Handlebar sizes, types and varieties.

Since childhood, each of us has been familiar with these ladders, worn to the metal by our palms: horizontal, angular, stepped, figured - in the form of a wave or a snake, and the most complex - almost strictly vertical. How we loved to play catch-up or “barik” with them during breaks and after school. In this review, we will remember what they are, their main varieties, and we will try to figure out how to make such a structure ourselves for our homemade yard sports mini-town.

The main types of stairs for walking on hands:

Ring monkey bars - these are two welded metal square frames made of gas pipes with an average diameter of 70-80 mm with a side of 3.0 ~ 3.5 m. They are connected by crossbars 40-60 cm long at a height of approximately 1.35 ~ 1.55 m from the ground. Two crossbars 1.5 m long are also welded to the lower corners of the frames, which are dug into the ground. At the same time, hooks are attached to the upper sides of the frames (tightly welded or threaded through through holes and clamped on top with nuts), onto which they are suspended using chains or cables. rings (made of metal or wood) at a fixed distance of 100 ~ 150 mm from each other (see diagram and dimensions in Fig. 1).

The metal structure can be replaced with a wooden one. In this case, a beam with a diameter of 10-12 cm is used. For greater strength, the frames are reinforced with corners or slopes from bars with a section of 5x6x10 cm. Once assembled, the handlebar, made of metal or wood, must be cleaned and painted with oil paint.

On the apparatus, movements are performed in a hanging position with a grip alternately for each next ring of one frame, through one or two rings on the same frame, for the rings of one and the other frame, with hanging pull-ups, raising straight and bent legs, etc. The emphasis of the impact is focused on the muscles back and muscles of the arms and forearms...

In the ground part they are connected by metal pins (welded or threaded into holes and clamped on both sides with a nut every 30-40 cm), forming a ladder; the distance between the frames is 40-60 cm. Three pillars are welded vertically to each frame, which serve as climbing poles. The structure is installed vertically in a trench to a depth of 1 m and concreted. Once assembled, the monkey bars are painted with oil paint.

The most common variants of a curved staircase for walking on hands are the familiar “snake” and “wave” monkey bars, familiar to us from childhood.

On the apparatus, pull-ups, push-ups, and hanging movement exercises are performed, legs bent, gripping the rungs of the stairs.

Circular monkey bars
- these are two metal circles (ellipses) with a diameter of ~3 and, accordingly, ~2.5 m, connected to each other by metal pins (welded or threaded into holes drilled in the circles, and clamped on both sides with nuts) every 30-40 cm along inner circle. Eight pillars 3 ~ 3.7 m long are cut from the gas pipes. Two ladders are assembled from four of them using pins. One end of each pillar is welded to the upper circular staircase, and the lower end is welded to the third circle with a diameter of 3 m (design sketch in Fig. 3). Once assembled, the circular monkey bars are dug 1 m into the ground and concreted. Painted with oil paint.

On the apparatus, exercises are performed in moving while hanging and hanging, bending your legs with a grip on the bars on vertical and circular horizontal stairs, as well as exercises in climbing poles.

Here is an example of a combined option: a classic horizontal ladder turns into a “snake handlebar” with rings for grip, then follows an inclined straight one with a short step of 45ͦ to the horizontal level, and the final element: a “wave handlebar”. Moreover, if all the constituent elements are joined to each other at an angle of 90ͦ, and thereby loop the structure, we will end up with some kind of unusual version of a circular sports staircase for manual walking.

Well, in conclusion, let us remind you that it is best to exercise on the sports ground in sportswear that is suitable for temperature and weather conditions, such as a windbreaker. In our opinion, this is an ideal option both for physical exercise and for relaxation and entertainment. Moreover, there is now a grand sale of Fred Perry jackets, where you can easily find the right one for yourself. Well, the discounted, promotional price, with the excellent, truly impeccable quality of this brand, will pleasantly surprise you. We recommend!

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