Exercises for the butt

Do you want to have a beautiful, elastic, toned butt so that all the men around you will “break their eyes”? - then read this section “exercises for the butt” - the best recipes for creating a unique, appetizing, stunning heel of your body. No man can resist!

  1. How to pump up your butt? - an exhaustive answer.
  2. Do you know: how to pump up a girl’s buttocks in the gym?
  3. Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Exercises for the buttocks.
  4. Read more... Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Deep squats with a barbell.
  5. How to do deep squats with a barbell?
  6. Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders.
  7. Beautiful, firm, toned ass.
  8. How to do lunges correctly? Execution technique.
  9. Improving the butt and legs - a jump rope for cellulite.
  10. Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Deadlift on straight legs.
  11. Weightlifting exercise stretching, and all its variations.
  12. Stretching for cellulite at home.

How to pump up your butt? - an exhaustive answer.

I think everyone has at least once heard one famous Russian singer sing in her well-worn song of the same name: “And I have the most, most beautiful butt!” Why is she so beautiful? Yes, because she regularly works on it in the gym! And eats right! So she became the most beautiful! And a visually attractive butt is an excellent ace up the sleeve of every beautiful woman! Or rather, not even a trump card, but a weapon! And even weapons of mass destruction!

All! Enough water! What follows is just specifics. In this article you will learn how to pump up your butt. Moreover, we will try to cover all aspects of this issue:

  1. training in the gym and at home,
  2. with and without equipment,
  3. nuances of nutrition and recovery,
  4. results in an extremely short time,
  5. and other useful things...

So, the outline of the article is outlined, fasten your seat belts, we’re getting going...

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Do you know: how to pump up a girl’s buttocks in the gym?

When determining how to pump up a girl’s buttocks in the gym, you should pay attention to the effectiveness of the exercises and their traumatic potential. The selected exercises, with the correct technique, are safe and do not overload the knee joints and lumbar region.

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Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Exercises for the buttocks.

Everyone knows that spectacular, slender legs beautiful woman like a magnet attract male glances and are the center of everyone's attention everywhere. But toned, elastic female ass looks no less desirable And seductively, especially on the beach and even more so in short thongs. Unfortunately, most women have no idea what exercises develop elasticity and fit. gluteal muscles to give them sexy rounded shape. In addition, the majority of fitness center trainers, either deliberately or due to lack of experience and knowledge, cannot offer anything practical or really effective advice on this issue.

Read more... Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Deep squats with a barbell.

Part No. 2

Don't forget important key moment:  Yours back should always be straight, exclude all kinds of bending forward (at the same time as lifting your butt up) when lowering and, even more so, when rising from a deep squat.

How to do deep squats with a barbell?

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Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders.

Part No. 3

The exercise “lunges with a barbell on the shoulders” gives a great shape, fit and elasticity to the butt.

This exercise, for all its apparent simplicity and simplicity, covers a wide variety of auxiliary muscles involved in coordination And stabilization our corps. This includes pelvic muscles, And back muscles, And straight, oblique abdominal muscles press, and many other groups. Including, what is most important for us, this exercise is a great stretcher hamstrings, as well as the ones we need so much gluteal muscles.

Beautiful, firm, toned ass.

Part No. 4

How to do lunges correctly? Execution technique.

The initial position is actually the same as for squats.

Take a step forward, for example with your left foot. The step must be taken slowly and under control. Remember: excessive haste leads directly to ligament injury. Your length step should be done so that your front foot (in our case the left) becomes knee bent at a right angle. And the back leg (in our example, the right one) too formed a right angle and practically touched the floor with her knee. By “almost touched” it is meant that resting your knee on the floor is under no circumstances possible, since the exercise will lose all meaning.

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Improving the butt and legs - a jump rope for cellulite.

It is known that until the seventies, no one thought that cellulite was a problem. All the ladies actually had this defect, and no one paid any attention to it. Now the main goal of most women is to get rid of it. Sometimes it is even presented as a terrible disease from which even death is possible. Joke. It’s just that many are trying to make money on this, because this “problem,” including hidden ones, can be diagnosed in 98% of women. In principle, cellulite is not particularly harmful to health and does not cause any harm at all, therefore. But since you have decided to keep up with the times, in order to keep yourself in shape and get rid of it, it is quite enough to use such a low-cost tool from our childhood as a jump rope for cellulite.

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Beautiful, firm, toned ass. Deadlift on straight legs.

Part No. 5

What else can we use to build a beautiful, firm, toned butt?

This exercise kills three birds with one stone:

  1. Affects the spinal erectors,
  2. Trains and stretches the hamstrings,
  3. Thoroughly loads the gluteal muscles.

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Weightlifting exercise stretching, and all its variations.

The stretching exercise came to fitness and bodybuilding from the “world of weightlifting.” It is in this sporting discipline that it is most actively used. In order to lift an impressive weight, the athlete suddenly sits down in a step-up position, and then all that remains is to first hold the barbell with outstretched arms, and then get up from the squat... This technique allows you to overcome heavy weights that are actually inaccessible to other options for regular lifting.

The starting position or Spreading Stance is nothing more than a shallow variation of the lunge. A stationary position of the athlete, in which one leg is placed in front and the other in back.

What is a stretch exercise? – take the above starting position. As an option: left leg forward, right leg back. Perform smooth half-squats and rocking back and forth in the position you hold. Then change your stance: now your right leg is forward, and your left leg is back. Repeat all the above steps.

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Stretching for cellulite at home.

As you know, cellulite is the most unpleasant thing in the women's world, which sooner or later upsets every woman who does not take care of herself and is not into sports. Even if you are on a tight diet, you still have the annoying chance of earning that hated orange peel... What can you do? What to do? – stretching will help against cellulite. Just a few simple exercises, but performed regularly, will guarantee you an excellent appearance and, accordingly, a great mood...

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