Amino acids: how to make muscles grow and fat melt

When you come to a fitness club, you will definitely hear that a training person needs to take sports nutrition, including amino acids. And, of course, you will have questions about the advisability of taking them. Read our material about what amino acids are and why they are needed in the diet of those who want to build a beautiful body.


Amino acids are nutrients that make up all the proteins found in the body, including muscles. The body uses amino acids to build new tissue, restore, and produce various substances. If we talk about training in the gym, then amino acids are responsible not only for muscle growth, but also for the physical recovery of the body after exercise. Amino acids also contribute to the process of weight loss by burning fat.

Amino acids are divided into replaceable and essential. The body synthesizes nonessential amino acids itself, but essential ones must come with food.


The source of essential amino acids is protein. It is for this reason that your trainer has probably already recommended that you increase your daily intake of food that contains protein, or suggested purchasing ready-made protein shakes. It is logical that you will have a question: if amino acids are contained in protein, why do sports nutrition specialists suggest consuming them additionally?

The thing is that with regular and targeted training, the body especially needs a number of amino acids. And, yes, all these substances are contained in protein. However, as experts say, it is quite difficult to obtain their required daily intake from protein alone. The speed of absorption also plays a role: amino acid complexes are absorbed instantly and give faster results, unlike protein complexes.


In view of this, professionals recommend using amino acids during active muscle gain before and after training, as well as in the morning on the day of training. The rest of the time you should drink protein. It is also important to use amino acid complexes while losing weight in order to maintain muscle mass and speed up the process of fat breakdown. Due to the speed of absorption, amino acids will work better than protein complexes.

To understand which amino acid is responsible for what, familiarize yourself with their functions.

Essential amino acids:

Valine – helps increase muscle coordination.

Leucine – synthesizes protein.

Methionine – lowers cholesterol levels and causes fats to break down faster.

Isoleucine is an alternative source of energy during heavy exercise.

Replaceable amino acids:

Carnitine – utilizes fat deposits.

Glutamine is an additional source of energy.

Alanine is a blood sugar regulator.

Aspartic acid – fights body fatigue.

Tyrosine is an antidepressant.

Cysteine ​​– strengthens connective tissue.

Arginine is responsible for the production of growth hormone.