Exercises to develop leg strength on machines

Many girls, coming to the gym for the first time, do not understand quite correctly, and often completely misunderstand principle of operation one or another training devices. This article will help all young beauties make their legs more beautiful, graceful and graceful using standard exercise equipment aimed at pumping the muscles of the lower extremities. After reading this short article, you will now know exactly how each exercise machine works, and how to use it with maximum benefit in building your unique body and developing its strength and beauty...

Exercises for legs on a simulator “couch with a movable frame”

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach on the couch, legs together, heels held by the roller of the movable frame, hands grasping the edges of the couch. Bend your legs until your heels touch your thighs.
  2. Starting position - sitting on the edge of the couch, legs secured with feet to the lower bolster of the frame, hands grasping the edges of the couch. Raise your legs up and forward until your knees are straightened.

Exercises for legs on a simulator with a sliding transverse load of the device

  1. Starting position: standing. Squats, half-squats, step-ups, and jumping jacks are performed. Exercises can be performed with support from one or two legs. Can be performed with feet supported on a bridge of various shapes, placed in front or behind.
  2. Starting position: lying down. Leg extensions are performed simultaneously in all joints or only in the ankle, throwing weights with the legs or only with the ankle joint.

The effect of the same exercises on muscles can be different depending on the initial position of the practitioner in the lower support, as well as on the point of contact with the load, lifting in a standing or lying position.

Of course, the best option for training the thigh and calf muscles is using a barbell and heavy load weights. However, most of the fair sex are afraid of this massive and heavy iron. The use of specialized simulators in this situation is a real solution for them. It is convenient, practical, safe and very versatile. So, dear ladies, hurry to the gym, do exercises to develop leg strength, and in the summer we, the male half of humanity, will not be able to take our eyes off you when you gracefully flaunt by in short skirts or shorts... Well, the most hardworking and For the persistent ones, gorgeous bouquets of roses will be waiting for you from your loyal fans. And some of them, perhaps, will even decide to buy Swarovski paintings, pearls, diamonds or some other spectacular gifts for you. And all thanks to what? Thanks to your stunning legs! ...Dreaming? – and now run to the gym!!!

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