Cheek puffing from nasolabial folds reviews

After turning 30, wrinkles appeared on my face. Maybe you can get rid of them without surgery or any injections? experts

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Just inject. I'm thinking about this myself.

it will only stretch the skin

Gymnastics? You just don’t know what nasolabial folds are.
I have hereditary + age. I did it 3 weeks ago. Satisfied. There is a result. They promised that it would last 6 months, but I doubt it - time will tell.

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it will only stretch the skin

Gymnastics? You just don’t know what nasolabial folds are.
I have hereditary + age. I did it 3 weeks ago. Satisfied. There is a result. They promised that it would last 6 months, but I doubt it - time will tell.

Use fillers and you will be happy

Use fillers and you will be happy

Gymnastics? You just don’t know what nasolabial folds are.
I have hereditary + age. I did it 3 weeks ago. Satisfied. There is a result. They promised that it would last 6 months, but I doubt it - time will tell.
What did you do?

Cantieni gymnastics, massage with a silver spoon over the cream along the massage lines in a circular motion, licking the fold with the tongue from the inside, inflating air under the fold and rolling around the mouth. Mix Svoboda factory cream plus a spoonful of olive oil, solcoseryl ointment once a week, panthenol spray at least daily. Do not strain your facial muscles, do not make grimaces, relax your lower jaw, do not purse your lips. And no fillers are needed.

Yes, I have been using bonatox since I was 30 years old. The sooner you start, the less you need to fix. This serum works like Botox, but without weighing down the skin. Thus, the problem area gradually relaxes and wrinkles are leveled out. If they are barely noticeable, then you can generally restore your skin to its ideal condition. Try. But I can immediately say that this is luxury care.

There is a filler patch from the LiBriderm series, it’s very good, it helped me remove wrinkles like that, be sure to read about it either on the LiBriderm website or on the AireCommend website, there are also reviews and a full description of how to use it.

Why invent something if there are fillers? Immediately a smooth face. The effect is enough for me for 2 years.

Only spies will help you! I can recommend a cosmetologist. Her name is Aida, by the way, she is highly praised on the forums and I also join the girls. her phone 89055643650
page on the ubiquitous Instagram kosmetolog_aida

I use skinlite gel pads to eliminate wrinkles in the nasolabial area. They have the following composition - collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamins A and E.. They actually help. But I started as soon as I noticed the problem.

Gymnastics will not help if they have already appeared. A facial massage may give some results if they are at the initial stage, but that’s all. Then there are injections. And I don’t see anything wrong with them. I had fillers done at Beauty Park and I don’t know grief))

Of course it's difficult. There is a wonderful Altera apparatus. I did it myself at the Ana-Cosmo clinic. I recommend going there for a consultation.

your Altera is complete garbage, I did it 2 times, everything is as it was, even though I’m not 40 yet

Of course it's difficult. There is a wonderful Altera apparatus. I did it myself at the Ana-Cosmo clinic. I recommend going there for a consultation.

Cantieni gymnastics, massage with a silver spoon over the cream along the massage lines in a circular motion, licking the fold with the tongue from the inside, inflating air under the fold and rolling around the mouth. Mix Svoboda factory cream plus a spoonful of olive oil, solcoseryl ointment once a week, panthenol spray at least daily. Do not strain your facial muscles, do not make grimaces, relax your lower jaw, do not purse your lips. And no fillers are needed.

Have you been doing facial gymnastics for a long time, what is the effect and when did it appear? I’m 39 years old, I’m also thinking of quitting all cosmetology and taking up gymnastics, please share your experience. Thank you

It’s difficult without injections, of course. Alginate masks work well in this area, I also tried the Hyaluronic patch-iller from Libriderm, it’s not a cheap pleasure, but without injections.

fillers are the simplest and fastest, alginate mask Collagen and massages are also not bad, but longer.

The only way to get rid of it is with fillers or threads, but the situation was significantly improved by taking a course of alginate mask Collagen and Patch-filler
with microneedles of hyaluronic acid.

Facial gymnastics and alginate masks are very good, the Libriderm Collagen alginate mask gave good results.

The Collostomy was removed wonderfully, a lot still depends on the cosmetologist. I had it done by Yulia Orenburg [email protected]. She does it herself and the result looks like she is 33, but looks at most 22. I also did lipolytics, all my life I have been tormented by a tubercle in the lower abdomen, in 4 sessions deflated and relief appeared

It seems to me that I can’t do without injections. It’s better to go and have this procedure done by a beauty surgeon. I did contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds in Moscow for only 30 minutes and everything was completely painless, and the problem was solved. To anyone interested, I can recommend Alexandra Vdovin, an excellent specialist in this field!

The Collostomy was removed wonderfully, a lot still depends on the cosmetologist. I had it done by Yulia Orenburg [email protected]. She does it herself and the result looks like she is 33, but looks at most 22. I also did lipolytics, all my life I have been tormented by a tubercle in the lower abdomen, in 4 sessions deflated and relief appeared


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Program against flabby cheeks and nasolabial folds (shortened version)

So, what is the reason why nasolabial folds and ridges form?

Firstly, posture plays an important role here. : if you constantly retract your neck, hunch over, or work while bending over something for many hours a day, a gradual deformation of almost all zones occurs: the skin “gets used to” “flowing” down when tilted or gathers in folds on the cheeks when the neck is retracted, the back surface of the neck shortens , the chest drops, the condition of the neck muscles changes, the platysma, which is directly connected to the lower third of the face, and so on - the whole structure as a whole changes - after all, everything in our body is interconnected. You need to start looking for any reasons from posture flaws, and start gymnastics for the face with exercises for the back and neck (I won’t give them, there are many of them, some can be found on the Internet). You need to take a profile photo and monitor the position of your head, as well as correct it with exercises. Sometimes nasolabial folds appear precisely because of poor posture and neck tightness.

Further. Muscles.

Typically, the cause of nasolabial hypertonicity is in the muscles of the nose, the muscles that lift the angle of the mouth, or the levator labii superioris, and less often in the zygomatic, cheek and jaw muscles. Moreover, you may not notice these hypertonicities. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is change your facial habits (especially the habit of clenching your jaw and pursing your lips), and also relax your muscles. In mild cases, massage helps relieve tension. Also, the cause of the formation of nasolabial folds is very often hypotonia (flabbiness) of the zygomatic and (or) cheek muscles.

In order for the cheeks to be elastic, we need to harmonize the cheek muscle, the laughter muscle, the levator anguli oris muscle, the zygomatic muscles and the “canine muscle”. But the cheeks should be helped by the “framework muscles” - the auricles, temporal muscles, masticatory muscles, occipitofrontal muscles, aponeurosis (tendinous helmet under the scalp). If they are not used to working with you (flabby or very tense), they also need to be given attention, in addition to the cheek muscles. There are exercises for these muscles in classic face-forming. Training muscles does not mean pumping them up. They just need to be revived: stretch some of them, remove clamps and blocks, give others tone and elasticity, gently influence their beginning and end, lay them out anatomically correctly, remind them of their youthful position and condition, make movements opposite to the usual tensions, vibrate more often, massage (without stretching the skin and rough impact without the supervision of a massage specialist!). If there is no hypertonicity in the cheek muscles, you can slightly pump up the zygomatic and cheek muscles, but without fanaticism. If the face is young and the problem is not very pronounced, face forming (or other similar techniques) and massage are enough. If there is inactivity and non-bulge in the area of ​​the cheek apples, then the zygomatic and cheek muscles, as well as in some cases the muscles that lift the angle of the mouth and the upper lip, can be toned.

Basic exercises for the cheek muscles.

1. The very first thing: to train the cheek muscle (the main area of ​​which is located in the center of the cheek) it is most effective to inflate the cheeks for 30-60 seconds (maximum), and then deflate them slowly, resisting deflation with the cheek muscle. You can also roll the air in a circle in your mouth around your lips, inflate your left cheek, then your right, then your upper lip, then your lower. This can be done daily, several times a day, as well.

2. “Lifting the corners of the mouth” from the Evelyn Gunther Pechot complex.


Smoothes the nasolabial fold, lifts the corners of the mouth.

Perform no more than 3 times a week and only if your facial habits have not previously included similar muscle movements - otherwise this exercise can cause harm.

The muscle that lifts the corners of the mouth and the zygomatic major works.

We place a finger in the corners of the lips and press them to the skin (lightly).

We push the corners of our lips slightly upward, lifting them and trying to push our fingers away, fix the muscles for 20-30 seconds in this tense position, then remove our fingers and relax the muscles. Repeat 2-3 times.

If there are tubercles in the corners of the lips, especially if they only appeared with age (that is, part of the orbicularis oris muscle and the places where other muscles are woven into it are spasmed or deformed), the exercise cannot be done. Instead, the area of ​​the orbicularis oris muscle and especially the corners of the mouth should be massaged (gently, without stretching the skin).

3. More difficult: “Smoothing the nasolabial fold” from Gunter-Pechot.

Lifts the cheeks, makes them elastic, smoothes the nasolabial lips. The zygomatic muscles and the laughter muscle work.


Place the index fingers of both hands on the upper edge of the cheekbone.

Close your eyes and focus on your muscles.

Smile, but in such a way that your lips do not stretch into a smile, but the smile is obtained by tensing the muscles of your cheeks. Try to feel the tension of the muscles under your fingers on your cheekbones, this is very important.

“Freeze” in the most tense position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Perform the exercise only 1 time or 2 times for 30 seconds.

It is very important: mentally focus on the sensations in the area of ​​the “apples” of the cheeks. Try to imagine the working muscles of your cheeks.

At the beginning, when you are just learning the exercise, do not close your eyes right away, first look at yourself in the mirror: if creases appear in the “crow’s feet” area during the exercise, experiment with the position and pressure of your fingers to find the optimal finger position for yourself, which should prevent the appearance of creases. If your finger length allows, place an extra finger on your crow's feet to prevent the skin from wrinkling.

Possible mistakes: if the movement of the cheeks occurs due to the tension of the lips, the exercise will be ineffective.

Second version of this exercise:

Place your fingers on the top of your cheeks (on the “apples”), and at the same time make a small “proboscis” with your lips (you should adjust its size in the mirror so that there are no creases).

Tighten your lip muscles a little, as if you were saying something between o and y, and at the same time contract the muscles of your cheeks under your fingers upward, under your eyes. Try to feel the movement of each muscle of the upper cheeks - the zygomatic major and minor, levator anguli oris, levator upper lip.
You should feel tension in the upper part of the cheeks on the cheekbones, in the chin area in the orbicularis oris muscle.
Repeat 10-15 times.

The third version of this exercise (from K. Maggio)


Open your mouth, stretch it down in the form of an oval (do not strain your lips and jaw too much), the upper lip is stretched over the teeth. Place your index fingers, without pressing, on the apples of your cheeks. Smile 15 times with the corners of your mouth and upper lip at a waltz pace, feeling the tension in the muscles of your upper cheeks under your fingers. There should be no creases or wrinkles on the lips and in the eye area. If they appear, change the position of your lips or put extra fingers on the creases to press them and prevent the skin from wrinkled.

The jaw should not tense or hurt - we work with the muscles of the cheeks from the orbicularis oris muscle to the eyes and cheekbones.

All three variations of this exercise are strength exercises; they should not be abused so as not to create new hypertonicities, especially if there is tension in the area of ​​the lips and cheeks. This exercise will help greatly tighten the area of ​​the “apples” of the cheeks and slightly improve the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, but if you do not eliminate the tension in the jaw, chin, lips and (or) nose (depending on where the cause of your nasolabial folds lies), it alone will not help get rid of nasolabial folds.

If the masticatory muscle tenses during this exercise, be sure to relax it after the exercise: open your mouth wide down, then wide to the sides, and blot your palms over the masticatory muscle with your mouth open.

4. exercise “Frame” (“Formation of the oval of the face”) from Benita Cantieni:


How does “facial oval shaping” work?
Stretches the face as if on a frame: up, down and to the sides. “Shaping the oval of the face” is an ideal starting exercise. Activates the most important points that form the face, and thereby prepares the entire head muscles for exercises for its individual parts.
How to find points
First, use your middle fingers to activate the pinna points in front of the ear using 30 light pulses. Then place the middle finger of your right hand on the frontal point. It is located approximately three finger widths above the bridge of the nose, below the hairline. The middle finger of the left hand lies exactly in the hollow of the chin. Now send pressing impulses, with the finger on the forehead very lightly stretched upward, and the finger on the chin slightly downward. Within a minute.
In the second step, place the tips of the little fingers at the height of the lower lip, a finger's width outward from the corners of the mouth, and the middle fingers on the ear points. One minute of “pulsing pressure.”
You can enhance the effect if during the exercise you consciously pull the root of the tongue back and gently press the tip of the tongue on the palate.
For oral points, you can add gentle upward-backward tension to the pulsating pressure.
How does it feel?
“Shaping the oval” trains the “suspensory muscles” of the face, and therefore there should be a feeling of stretching on the frame.

5. Harmonization of the zone.


Cantieni's cheek exercises can be done daily. For example, these:

Raising the corners of the lips
Feel the space above your upper lip. Above the corners of the lips you will find indentations formed by the intersection of muscles. Place the tips of your index fingers on them. Your thumbs should rest on the hollows above the top edge of your ear. Don't press too hard with your fingers. Extend your elbows and relax your shoulders. Do more than 80 pulsations in the back-to-up direction. If you have learned to enjoy the work of the muscle that raises the corner of the mouth, pulse as much as you like.
This exercise smoothes the skin around the mouth and lifts the cheeks.


Shaping the cheeks
Press the heels of your palms to your chin. The tips of the middle finger touch the hollow in front of the ear (ear opening). Gently pulse your palms back and forth 80 times. At the same time, with an effort of will, pull your ears towards the back of your head.


Smoothing the cheeks
Find a small indentation one finger's distance under the corner of your lips and press it with your little finger. Place your ring finger on the lower edge of the cheek bone in the middle of the cheekbone. The index and middle fingers stop on the hollows in front of and behind the ear. If you have small hands and grip is difficult, simply place your fingers on the cheekbone. Gently pulse your fingers 60 times, lifting your cheek back and up. Displacement of fabric - no more than 2

7. Additional techniques from nasolabials:

  1. licking the fold from the inside with the tongue for 1 minute 1-2 times a day, exercise “imaginary dental braces” from New Faceforming: imagine how the dentist puts a bracket on the upper jaw and begins to move it apart, as if pushing the teeth apart (then the same with lower jaw) - in this case, a barely noticeable movement of the muscles in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial folds and chin should be felt.
  2. rubbing the wrinkle itself in the nasolabial fold with light movements without stretching the skin (with two fingers we fix the beginning and end of the laugh line, with the other hand we rub it lightly, no more than 1 minute.
  3. Zogan (Asahi) massage also helps many people cope with nasolabial problems, expelling lymph, waste and swelling from under the skin, affecting indirectly the muscles as well. BUT! It should be used with caution - it can make your face look very thin. Therefore, without fanaticism - 2-3 times a week is enough, no more than 3 repetitions per 1 exercise of the complex. It is not suitable for thin faces as it can make the face look even thinner. To improve the condition of your skin, you can use any massage that you have or can get from a massage therapist. This is a mandatory part of the program, just like working with muscles.

Some of the provocateurs of nasolabial deformities and cheek deformities may be: creases during sleep (they can be massaged immediately after sleep so that they do not get worse) spasm of the dog muscle (it needs to be removed by massage and light stretching by 2-3mm) or, conversely, lack of tone in it, spasm of the triangular muscle or worsening malocclusion, constant squeezing lips, jaw clenching. Therefore, monitoring jaw relaxation during the day and before bed should be a mandatory exercise. Diagonal breathing from Cantieni’s New Faceforming can help with this (for example, mentally inhale through the chin and exhale through the cheekbones (10-20 times), while you should feel the movement of muscles and even bones), shake your head at a fast pace for 1-2 minutes , relaxing the face and allowing the mouth area and cheeks to “hang” from side to side, as well as exercises for jaw alignment, which Laine Buter discovered in various sources:

1. Gently lower your lower jaw to failure. Check with your finger the formation of the parotid cavity - this is a depression at the bottom near the outer and outer edge of the ear, where the jaws meet (you can place two fingers: one directly under the earlobe, the other in front of it. You should feel a slightly elongated hole under your fingers, reminiscent of a bean in shape ). Slowly and carefully close your mouth, trying to maintain this ideal position of the oval (that is, the jaws in relation to each other). Note: to control, you can lightly place your fingers on the place where the depression was.

2. Exercise “Velvet”.

Lips together, teeth not touching. The jaw is relaxed. The tongue touches the upper palate freely. Keeping your jaw, lips and tongue tip motionless, pull the root of the tongue back. To enhance the effect, you can quietly hum “mmmm” and direct your humming back, too, to the back of the head. At the same time, you will feel like the curtain of the palate - the “small tongue” - has lifted. Hold for 2-3 seconds and relax. Repeat 10 times. helps remove clamps from the back of the lower jaw and neck, improves head position, and allows stimulation of the occipital region. The exercise is enhanced by a vibration technique (mooing), since in movement the muscles are much more accustomed to consolidating a new skill.

You can also use short and simple gymnastics, widely circulated on the Internet:

  1. form your lips into a tube and stretch them out as if making the sound “oo-oo-oo”;
  2. repeat the sounds A, O, Y, U, I and others loudly and expressively in front of the mirror;
  3. Puff out your cheeks strongly and hold them in this position for several seconds. Then release the air and relax your cheeks;
  4. open your mouth as wide as possible and round your lips;
  5. push your lower jaw forward and squeeze your lips tightly;
  6. pull your cheeks in between your upper and lower teeth;
  7. alternately puff out your cheeks;
  8. puff out your cheeks and release the air in small separate bursts.

Each of these exercises should be repeated 15 times.

Remember that the causes of nasolabial problems are not the same among people! There are no universal exercises! Select them according to the condition of the muscles of your face!

It is advisable to perform any exercises 5 times a week for 1-3 months. If you like the result, you need to maintain and improve it by exercising 2-4 times a week. You can devote 1-2 hours to a full-fledged facial program once a week, and on the remaining days do light exercises (puffing out your cheeks, face-forming pulsations, relaxation exercises)

We'll talk about techniques for removing clamps next time.

Exercises for nasolabial folds

Not only women, but also men do exercises for nasolabial folds. Are they really that effective? Smiling causes wrinkles to appear on the face. This can happen even at a young age.

First of all, nasolabial folds appear, which make a person older. But by performing special exercises, you can reduce these wrinkles.

Rules for performing exercises

To get rid of nasolabial folds, you should perform certain exercises that you can do at home. Before you start classes, you need to consider some rules:

  1. Before exercise, you need to wash your hands and thoroughly cleanse your face.
  2. When doing exercises, you should straighten your back. You must be in a standing or sitting position.
  3. It is recommended to practice in front of a mirror. In this way you can protect yourself from additional creases.
  4. At the end of each exercise, the facial muscles should be in a relaxed state. At the end of the session, lightly pat the skin of your face with your fingertips.
  5. To better notice the result, it is recommended to photograph yourself every week.
  6. It is necessary to refuse exercises if there are contraindications. Classes are prohibited in case of viral skin pathologies, inflammation of the facial nerve, the appearance of pustules, an allergic reaction, or active rosacea.

Classic exercises for nasolabial wrinkles

Special exercises can help get rid of nasolabial folds. Exercises will provoke the strengthening of the necessary muscles, so wrinkles will begin to smooth out and the skin will tighten. Here is a list of popular exercises:

  1. The cheeks are strongly inflated, after which they are sharply deflated. It is worth repeating such manipulations a dozen times.
  2. The lips are pulled forward, folding into a tube. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds, after which the muscles relax. This exercise is repeated 10-15 times.
  3. The index fingers are placed on the corners of the lips, which are stretched in different directions by half a centimeter. After that they are returned back. Such manipulations are done 40 times.
  4. The lips are folded into a tube and extended forward as much as possible. A person pronounces the sounds “u” and “o” alternately. The exercise is repeated 20 times.
  5. The lower jaw protrudes forward. By applying force, the lips compress, after which the muscle tension is clearly felt. Such movements are repeated a dozen times.
  6. Inhale through the nose. The lips should be relaxed and extended forward. Air is slowly released through them.
  7. A breath is taken and the cheeks puff out. The air is transferred from one side to the other.
  8. You need to take a deep breath, puffing out your cheeks. First, you hold your breath, after which you need to exhale in portions, pushing out the air.
  9. The muscles of the cheekbones are taken with two fingers. Gradually the person begins to smile and freezes in this position for 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  10. A spoon is inserted into the lips clamped behind the teeth. After this, it gradually rises, and the person tries to smile. You should stay in this position for a few seconds. These manipulations are repeated 10 times.
  11. Palms are placed on the cheeks. The little fingers are placed on the nasolabial folds. 1 minute hands move up, pressing on the skin.

To better understand exercises for nasolabial folds, it is recommended to watch the video at the link:

Using the bottle

There is another effective exercise for nasolabial folds using a bottle. Despite its unusual nature, you can achieve good results with it.

To begin with, you should get a small plastic bottle. For beginners, a container with a capacity of 0.5 liters is suitable.

The third part of the bottle is filled with water. Then it is placed on any surface. After this, you need to try to lift it with your lips, but you cannot use your teeth.

You must remain in this state for 20 seconds. It is recommended to try to carry out the maximum number of repetitions.

There is another effective exercise that involves using a bottle. It should be empty. Its volume does not matter; a two-liter container is ideal.

Initially, all the air from the lungs is exhaled. After this, the lips grab the neck of the bottle without using teeth. Next, you need to take a deep, maximum breath. The bottle will begin to shrink.

You need to stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. After this you can exhale. It is recommended to repeat the exercise until your lips get tired.

This exercise with a bottle is only shown in this English video:

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to massage the inside of the nasolabial folds with your tongue. Exercises with a bottle show excellent results, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the Internet.

Kremlin gymnastics

There are other effective exercises to help get rid of nasolabial folds. They are called Kremlin gymnastics. It is recommended to carry them out in front of a mirror. This will help control all movements.

Here is a list of exercises:

  1. The mouth opens wide. All vowels are pronounced in any order. You must try to pronounce sounds clearly.
  2. For the next exercise you need to prepare a pencil. It gets squeezed between the teeth. With your chin extended, you draw the number 8 and circles in the air. It is worth drawing 10 imaginary figures.
  3. The open mouth should resemble the letter "O". The upper lip leans against the teeth as strongly as possible. If you watch yourself in the mirror, you can notice the smoothing out of wrinkles.
  4. The index fingers are placed in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. They should be pressed well. Next, 5 times they move up 1 cm. After this, the movements should be directed 1 cm down. It is worth noting that fingers should not touch the eyelids and lips.

After the manipulations, you need to take a short break. After this, you should repeat the exercises for 5 approaches. This gymnastics is easy to perform. If you do this regularly, you can achieve good results.

Evgenia Baglyk recommends a very interesting and effective exercise technique for nasolabial folds; a video with them is presented below:

Yoga for the face by Lourdes Doplito

Yoga from Lourdes Doplito will help eliminate nasolabial wrinkles and strengthen the muscles in the neck area. To do this, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  1. The upper lip is held with the index finger and thumb. After this, she pulls down 5 mm. The thumb is located inside the mouth.
  2. The air is inhaled deeply. Eyes must be open. After this, you should smile well, but no wrinkles should appear while smiling.
  3. Breathing is held for several seconds.
  4. After a slow exhalation, an entry is made again with a breath hold.
  5. Next, you need to exhale slowly, wait a couple of seconds and repeat the exercises three times.

Yoga is performed with open eyes. But, if during execution folds appear under the lower eyelid, then you can close your eyes. Also, do not put too much pressure on your lip with your fingers.

Exercises by Carol Maggio

Carol Maggio's exercises are considered quite effective. They help to rejuvenate and eliminate certain defects, as evidenced by the photos before and after the completed course of classes.

Also, such gymnastics includes exercises that help remove nasolabial folds. To do this, you should carry out the following manipulations:

  1. A sitting position is assumed. The back should be straight.
  2. Next, two points are figuratively drawn, located in the middle of the upper and lower lips. They are pulled back until an oval is formed. The lips should be pressed against the teeth, but care must be taken that wrinkles do not appear near them.
  3. Next, you should relax and imagine the movement of energy from the corners of your mouth to your nose. You need to move your index fingers along this path. When they go down, you need to imagine how the energy returns back to the corners of the lips.
  4. Such manipulations are repeated until a burning sensation is felt in the area of ​​nasolabial wrinkles. After this, you should tap these folds with your fingers 30 times.
  5. Finally, you need to slowly exhale through your mouth.

This is not just one version of the exercise. It can be done in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to take a sitting or standing position and pull the muscles of the skull back.
  2. The mouth opens again until an oval is formed. The lips should be pressed well against the teeth.
  3. Next, rub your palms together to feel warm. They are placed above the nasolabial wrinkles, but do not come into contact with the skin. After a while you should feel warmth from your hands. It is necessary to imagine how wrinkles are smoothed and skin rejuvenated.
  4. When the radiation of heat is clearly felt, you need to quickly move your hands in different directions. After such manipulations, you should feel the skin warming up. After this, the palms are placed on the nasolabial folds and the mouth is closed.
  5. To finish, you need to relax, blow through your lips and tap on the wrinkles.

Such exercises become real helpers when folds form due to hypotonicity and hypertonicity. It is important to learn how to perform them correctly using the visualization method.


To get good results, it is recommended to supplement the exercises with massage. The point method is of great benefit.

You need to sit or stand in front of a mirror. The back should be straight. The mouth opens until it becomes an oval. The lips press well against the teeth.

Visually lines are drawn from the nasolabial fold along the cheeks up and to the sides. The middle fingers move along these lines, pressing on the points.

You need to try to press hard, but there should be no pain. In this way, not only the skin is felt, but also the muscles. You need to apply pressure on the points so that the skin does not shrink.

It is recommended to repeat the massage several times in a row. This must be done 5 times a week. If this procedure is carried out correctly, then you can notice a rapid reduction in wrinkles. Even if a person achieves a positive result, one should not forget to periodically massage the skin as a preventive measure.

Question answer

Is it possible to improve the condition of facial skin with exercises alone?

Does exercise help get rid of wrinkles?

What are the causes of nasolabial folds?

Prevention of nasolabial folds

To prevent nasolabial wrinkles from appearing for a long time, you should follow these rules:

  1. On sunny days, it is recommended to use protective creams. This should be done even in winter.
  2. It is worth taking good care of your face, providing good cleansing and deep nourishment.
  3. It's better not to sleep on your stomach.
  4. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water daily. This volume is distributed throughout the day.

If wrinkles nevertheless appear, and exercises do not help, then you should lean toward radical methods of combating nasolabial folds.

Effective masks and traditional methods as a supplement

To improve the effect of exercises on nasolabial folds, you can use proven popular methods, which are also easy to use at home. To do this, you must follow these rules every day:

  1. In the morning, wash your face with warm water. After washing, wipe the desired area with ice. It should be frozen in advance, using decoctions of medicinal herbs. Many people take St. John's wort or chamomile for this purpose. After such manipulation, do a simple set of exercises, which were described above.
  2. Before resting at night, use a warm compress. Initially, brew green tea and add olive oil to it. Soak cotton pads in this mixture and apply them to the problem area. The compress should remain on the skin for about a third of an hour, but every 5 minutes you need to wet the cotton pads, as they should be warm.

Masks using natural ingredients will benefit the skin and reduce the signs of age:

  1. Fruit applications. To do this, the selected fruit is cut and placed on the nasolabial area. Bananas, apples, peaches are beneficial. This application lasts for a quarter of an hour, and finally the face is smeared with moisturized cream.
  2. A useful decoction. Take about 15 bay leaves and add water (a third of a glass). All this should boil and stand on the fire for 5 minutes. The prepared broth is cooled slightly, then 1 tbsp is added to it (0.5 tsp is required). l. olive oil, 5 quail eggs, less than 1 tsp. burnt alum. All this is applied to the face for a third of an hour. You need to use the mask for 3 days, after which you take a break of up to 5 days.
  3. Massage with sour cream. You can also use cream. The face is pre-cleansed and steamed. The selected product is applied to it and a massage is performed. For example, you can use the secrets of Carol Maggio.


Many people have already tried exercises for nasolabial folds and appreciated their benefits. Here are some reviews:


“I sleep on my stomach quite often, which is probably the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles. I was advised to try Carol Maggio's exercises.

The result amazed me. The nasolabial folds actually became smaller in just 5 weeks, the oval shape tightened, and the bags under the eyes disappeared. I told my mom, she also started classes and is already noticing positive changes.

To better understand the technique, I downloaded the author’s book and watched various videos. In addition to exercises, I also did facial massage.”


“Of course, every woman wants to look great even after 50 years. But age-related changes make themselves felt. I decided to carefully take care of my appearance.

I read reviews from other women and looked at photos of their results. After that, I started using various masks, doing massages, and also did not forget about exercises.

After a month of hard work, the nasolabial folds became less noticeable and my chin tightened. I am satisfied with the result and will continue my studies.”


“When I looked at photos of women who did exercises for nasolabial folds, I decided to try it myself. I've been training for 6 weeks. During this time, the wrinkles decreased, I looked 5 years younger.”

Expert opinion

Elsa Borodina

plastic surgeon

Often the cause of pronounced nasolabial folds is ptosis of the midface with enlarged Bisha lumps. You can fight them by doing Tanaka gymnastics. This technique is aimed at increasing the tone of the medial muscles of the face and facial muscles of the mouth. Bish's lumps noticeably decrease within two months with daily training.
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Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

I recommend taking a comprehensive approach to the problem. In addition to exercise, do not forget to cleanse your face and use suitable cosmetics. I advise you to apply sunscreen before going outside, do not sleep on your stomach and drink plenty of water.
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To get rid of nasolabial folds, you don’t have to resort to radical methods. Special exercises can help in this case. Having mastered the technique of performing them, you can noticeably rejuvenate your face.