Nuances of the competitive period in the preparation of a weightlifter.

We continue to study the nuances of the competitive period in the preparation of a weightlifter. In previous articles in this section it was already noted that high results can be achieved only after reducing the load volume and increasing (or maintaining) the intensity of the training. That is why during the competition month the training load decreases (on average from 1650 to 1200 lifts). The decrease occurs mainly due to exercises that do not directly affect the results in the snatch and clean and jerk (press presses, snatch rows and bent overs). In snatch and jerk exercises, the number of lifts of weights is reduced to less than 70%.

Reducing the load volume creates conditions for further improvement of speed-strength and other qualities, maintaining sports form and increasing it, and demonstrating special training for lifting submaximal and maximum weights in competitive exercises. The minimum volume of load and its intensity in the last week allows the athlete to fully recover and realize the sporting achievements achieved during training in competitions.

Do not forget to pay attention to those nuances that at first glance may seem insignificant to you. For example, a torn callus just before the competition can cost you the coveted step of the podium, which is repeatedly confirmed by the history of weightlifting. Also work the so-called auxiliary muscle groups - for example, the trapezius and the muscles of the forearms.

Despite the fact that the trapezius is sufficiently involved in the work both during the clean and jerk and during the snatch, additional shrugs in the classic and hack style during the competitive period will definitely not hurt you. They will give your movements more confidence...

Another point that I would like to draw your attention to is your grip and its strength. Because when working with maximum and extreme weights, it (this is strength) must be impeccable. Over the entire history of weightlifting, how many unfortunate sports injuries have been suffered by weightlifters of different ages, weight categories and levels of training - you can’t count them all! To avoid this, work on your grip regularly and continuously. Moreover, for this you need practically nothing: buy any wrist expander, even a cheap one. Ideally, it is best to buy force of hands - the most suitable tool for developing a powerful grip. Personally, I always keep it in my jacket pocket. I had a free minute and made an approach. But all my friends avoid me and are afraid to shake hands with me when they meet.

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