Bath for spa treatments

Many of us associate a spa with something very exclusive and intended exclusively for women who have enough money and can afford such luxury. Moreover, a one-time trip to the salon is rather a holiday for the spirit, while our skin needs regular care.

But why not have a spa treatment at home? The effect from them will be no less than if you visited a beauty salon. And how exactly to carry them out and what you will need for this, we will talk about this now.

SPA treatments at home

Each of us needs time for ourselves. A little peace, quiet and relaxing atmosphere. So let's grab a calendar and book a date for your home spa. You will need to spend about an hour, maybe two, in your own bathroom. Warn other family members that this time should be completely yours and no one should disturb you.

The first stage is diagnosis. Think about your skin's needs and what treatments it needs. As you know, completely different care is required for mature skin and oily skin prone to inflammation and acne. Do not forget that SPA is a procedure not only for the face, but also for the body and hair.

The second stage is the choice of cosmetics that you will use. Give preference to those that contain natural ingredients. This can be clay, essential oils, herbs, sea salt, thermal water or a cream based on sea healing mud.

Essential oils for home spa

Essential oils are used as a therapeutic addition to a bath or massage, and to create an atmosphere in which to relax. Which ones to choose depends on your taste preferences. You should like the smell. In addition, you should consider what effect a particular essential oil has.

Essential oils for SPA

Here are the properties of different oil mixtures:

  1. Green tea – patchouli. Refreshes, nourishes, soothes and softens the skin, reduces irritation.
  2. Ylang-ylang – cinnamon. Helps relieve fatigue, improves mood and has a strengthening effect on the skin.
  3. Sandalwood - lemon. Promotes the process of losing weight, reduces cellulite, improves regeneration and cell renewal.
  4. Cinnamon - orange. Especially recommended in autumn and winter due to its warming properties. Improves blood circulation in the skin and has a calming effect.
  5. Rosemary - lavender. Suitable for deep relaxation. It will calm and relax you, relieve muscle tension.
  6. Mint - juniper. Strengthens the immune system. It is especially recommended for colds, as it has a healing effect on the upper respiratory tract. In addition, it improves blood circulation.
  7. Pine. Increases concentration, relaxes and relieves stress, the refreshing aroma has a stimulating effect on skin functions.

Herbal baths for self-care

In addition to aromatic oils, it is also worth using various herbs while taking a bath. It is not always advisable to combine them with aromatherapy, because herbal baths have a strong aroma. Mixing different scents can result in an unpleasant odor. However, some blends of oils and herbs work great together. Baths with herbal infusions require a little more preparation, but they are much more effective than essential oils.

If you are interested in how to use herbs for self-care, then you can choose from the following list:

  1. Soothing bath: lavender, lemon balm, angelica, valerian, yarrow.
  2. Invigorating and strengthening bath: thyme, rosemary, chamomile, sage (if you have dry skin, add linden), peppermint.
  3. Bath recommended for skin inflammation and allergic eczema: chamomile, yarrow, violet, flaxseed, comfrey.
  4. Bath for acne and purulent infections: horsetail, violet, walnut, sage, mint, pine buds, oak bark, melilot.
  5. Bath for varicose veins: comfrey, calendula, chamomile, chestnut, horsetail.

Natural skin peeling at home

You can buy body and face peeling at any store. But be careful when choosing cosmetics for your neck and face. It is safest to use an enzyme peel or a gentle scrub. Remember that mechanical peels should not be used on acne-prone or hypersensitive skin. You can also exfoliate yourself at home. It will be more effective and safer than a drug purchased at a cosmetic store. Its advantage is that it contains only natural ingredients.

Actually, you have almost complete freedom in composing the composition of the peeling. Here are examples of such homemade mixtures:

  1. Coffee and cinnamon peeling. You will need ground coffee, you can take coffee grounds left over from drinking a cup of coffee, a teaspoon of liquid honey, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 5 tablespoons of olive oil. This mixture smells delicious, strengthens, heals and nourishes the skin.
  2. Salt peeling. You will need a handful of salt (preferably sea salt), olive oil and a few drops of your favorite scented oil. Salt in this case has an excellent exfoliating effect, improves blood circulation, tones and smoothes the skin, and accelerates the healing of small wounds.
  3. Sugar peeling. You will need the following ingredients for preparation: brown sugar, olive oil and essential oils of marigold and rosemary, a few drops of lemon juice.

The healing effects of clay

Clay masks have an amazing healing effect on the skin. They accelerate its regeneration, heal, refresh, improve skin tone, tighten pores and have an antibacterial effect. They are completely safe, so they are recommended for sensitive and even delicate atopic skin.

The use of certain types of clays depends on their composition, they also differ in color:

  1. Black clay is intended for oily skin.
  2. Green clay is suitable for oily and combination skin.
  3. Red and pink clay is used for sensitive allergenic skin prone to irritation.
  4. Yellow clay is recommended for aging, mature skin.
  5. Blue clay is ideal for normal skin.
  6. White clay helps in caring for sensitive skin.

Below in the table you can see what effect each type of clay has:

Home SPA program

When the day finally comes that you have decided to devote entirely to yourself, remember the good mood - light aromatic candles, whose light and aromas will additionally calm you, turn on relaxing music, brew a cup of your favorite tea.

Here is an approximate schedule of procedures for a home SPA program:

  1. First, a warm shower, under which you can perform an energetic body massage using a special massage mitten. This will warm up the body well and prepare it for further procedures.
  2. Facial exfoliation and body scrub to cleanse the skin and prepare it for the next stages of care.
  3. Taking a bath. It can be made herbal, with the addition of oils or sea salt.
  4. In parallel with water procedures, apply the mask to a cleansed face. It is better to do this with a brush, it will be easier and more pleasant to apply it.
  5. Don't forget about the skin around your eyes. She also needs care. Place cucumber slices or special patches on your eyes.
  6. Apply a hair mask. You can increase its effectiveness by putting a plastic cap on top and wrapping a towel around your head.
  7. After your bath, give yourself a body wrap. It can be an algae, clay or mud mixture. This procedure will moisturize and nourish the skin, tighten it and restore its elasticity.
  8. After wrapping, pamper your skin with balm or body cream.
  9. Apply serum or cream to your face.

A home spa is worth doing for beauty and relaxation at least once a week or two. Take time for yourself and make it a habit to care for and care for your body. Not only will you look great, but you will also feel better. Regular spa treatments at home will help you relieve fatigue, forget about stress, relax and strengthen your nervous system.

SPA at home.

Do you want to pamper yourself, but don’t have time to go to the salon? Then try setting up a spa at home. The bathroom is fraught with a lot of opportunities, not taking advantage of which is an unfortunate omission. The abbreviation SPA, or sanatus per aqua, translates as “healing through water,” so it’s not for nothing that in any SPA center the first thing you will be offered is water treatments - relaxing or, on the contrary, toning.


A bath is a wonderful remedy for both the soul and the body. However, for it to be beneficial, certain rules must be followed. First, remember: it is not recommended to take a bath every day; it is better to limit yourself to a shower. Frequent and long enough stay in hot water washes away the lipid-fat layer from the surface of the skin, thereby weakening local immunity and allowing bacteria access to the body. In addition, constant heating of internal organs can provoke an exacerbation of any chronic diseases and inflammatory processes.

Cool baths. Baths are hot, warm and cool. The latter perfectly tone up, improve metabolism and even strengthen the cardiovascular system. However, you should take them for no more than 5 minutes - take a dip, freshen up and, upon leaving, rub yourself with a towel. The water temperature should remain within +28-33°C. It is possible to make a cool bath the final stage of a warm bath.

Warm baths - the most pleasant and safe method. You can soak in water at +35-38°C for 15 or even 20-25 minutes. This procedure perfectly helps you relax, relieves stress and muscle tension, relieves insomnia and normalizes blood circulation. These baths are recommended for anyone who often gets colds, suffers from skin diseases or nervous system disorders. They have a minimum of contraindications and are most widely used in the spa industry.

Hot baths. As for hot baths, things are a little more complicated. Remember that they can only be performed on healthy people. If you complain of high blood pressure, metabolic disorders, or even just tired, the procedure will hardly seem pleasant to your body - after all, according to doctors, it affects us even more than a bath. Hot baths are usually considered to be those whose temperature exceeds +40°C. The maximum time spent in it is 10 minutes, and not a minute more! You can start the procedure with a warm bath (+37-38°C). The body cooks for 2 minutes, and then the water temperature should be gradually increased, bringing it to +41-43°C. You warm up for 3-5 minutes, and then get out of the water, dry yourself thoroughly, and get under the blanket. If you did everything correctly, over the next hour you will sweat profusely - this will remove all toxins and excess fluid from your body and improve your metabolism.

According to Cleopatra's recipe

Salt baths

Salts significantly increase the effectiveness of the entire procedure - they enhance metabolic processes to a greater extent, improve blood circulation, and make the skin smooth and elastic. It has also been found that salt baths increase immunity, normalize hormonal status, etc. increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet radiation, which immediately affects the quality of the tan. Yes, yes, it is precisely due to constant exposure to salty water at sea that you tan so quickly.

There are a great variety of bath salts. The most popular are sea and ocean salts - they saturate the skin with a lot of useful microelements, and due to the “seafood” content they can even be used in figure correction programs.

Ocean salt usually larger, but contains almost the same amount of all kinds of healing substances.

Sea salt. Among products of marine origin, Dead Sea products deserve special attention - these waters contain the highest concentration of salts and trace elements, so cosmetics based on them are of high quality and effectiveness.

Flavored colored salt - this is salt with the addition of natural essential oils, honey and glycerin, which perfectly softens the skin, making it soft and elastic. Supplements of this type are an absolute plus, because with them an ordinary bath turns into a real SPA ritual.

Bath salts can also be obtained by evaporating water from thermal springs (there is a corresponding source, for example, in Karlovy Vary) and some lakes (the most famous is Lake Baskunchak). They have a slightly lower concentration of beneficial microelements, but are also widely used in cosmetology, affecting the skin in the most positive way.

Choose salt based on your skin's needs. Study the packaging - it should indicate what beneficial substances are included in this particular product.

  1. For a relaxing bath, salts with extracts of lavender, oats and chamomile are suitable.
  2. Preparations with rosemary, citrus fruits, and wormwood will help you cheer up.
  3. For sensitive skin, products with chamomile, string and bromine are ideal.
  4. Dry skin needs sodium - it quickly and effectively restores the hydrobalance on the surface of the epidermis and minimizes the drying effect of hot water.

There are also several types of salt. One of the most convenient is filter bags, which are simply lowered into water and dissolved, and then thrown away along with the remaining sediment. Salts are also produced in tablets and - traditionally - in ordinary boxes, in bulk.


Our grandmothers also loved to take a bath with herbs, because various plant extracts have the most positive effect on the skin, and on the body as a whole, relieving fatigue, tension and stress.

  1. Sage and Chamomile After a hard day, it would be nice to treat yourself to a bath with an infusion of sage or chamomile (you can also mix them). All conifers - pine, spruce, fir - will relieve stress and bring harmony.
  2. Yarrow For cosmetic purposes, you can use nettle and yarrow (they reduce skin oiliness and have anti-inflammatory properties).
  3. Oak bark If your problem is excessive sweating, an infusion of oak bark will help.

During a herbal (as well as oil and even salt) bath, you should not use soap, shampoos, hair removal or other cosmetic procedures.

Making a scrub at home

Simple recipes

In order to prepare yourself a healthy bath, it is not at all necessary to use expensive products. Various products that you probably have on hand can also become ingredients in a beauty bath.

Ginseng bath
Fill the bath with warm water, put 3 bags of ginseng tea in there and dissolve 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Before plunging into the water, to enhance the effect, cosmetologists advise doing a little self-massage in front of a mirror - applying honey to your palms and patting problem areas. To take a ginseng bath, 5 minutes is enough. Thanks to the active plant components contained in ginseng, after such a bath the skin becomes smooth as silk.

Baths used for hydrotherapy and balneological procedures must meet a number of requirements: they must be comfortable for the patient and absolutely safe (this applies to both electrical safety and the ergonomic characteristics of the product), and ensure quick filling and draining of liquid.

The coating and fittings of the bathtub must be resistant to aggressive environments. In addition, the bathtub, equipped with various equipment, should operate almost silently and without vibration.

Choosing a bath for a SPA salon

Bathtubs for spa salons produced by Physiotechnica are presented in several models with a useful volume from 300 to 1035 liters: universal, balneological, for underwater shower-massage. The shape of the bed is flat or anatomical, depending on the purpose of the bath. The presence of a headrest ensures the patient feels comfortable during the procedure.

The coating of bathtubs intended for mineral water or other aggressive liquids is made of a special material that is resistant to corrosion. This makes it possible to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures using liquids of any composition (mineral, turpentine, hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine and others) and guarantees at least 10 years of operation. The standard colors of bathtubs are blue or white; at the customer’s request, the product can be painted in any color according to the RAL catalog.

Each bathtub model for a spa salon has several modifications and an extensive list of additional options: a system of nozzles for air and hydromassage, a device for saturating carbon dioxide (saturator), a lid for taking hydrogen sulfide baths, special fittings for working with aggressive media, additional taps, thermostatic mixer, etc.

A set of replaceable nozzles allows you to choose the type of jet and, accordingly, the type of massage effect. Some models can be equipped with the WaterLight LED chromotherapy system, which has a relaxing effect and enhances the overall effect of the procedure. To make it easier for the patient to enter the bath, there is a one- or two-level step with an anti-slip coating, included in the basic package.

Bathtubs are suitable for various types of spa treatments

Types of procedures that can be performed using spa baths from Physiotechnica:

  1. Balneological baths
  2. Underwater shower massage
  3. Hydromassage
  4. Aeromassage
  5. Kinesiotherapy
  6. Chromotherapy

The ability to combine different physiotherapeutic effects in one procedure allows you to achieve maximum effect. In addition, the functionality of SPA baths can be significantly expanded through additional equipment - for example, a spinal traction system. And if physical procedures are planned for patients with limited mobility, it is advisable to order a lift designed for this bathtub model.

Baths for spa salons from Physiotechnica

Our baths for SPA salons operate on a 220-240 V mains voltage; power consumption depends on the purpose of the bath and its configuration. The bath is connected to cold and hot water, a source of mineral water and/or compressed air (air compressor). Our company’s specialists will help you take into account all the technical nuances necessary to reliably and safely connect the bathtub to the customer’s communications, and decide on the choice of components and fittings. If necessary, an individual connection diagram can be developed.

Physiotechnica also offers water couches for dry hydromassage - this procedure is becoming increasingly popular and, unlike traditional hydromassage, can be recommended for people with various skin diseases.