Injuries in bodybuilding and fitness

In almost any strength sport, an athlete has the opportunity get injured. Fitness and bodybuilding, unfortunately, are no exception. The likelihood of getting injured when working with extreme weights, doing sudden pulls and jerks is quite high. One might even say that it is significantly higher than in many other sports disciplines.

To minimize the risk of injury, do the following:
  1. Make it a habit to always warm up before starting training, so to speak, to warm up your muscles. Always start your workout with an aerobic warm-up, such as 10 minutes of intense running on a treadmill or riding an exercise bike. Also, do not forget about the mandatory cycle of stretching exercises at least twice a month, and preferably once a week.
  2. Study the articles on our site, work on the theory and teaching materials of our experts - learn to perform the exercises correctly. If the technique of your exercises is incorrect, the risk of injury and a lot of problems will be very high, especially when working with serious weights.
  3. If you don’t have one yet, find yourself a sparring partner who can help you and back you up when working with significant weights. Doing the last, heaviest repetitions, when there is almost no strength left and you are significantly exhausted, you may not be able to hold the projectile on your own, and you will not be able to technically complete the exercise correctly - that’s when your faithful sparring friend will come to your aid. partner.

Let's list all kinds of injuries in fitness and bodybuilding.

  1. Lungs or minor injuries - this group includes sprained muscle, tendon or ligament. Such damage is not dangerous to your health. However, if this has already happened to you, then it is better not to take any more risks and stop strength training for a while! Don't make the situation worse! Wait until everything passes and you are back in proper sports shape. Some athletes absolutely do not want to wait until the muscle pain goes away, and continue to exercise through force... As a result, they get the so-called “chronic strain”, in which their muscles constantly hurt, preventing them from using the maximum load in training. This situation drags on for a very long time. The result is stagnation and no progress... Our advice: do not step on this rake. It is better to wait for some time, fully recover, and only then continue full-fledged training with renewed vigor. It will be right! Don't repeat other people's mistakes...
  2. Heavy or significant injuries in bodybuilding and fitness are tears of muscles, tendons or ligaments. Of course, this cannot be done without contacting the appropriate doctor. You may have to undergo surgery and stitch up. Again, some people let this matter take its course and do not contact medical institutions... They, not understanding the seriousness of what happened, naively wait until the pain subsides and the injury goes away on its own, but as a result, after this, they get deformation of the muscle tissue on the body. As a result, usually a limb or other part of the body can no longer function properly, and one can completely forget about serious loads on this injured part of the body. Consider: a person has earned a disability through his inaction. Therefore, never ignore acute pain, and if, in addition to it, there are also external signs or manifestations of injury: swelling, hematomas, bruises, sound the alarm and do not waste time - immediately seek medical help.. Remember: you only have one health! Cats have nine lives.

Practice your favorite sport wisely, since the most important thing a person has is his precious health! Many athletes get torn pectoral muscles, biceps or other muscle elements. And all thanks banal failure to comply with the simplest safety rules:

  1. before training they do not warm up the muscles and immediately begin to lift enormous weights,
  2. do not allow the muscular system to recover normally and come to its senses. The muscles have not yet recovered from the previous shocking workout, and they load it even more with a new, even more massive one.
  3. ignore the pronounced Krepatura, continuing to further aggravate the situation.
  4. periodically they do not do stretching exercises, massages and relaxing bath procedures that are so necessary for our muscles.
Strength exercises that have a very high chance of injury:
  1. Squats with a barbell - the main load falls on the knee joints, as well as on the back. Use a weightlifting belt whenever you do this exercise.
  2. Deadlift classic or straight legged. If the exercise technique is incorrect, and even with enormous weight, your injury is inevitable.
  3. Bicep curls on Scott's bench. When doing this exercise, you need to clearly select the optimal weight, since with a large weight it’s easy to injure your biceps.

If you do get injured, take a break for 2-4 weeks to recover normally. But after recovering and returning to the gym after an injury, you need to start with significantly lighter weights, and under no circumstances try to lift those same weightswho were workers before your injury - since your muscles will become unaccustomed to the previous working physical activity, and you risk getting the same injury again.

And famous Champion Bodybuilders are not immune to annoying injuries:
  1. Dorian Yates suffered a ruptured biceps, and after suffering an injury he was forced to leave his professional bodybuilding career.
  2. Kevin Levrone suffered two very serious injuries throughout his champion career: first, he tore his chest muscle, and then “earned” an inguinal hernia
  3. The list is far from complete, and many more famous athletes have suffered serious injuries throughout their stellar careers.

Here are the first signs of a serious injury in bodybuilding:

If during the exercise you feel a sharp pain in the target muscle group, you may even hear a crunch or crack, after which this area turns red and then turns blue (as a result of the rupture of muscle fibers, internal, subcutaneous bleeding opens) after which you will have a huge bruise throughout this entire area of ​​the body; - know: you can’t waste a minute - urgent hospitalization is necessary. Perhaps this is a muscle or ligament tear, or perhaps a complete rupture. In this situation, the appearance of deformation of the muscle structure in this area is usually immediately visually noticeable. If you have torn the pectoral muscle, a small hole will appear on your chest. Without wasting precious time, consult a doctor. You shouldn’t wait, hoping that everything will go away on its own - this is the mistake of many, even experienced athletes... If you apply in a timely manner, surgeons perform an operation, suturing the muscle, but if you apply too late, and a lot of time has already passed (for example, a month or more) later If your muscle breaks, then there will be nothing left to stitch. Precious time is lost, and your limb, or other part of the body, alas, will never be the same as before.

Remember: Anyone can get injured! And any beginner, and even an experienced professional, cannot be protected from it! And to avoid it and minimize its likelihood, please listen to our advice and recommendations. And God bless you!

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