which the skin will tighten and unsightly wrinkles will smooth out.

Do the exercises in front of a mirror; this will allow you to monitor your facial expressions, which will prevent the occurrence of additional wrinkles. Before starting gymnastics, wash your hands and clean your face.

  1. Place your index fingers at the corners of your lips, slightly stretch your lips to the sides (about 0.5 mm), then return them to their original position. Repeat forty times.
  2. Extending your pursed lips as far as possible, say “oooh,” then open your mouth slightly and say “oooh.” Do it twenty times.
  3. Inhale through your nose, then gradually release the air through relaxed lips, slightly stretching them forward.
  4. Take air into your mouth, puff out your cheeks and start rolling it from side to side.
  5. Take the cheekbone muscles with your thumb and index finger as if you want to pinch them. Slowly extend your smile and hold for five seconds. Do it ten times.


  6. Bend both lips behind your teeth and insert a tablespoon into your mouth. Slowly lift the spoon when you reach the top, smile using your cheeks, and hold this position for a while. Perform a couple of sets of ten times.


  7. Place your palms on your cheeks, with your little fingers on the line of the nasolabial folds. Use gentle pushing movements to press upward with your hands. Perform for 60 seconds.


Gymnastics Carol Maggio

An excellent way to rejuvenate and eliminate facial defects is Carol Maggio's exercises. Among them there is one that will help eliminate nasolabial folds. It is performed as follows:

  1. Sit up straight.
  2. Imagine two dots - one in the middle of the lower lip and the second in the middle of the upper lip.
  3. With your mouth open, pull the points back so that your lips form an oval. At the same time, they should be pressed tightly against the teeth, but only so that wrinkles do not form around them.
  4. Imagine how the energy moves from the corners of your mouth along a line to the wings of your nose. Move your index fingers along this line. Having reached the wings of the nose, imagine that the energy is returning downwards, follow it with your index fingers.
  5. Continue moving up and down, gradually increasing the imaginary energy, until you feel a burning sensation in the nasolabial folds.
  6. Start quickly tapping the crease line with your index finger. It is necessary to do thirty such taps.
  7. Slowly release air through closed lips.


There is another way to do it

  1. Stand or sit with your back straight.
  2. Try to pull the muscles of the skull back and up.
  3. Open your mouth slightly so that your lips form an oval, while pressing them tightly against your teeth.
  4. Rub your palms until they feel warm.
  5. Start slowly moving your palms with your fingers together up and down just above the lines of the nasolabial folds. Do not touch your skin with your hands, but keep them close enough to feel warm.
  6. As you move your palms, imagine that there is a viscous substance underneath them, which seems to glue your hands to the skin and under its action the folds are smoothed out.
  7. As soon as a feeling of tingling and warmth appears in the skin (usually this happens after about thirty seconds), quickly move your palms up and down over the folds. As a result, you should feel a strong heating of the skin.
  8. Place your palms on the skin areas at the corners of your mouth and gently, holding the skin, close your lips.
  9. Remove your palms, relax your lips and blow smoothly through them.
  10. In a chaotic manner, lightly tap the pads on the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

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This exercise is suitable for eliminating nasolabial folds both with hypotonicity and hypertonicity of muscles. It is non-contact, it involves more visualization and muscle-brain communication, so it can be considered absolutely safe. However, despite its simplicity, this exercise is very effective and, when performed correctly, seems to erase the wrinkles.