Leg muscle trainer

The leg muscle simulator we are considering is designed for the selective development of the biceps and quadriceps muscles of the thigh.

  1. To develop the biceps femoris muscle, the athlete lies on a bench so that the knee joints are at the level of the hinge; pressing the heels on the bolsters, bends the legs, while the torso is motionless.
  2. In a sitting position during extension, the quadriceps femoris muscle is loaded.

The schematic diagram we provide shows the dimensions of the main structural elements. Let’s try to answer the question: “How to make a leg trainer yourself at home?”

How to make a leg trainer?

This machine consists of a welded frame (1), inside which weights move vertically along guides. A bench (2) is attached to the frame. On the free side, a lever mechanism with soft rotating rollers (3) is attached to the bench using a hinge. At the edges of the bench there are two pairs of handles. The lever mechanism is connected to weights through a cable and three blocks.

As you know, this machine is effectively used for isolating the thigh muscles. It is for this reason that it is actively used at the drying stage, when the athlete’s physical work is aimed at 100% getting rid of subcutaneous fat and giving the muscles maximum definition. Also, to achieve this goal, bodybuilders add a lot of aerobic training to their training plan, such as running, swimming, and working on cardio equipment. Well, and of course, a good old bicycle is also very useful during this period, read more about it here. It has long been proven that daily cycling for just half an hour, combined with regular exercises on the machine in question, can give your hips a truly ideal presentation!

Well, in the off-season, when working on weight, the machine in question can be forgotten as such, because at this stage of training there is absolutely no need for isolated impact, and athletes are mainly interested in only basic exercises, such as squats and deadlifts.

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