Foot massage: benefits and methods of application

We move a lot every day, from our morning routine to constant running at work, shopping and other errands. All this leads to various ailments on the legs, which experience heavy loads every day. On the other hand, more and more people are sedentary and overweight, which also affects muscle function. In addition, there are vascular problems that lead to problems with the veins in the legs.

How can foot massage help?

Stiffness, swelling of the lower extremities, fatigue, pain: there are many ways to get rid of these negative symptoms, and one of them is foot massage. One of them is foot massage. Such treatment can be carried out in specialized centers or at home, even independently.

Foot, calf, thigh - all parts must work well for the lower limb to be healthy. Foot massage is an effective way to tone muscles and blood vessels. It also allows you to relax after a busy day.

When massaging the lower extremities, various techniques are used that affect certain muscle groups and nerve endings. Massage was widespread in Ancient China and India, where people who mastered the art of massage were especially valued.

What was used and when? Our feet are divided into several parts, each of which has different nerve poles and endings. Most of the nerve endings are concentrated in the feet, which together form common reflex zones. They are associated with specific systems of the body, which makes it possible to influence problem areas and positively influence them.

Possible with foot massage:

  1. eliminate swelling and fatigue in the legs;
  2. restore and improve blood circulation;
  3. activate the brain (memory, attention);
  4. strengthen the immune system;
  5. improve digestion and appetite;
  6. strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  7. improvement of hormonal function;
  8. increases skin elasticity;
  9. elimination of spasms and pain.

Foot massage techniques and techniques

In medical practice, more than 20 different massage techniques and techniques are used to massage various areas of the lower extremities. Massage is carried out in 3 main areas:

  1. hip;
  2. shin;
  3. foot.

The result is obtained by the amount of pressure applied to each point. Some masters work in the style of gouache and shiatsu, using special tools.

The most common types of foot massage are called:

  1. Therapeutic or rehabilitation massage. It allows you to correct dysfunctions and reduce muscle recovery time and avoid atrophy.
  2. Classical. It serves to maintain muscle tone, improve blood circulation and vascular elasticity.
  3. Vacuum. This method uses a special device that increases skin elasticity, removes toxins and accumulated harmful substances from the body, and improves blood circulation.
  4. Anti-cellulite. This procedure is used to eliminate the "orange peel" effect on the thighs and buttocks. This helps improve metabolism.
  5. Thai. This procedure, carried out by a master, uses a special technique and small sticks. The focus of this treatment is on relaxation. It opens the chakras and restores the flow of energy.

According to ancient belief, the feet contain important energy points through which life flows. During the massage, not only physical but also emotional rejuvenation occurs.

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