Fitball exercises for pregnant women: a set of basic exercises.

General endurance of the body, elasticity and muscle fitness are the key to an easy birth. The expectant mother should not lead a passive life; it is important to go for a walk more often, visit the pool, do exercises, etc. Fitball exercises for pregnant women are also relevant.

A large gymnastic ball is called a fitball. It is made of a special elastic material. When damaged, it does not burst, but slowly deflates. You can lie on it, jump, use it to squat, perform a set of special exercises, etc. When using such a ball, discomfort during pregnancy is eliminated, and the likelihood of stretch marks is minimized.

The training is relevant for all expectant mothers, the exercises have no contraindications, and the exercises not only make childbirth easier, but also speed up the process of recovery of the body after the birth of the child.

Methods of exercising on a fitball for pregnant women.

During childbirth, it is important to be able to control the degree of muscle contraction. A fitball helps with this issue. Before starting training, you need to stretch your body for 5 minutes. As a warm-up, you can choose a slow step in place, light stretching, swinging your arms, tilting your head, etc.

Next, you should lie on the ball with your arms crossed. The upper part of the body should be placed on the surface of the ball without the slightest discomfort. The muscles of the abs, pelvis and back relax. This pose eliminates back and abdominal pain. Fitness for pregnant women involves simple exercises, but even in this case one should not forget about safety.

Next exercise: sit on the ball, find a stable position in which you can relax. Placement next to a wall is allowed. You should swing your pelvis to the sides, make movements in a circle, jump slightly, etc. This exercise causes a rush of blood to the pelvic area, relieves lower back pain, and eliminates excessive muscle tension. In the future, this will contribute to rapid opening at the time of contractions, which will speed up the baby’s progress along the birth canal.

If your stomach is small, you can lie on the floor, bend one leg at the knee at a right angle and place it on the ball. The other leg makes circular movements, similar to pedal rotation. After ten rotations, you should change your leg. This eliminates varicose veins, since exercise accelerates the outflow of blood from the veins of the legs.

Rocking on a ball is considered a very good exercise for severe back pain. To do this, you need to lie on it with your back, your arms relax and fall down. Helping with your feet, the ball rolls forward and back under your lower back.

To strengthen the abs, bends are done. To do this, you need to sit on the ball, spread your legs to the sides and bend them slightly. The body should be tilted so that the arms remain at the waist and are bent at the elbows. You can perform one or two tilts in each direction. From this position you can rotate the body. The exercise is done 10 times in 2 approaches.

Fitness for women is always relevant, but we should not forget about general well-being. If your pulse quickens, you feel dizzy, pressure or muscle pain, you need to stop training. It is recommended to go outside for air. It is better to breathe not very deeply, but measuredly.

It is important to understand that training with a gymnastic ball is not strength training, it is aimed at relaxing muscles and optimizing blood flow. It is necessary to eliminate tension, do not do many repetitions, and the body should not get tired. Sport also helps psychologically. By training, a woman will give birth easily, even if possible complications are predicted.

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