Rollons, scrambled eggs, dumplings and bodybuilding - a miracle of symbiosis!

I’ll tell you today one instructive story... It happened back in the dashing 90s, about 15 years ago, when I was still a student. It was in those good old days that we learned about bodybuilding and the art of creating our own unique muscular body, which was discovered to us, and to the whole World, by the great Joe Weider...

There was one boy among us, his name was Antokha. He, like our entire company, became violently infected with bodybuilding. Without missing a single lesson, with great enthusiasm and sparkling eyes, he went to the rocking chair, and there he “just tore”: he pulled everything in a row until he was completely exhausted. In general, I lived in the gym! And he left there only when they kicked him out...

But bad luck, despite all his efforts and zeal, there was still no progress in muscle growth... Of the whole company, for some unknown reason, he was the only one who did not progress. There was even some regression...

We still couldn’t understand: why isn’t Antokha growing? Well, everyone has grown up, but he hasn’t. The answer revealed itself when I accidentally came to visit my friend... At the moment of my arrival, Antokh was being devoured by both cheeks by Rolton, freshly poured with recently steamed boiling water...

It turned out that our friend completely ignored such a concept as proper nutrition for a bodybuilder, and ate all sorts of dumplings, scrambled eggs, the same Rollons, in general, cheap semi-finished products and offal, and absolutely did not read their composition, number of calories, fat content, usefulness, etc., etc.... Well, that's right, a student after all. There isn’t enough money from the stupa to live on, so you have to eat whatever you have...

I explained to a friend that food and nutrition are just as important aspects of bodybuilding as training. That bodybuilding is not just stupid lifting of iron until exhaustion, but that it is a system! Way of thinking! Lifestyle! And training alone is not enough. Need to:

  1. and train correctly,
  2. and eat rationally,
  3. and have a good rest,
  4. and lead a healthy lifestyle,
  5. and maintain a daily routine,
  6. etc…

After my explanatory conversations, Antokha understood everything, threw all the remaining dumplings and instant noodles into the trash, and began to take the previously “minor aspects of bodybuilding” more seriously... And with this, his progress in muscle growth immediately came...

This means what was the root of his evil - incorrect, irrational nutrition. Remember: cheap dumplings and bodybuilding are incompatible! If you have already embarked on the path of building your body, then be kind enough to select appropriate building materials - high-quality ones. But you can’t build a normal body on cheap semi-finished products, chemicals, soy and all sorts of by-products! Tested by my friend Antokha.

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