Working with limit and sub-limit weights

Previously it was indicated that the more an athlete performs snatch and jerk exercises (with a barbell weight of 70% or more), the greater the increase in results. Even more closely related to performance is the number of barbell lifts of 80% or more, and finally, the number of barbell lifts of 90% or more most closely related to achievement. Therefore, special attention should be paid to planning lifts of the barbell with submaximal and maximum (90% or more) weights in snatch and jerk exercises. It has even been scientifically proven that working with maximum and sub-maximum weights is the best means of preparing an athlete to increase his competitive performance. However, it is important to understand some basic principles... Let's look at them in this article...

For junior athletes, for a continuous increase in results, a small number of lifts of submaximal and maximum weights in snatch and jerk exercises is enough (in combination with lifting medium and heavy weights). To achieve continuous improvement in performance, skilled athletes need to perform as many of these lifts as possible. That is why, already in the preparatory period, it is necessary to model the upcoming competitive activity, and, therefore, include snatch and push exercises in training not only with large, but also with submaximal and maximum barbell weights. All the necessary equipment for this will be provided to you, for example, by Bodybuilding - a sports club near your home. An excellent choice for both beginners and pros...

It must be remembered that the main goal of training is to lift as much weight as possible on the barbell in the snatch and clean and jerk. At the same time, do not forget about sports nutrition and quality rest. Here, by the way, is an interesting review of sports nutrition that will answer all your questions if you still have them. Also, special means for a speedy recovery such as a sauna, massage and others will help you. Remember: working with maximum and sub-maximum weights is a huge stress for your body. Therefore, see your doctor regularly and do not forget about self-control. Always measure your pulse, blood pressure and other objective indicators.

The table in the previous article shows the number of barbell lifts of submaximal and maximum weights for individual weight categories in various exercises. The heavier the weight category, the lower the average number of such lifts in snatch and jerk exercises. However, fewer lifts for athletes in heavier weight categories has a clear effect in increasing results.

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