How to train your memory during your daily walk?

Dear readers, I think each of you understands that in addition to working on the muscles, it is also necessary to develop the brain. This article will tell you how to train your memory during your daily walk, thereby combining useful and pleasant things. The effective methods of not just anyone, but Cicero himself, have long been adopted by all the leading intelligence services of the world... Have I intrigued you? Then attention, let's go...

Leading world scientists have long proven that our brain constantly needs training. The best way to keep the brain active are intellectual games, as well as exercises that process a large amount of information. What games are we talking about here? - from a fairly simple monopoly to chess with its many complex tactics and some special varieties of card games that require the application of probability theory to play successfully. However, all of these methods, although quite effective, require additional time, unlike the “Cicero method” discussed below, which you can combine with regular daily walks.

The method is quite simple and applicable in real life. These are not complex techniques that need to be studied in paid courses or programs. After reading this article, you can go for a walk and improve your intelligence, memory and concentration within half an hour.

The Cicero Method will help you boost your memory using a daily route (you can even use the route to work or the gym as a basis). Every day, walking to a public transport stop or taking your usual walk in the park, you practically do not pay attention to the static objects around you. Due to the daily repetition of the route, you have already memorized almost all the objects that come your way (especially houses, buildings or other static objects).

Now about the essence of the technique: How to train your memory during a daily walk? Follow the route again. Only this time, look very carefully at the objects around you - every building, pillar, tree, bush or road sign is important. Remember the shops and kiosks that you meet along the way. In general, everything that you pass by every day should remain in your head. Visualize your route in your head - it could be a map of the walk or a panorama like Google Street View, whatever you wish. Mentally “fix” each remembered object in its proper place on the map. Believe me, it won’t be difficult - you already know and remember well where and what should be.

If you find it difficult to mentally recreate a complete map at once, use some online maps. Let's say open Google Maps and plot your route in a panorama or graphically. Place special marks (located in the lower right corner of the screen) on the “control points” that you remembered earlier. Don't forget to look at the street name or house number near which the property is located. This makes it much easier to navigate.

Even if you just print out a piece of a map with points marked on it, you will have a three-dimensional, realistic picture of your routine route in your head. This will be the basis for applying Cicero's method. What is its essence?

According to experts of this technique, using a well-remembered sequence with associations will make it easy to remember any objects or terms. To do this, it is necessary to “fix” unfamiliar objects to well-studied control points that live in memory after a walk.

Let's say you need to learn a simple sequence of words: hat, dog, TV, eyes, closet, cashier, apple, briefcase.

To remember each of the items, you need to walk (physically or mentally, but the first option is better) along a given route. “Attach” each item to a control point on the map. It might look like this.

Imagine that someone forgot a bright red hat on a tree (outstanding images are much easier to remember). As you walk past your local store, imagine a dog waiting for its owner - be sure to imagine its breed and appearance. A bright large TV can be left in a completely unusual place - near a tree or in a kiosk with the press. Vivid and absurd details will help you remember objects even better.

Of course, these are only general recommendations for building a Cicero route. It is important to study and practice the technique, supplementing the general theory with useful subtleties and recommendations. Below are a few tips that will help you improve your memory many times faster.

All items on your route should be bright and memorable. The red hat and the huge TV are a prime example of this. A combination of information + emotion can improve the effect. Connect unfamiliar objects with your memories and feelings.

You must “attach” the list of words that you need to remember to objects on the map in the same sequence in which you encounter objects along the route. Otherwise, you will get confused and may miss some items from the list.

Complete each image with accompanying “anchors”. It could be a smell, a feeling or an emotion. The more associations you attach to a specific object or location where it is located, the greater the chance of remembering the object and its location the first time.

As a rule, Cicero's method works after the first walk. The practical value of such memorization is improving memory and intelligence. This is a kind of training for your brain. Don't forget that physical activity is no less important. Don't forget to take with you a list of items to remember next time you go to the gym.

Now you know how to train your memory during a daily walk, which means you can use your time twice as efficiently, training not only your body, but also your mind, which, you see, is not unimportant... Be not only strong, but also smart! And see you in the rocking chair!

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