The most safe simulator for an athlete is the Smith machine.

I think that any green beginner who has barely crossed the threshold of the gym hardly knows what a Roman chair, a Cattle bench, a Hack machine, and, of course, the exercise machine, which will be directly discussed in this review, are. But the Smith machine is not just a simulator. This is a conceptual solution that has in fact saved hundreds of lives and protects our health. But let's talk about everything in order...

Let's remember the three most important fundamental exercises from the “world of iron sports”, which are included in the so-called “Base”, and training with just these three already promises you significant success:

  1. I) Deadlift.
  2. II) Bench press on a horizontal bench.
  3. III) Squats with a barbell on the shoulders.

These three fundamental exercises are part of a qualifying powerlifting program! The so-called powerlifting, where the total maximum weight taken in each of these exercises is taken into account. At the same time, these exercises are the most labor-intensive for our body, because they involve the entire complex of muscles in our body, and, as a consequence of the above, they are the most traumatic.

And if with the deadlift everything is not so difficult - you can simply let go of the projectile at any time, then the other two exercises are not only dangerous to your health, but even life-threatening! In the entire history of “iron sports” there are countless cases of collapse, suffocation with a fatal outcome on the bench press. Also, numerous broken ribs and crushed chests are eloquent witnesses to this. And how many leg fractures and injuries to joints and ligaments there were during squats! Also, when working with super-heavy weights, athletes, rising from a squat, lost consciousness with all the consequences - falling from an almost vertical position with an apparatus onto the platform... What can I say? It has long been known that weightlifting disciplines are among the most traumatic in the world. In any case, the top ten definitely includes...

What is this innovation? - in fact, this is an improved power frame, which contains:

  1. guide rails. In fact, the neck of the projectile moves along them.
  2. amplitude limiters. By setting the minimum and maximum levels, you are not afraid of the projectile falling over or slipping out of your hands.
  3. as well as special mechanisms (pads, hooks, clamps) that allow you, in case of danger, to fix the projectile in any position of its trajectory by simply turning your hands (usually forty-five degrees).

In fact, the athlete, working in Smith, has complete control over the apparatus, and if something happens, he can interrupt the next iteration of his approach at any time, which increases the safety of such training tenfold.

Of course, when working out in the gym collectively, you can completely do without a Smith machine. For example, when bench pressing, a sparring partner can help you by standing above you and holding the barbell with a close grip. And when performing squats with super-heavy weights, take two partners to help you - one at each end of the bar. If something happens, they will help you overcome sub-limit, complex weights... But this is all good when you work out collectively, as a team. When you are alone in the hall, no one will come to your aid in difficult times. Unfortunately, there will be absolutely nowhere to wait for help...

Of course, there are some techniques that can help you get out of a difficult situation. For example, read here about what you can do if you are overwhelmed by the barbell on the bench press. However, all these methods are subjective, and it is not at all a fact that they can actually be applied in your specific case and with your specific weight. So, it's better not to take risks. When training alone with heavy weights, always work only in Smith! This machine will replace your missing sparring partners and provide backup in any situation.

Every self-respecting weightlifting gym and fitness club should have this machine. If for some reason it is not there, my opinion is that the gym is not serious, and it is better to refrain from training in such a gym. Because the machine in question must be in every little room.

In addition to the previously discussed basic exercises, it is very cool to do the following in the Smith machine:

  1. Seated press with a wide grip at an almost vertical angle.
  2. Shrugs with all kinds of grips (front, back).
  3. Calf raises for the calf muscles – you don’t need to spend a lot of effort maintaining balance.
  4. Bent-over barbell row - the machine eliminates cheating, concentrating the impact on the target muscles.
  5. Bench press with a narrow grip at different angles.
  6. and other exercises from the arsenal of fitness and bodybuilding...
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