Superbodybuilding - train to the maximum!

When talking about novice bodybuilders, we usually talk about regular and not very intense training. This is understandable - beginners need to get used to the ever-increasing rhythm of the lesson and to the regime as a whole. But professional athletes are a different story. There are also those among them who not only train with heavy weights, but with very heavy weights, working to the limit of their capabilities, literally bursting from such training - this is called super training.

It's hard to say whether it's good or bad to train your body like a man possessed, using incredibly heavy weights. On the one hand, this is good, since it allows you not to dwell on previously achieved results - thus, the working weight is constantly growing, and with it the strength and endurance of the athlete grows. But on the other hand, such a truly hellish training regime can lead to very noticeable deterioration in health - and this may concern not only physiological negative changes, but also psychological ones. So, what exercises do real bodybuilding “fanatics” do?

And the workouts are still the same, only the weights change. Moreover, they change quite dramatically - two or even three times. At first glance, this does not seem like such a big change, especially since athletes begin to train not three or four times a week, but two. But taking a deeper look, you can understand why the training is called that way - on each training day, as many as two muscle groups are worked out, and the number of approaches and repetitions also increases noticeably. Thus, lifting the barbell to the chest in normal mode usually consists of two sets of 7-8 times, and in “super mode” - four sets of 10! This is a very noticeable change isn't it?

  1. Day 1: Bench press - chest, barbell row, block row - back, incline torso bending - abs, squats with a barbell and leg straightening on the machine - legs;
  2. Day 2: Barbell press - shoulders, standing barbell curls, dumbbell curls - biceps, French bench press - triceps, calf raises using weights - shins.

As you can see, athletes working in this mode not only increase weight, but also increase their strength and endurance - but for this they need to increase the amount of calories they consume and follow their diet more strictly. The use of sports supplements is mandatory here - the body simply will not have time to recover on its own, so it needs to be helped, especially with creatine-containing supplements.

Again, this training regimen is not suitable for every athlete - it can not only lead to exhaustion, but also possible death if the athlete does not have a sufficiently strong cardiovascular system and developed lungs. So this is something to consider when deciding to start super training!

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