Rubber hand expander - my eternal companion

Let me ask you one question, our dear male readers: what distinguishes us, men, from women. In fact, there can be many answers here, because we really have a lot of differences. But there is one answer to which I now want to draw your close attention: what distinguishes a real man from a woman is his strong, steely, masculine handshake. So what? After all, it’s only our custom for men to shake hands; women don’t use this option of greeting each other, well, maybe only athletes...

So, our main question is: what does it take to have a truly powerful, unbreakable, unbreakable handshake? The answer is insanely simple and obvious: you need to immediately go to a sports store and buy yourself a rubber wrist expander for compression. Fortunately, this sports equipment now has a whole range of consumer advantages:

    1. He cheap, - costs mere pennies. Tell me any sports product that is more expensive than this. Well, maybe table tennis balls and mouth guards for boxers;
    2. easy to make – in fact, these are ordinary cast, colored, round pieces of rubber of varying degrees of hardness;

  1. available – due to its low cost and ease of manufacture, its production is on a wide scale. If it’s not difficult to buy innovative exercise equipment, special clothes for bodybuilders, and newfangled sports nutrition, then buying some kind of rubber mug is a piece of cake. In any run-down general store you can find a huge number of different specimens of this projectile for every taste and color, with a load level: from a baby to an arm wrestling champion;
  2. compact - this is, perhaps, the most important trump card of the rubber wrist expander. Miniature size and virtually no weight allows you to put it in your pocket and carry it with you all the time. And this in turn adds another plus to us: mobility;
  3. mobility. I don’t know about you, but I’ve probably been carrying a brush in my jacket pocket for 10 years in a row. And what? It’s very convenient – ​​it’s small, doesn’t interfere, and doesn’t take up much space. But when your hands are free, you take it out and press it. For example, you are traveling on public transport, and you are doing the next approach, you are sitting at a boring lecture at a university, and you are pressing on the tires. But let’s be honest, even on a date you go with a girl, talk, and combine business with pleasure. The main thing is not to start counting out loud, otherwise you might inadvertently get a slap in the face...

Basic exercises with a rubber ring.

How to train with the help of the sports equipment we are considering?

Everything is again extremely simple: we do several (5-6) approaches alternately for each hand, 10-100 repetitions in each. Rest breaks between series are extremely minimal, as when training the abdominals. The number of repetitions in a set, as well as in other physical exercises, is determined by your goal:

  1. Few repetitions with impressive resistance - to build strength.
  2. Lots of repetitions with light resistance to build endurance.

Therefore, think carefully when choosing a brush, which degree of hardness most optimal for you.

Also a very effective technique when training your palms and fingers is changing the working rhythm: alternate your usual measured compressions with ultra-fast compressions of the projectile. For example, if you normally do 60 compressions per minute, try to do the same number of repetitions, but within 30 seconds. Ultra-slow concentrated compressions are also very effective. You can also combine these modes: for example, do 60 quick repetitions, and then squeeze the ring and hold it in this state for a minute, and then, without resting, do another series of repetitions, and so on several times in the cycle.

In general, don't be afraid to experiment. And let your palm become stronger than granite over time - the palm of a real man!

Well, about other options for manual expanders, of which there are also incredibly many (spring, spherical, spiral, tongs), read about all their pros and cons in our detailed review.

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